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Animal cells

Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell Membrane

You need to identify the different parts of a typical animal cell and relate the parts to the functions.

parts of animal cell:

cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

According to the cell theory, proposed over 150 years ago:

Most cells are very tiny and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. A human body is composed of billions of cells! The cells in the human body consist of blood cells, skin cells, brain cells and many others and each type of cells has different functions. Despite their differences, most cells in living organisms have similar structures and functions.


The nucleus is located in the cytoplasm of the cell. It controls and regulates all cell activities. It is the "control center" of the cell and it contains the cell's DNA. It has a similar function to the brain of the body which is helping to control eating, movement, and reproduction.

Lets summarise:

Animal Cell - Functions

Nucleus control centre of the cell stores information for cell functions Cytoplasm jelly-like, where cell activities take place Cell membrane thin, controls the substances that enter or exit the cells

Cheek Cells

Can you identify the parts of the cell? - cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm

Red Blood Cells

Human Muscle Cells

You need to identify the different parts of a typical plant cell and relate the parts to the functions.

parts of plant cell: cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and chloroplasts

Chloroplast Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell Wall

Cell Membrane

Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells. They are responsible for photosynthesis.
Every green plant you see is working to convert the energy from the sun into sugars during the process of photosynthesis. Chloroplast Plants are the basis of all life on Earth. They make sugars, and the byproduct of photosynthesis is the oxygen that we breathe. Chloroplasts are green because of the pigment chlorophyll.

Inside the cell, there is a large fluid-filled space called the cytoplasm. It is a jelly-like substance composed of mainly water as well as substances like dissolved nutrients. The cytoplasm is found in both plant and animal cells, filling the space between the nucleus and the cell membrane.


The nucleus is found in both plant and animal cells. It is located in the cytoplasm of the cell. It controls and regulates all cell activities. It is the "control center" of the cell and it contains the cell's DNA. It has a similar function to the brain of the body which is helping to control eating, movement, and reproduction.

Hydrilla Cells- Magnified

Can you spot the cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm and chloroplasts?

Onion Cells

Onion cell- Magnified

Can you identify the parts of the cell?

Cells in a leaf
stoma stoma

Cells in the stem


Differences between Plant and Animal Cells

Plant Cell
Plant cells contain chloroplasts to make food from solar energy during photosynthesis. Underground parts of plants usually do not contain chloroplasts. Plant cells contain cell wall.

Animal Cell
Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts.

Animal cells do not have cell wall.

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