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The Code of Emperor Dusan


However, not all in conquests. Nemanjic dinasty had somehow to run their country. How they did it and whom they rely? The story goes like this:
- The state has developed under the influence of both North and South. In the Middle Ages, the state controls the ruler (king, king, prince ...). He is the master of all country and all, in general, obey him. Each ruler tends to increase the influence and reputation, and so the Serbian rulers went from being a great mayor, through the position of the king, to the position of emperor. But the ruler could not have managed alone its territory. - State territory was divided into estates, run by the feudal lords (nobility). They ruled in the name of the monarch with absolute power over the population. In the cities, the king appointed governors, who ruled in his name.

- Big feudal lords and church representatives (clergy) have helped monarch that runs the country, gathered in the State council. Unlike the National Assembly in France and the Parliament of England, the Serbian dwellers did not included because the middle class is underdeveloped.
- Due to undeveloped road network, a monarch was difficult to reach all parts of the state. Because he had to rely on the feudal landowners. Territories on the borders managed the frontier lord. He took care of order and been amenable for violating the state border. Foreign traders and guests are guaranteed the safety of the Duan's Code. - Besides major feudal lords, the ruler relied on the church. As a major landowner with a lot of dependent population, the church has played an important role in creating the national community.

Town of Ras

Town of Maglic

- Lord of the conduct relied on the ruling class, great nobility and small landowners. Small landowners were more and they served as warriors, while the nobles were far fewer and they are managed the country and advised the rulers.
- However, the ruler and the ruling class had to manage population. That's a moment when the dependent population (serfs) appear. As class serfs are divided into landowners (meropch), village craftsman, Vlachs (itinerant herders, pastoralists), sokalnik (perform various tasks for the masters), otrok (lowest rank, the most difficult tasks). Besides the basic operations, serfs had a special work (jobs) to do, by the law.

- With a few words I try to explain who influences whom in the Serbian society. The ruler had a direct influence on the large nobles, small landowners and the high clergy, and the peasants of their personal possessions. Also, the craftsman and traders are under his protection. Clergy performed spiritual influence at all, and directly managed the serfs on church property (metoh). Large lords ruled over the small nobility and serfs on their land. Small nobility managed just serfs on their land. The depending population did not manage with anything, it must obey those who are above them by priority. - Quite a solid overview of the Serbian society in early 14th century, portrayed in the movie Dorotej.

Koznik, Town of Jerina

Town of Golubac on the Danube

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