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Danger Signs Maternal Danger Signs

High or Low Fetal Heart Rate Meconium Staining Fetal Acidosis Hyperactivity

normal fetal heart rate ranges only from 120160 bpm. Lower than 120 is termed as fetal bradycardia, and higher than 160 is fetal tachycardia. Both are danger signs. Another important sign is late or variable deceleration pattern on the fetal monitor.

in a fetus with a cephalic presentation, meconium staining is a sign of fetal distress. It may indicate fetal hypoxia causing increased motility of the fetus GIT. In breech presentation, staining may be normal but it should still be reported to the physician.

using scalp capillary technique, blood analysis can be made during labor. A pH of below 7.2 indicates acidosis and is a certain sign of fetal distress.

this may also indicate hypoxia is occurring. Normally, fetus is quiet and barely moving during labor.

Rising or Falling Blood Pressure Abnormal Pulse Inadequate Prolonged Contractions Pathologic Retraction Ring Abnormal Lower Abdominal Contour Increasing apprehension

BP of the mother normally rises slightly in the second stage of labor due to the pushing efforts. A decrease in BP is also a danger sign for it may indicate an occult intrauterine hemorrhage.

normal average pulse rate is 70-80 bpm. It normally increases slightly during the second stage of labor. Tachycardia usually indicates impending shock.

when contractions become less frequent, less intense and shorter in duration, this may indicate uterine exhaustion or uterine inertia. It must be corrected or else a CS must be performed.

an indentation across a womans abdomen, where the upper and lower segments of the uterus join, may be a sign of extreme uterine stress and possible impending uterine rupture.

distended bladder, which can displace uterus and cause uterine atony. It may also be injured due to the pressure of the fetal head and vice versa. Uterine atony- is a condition in which the muscles of a woman's uterus lose their tone and their ability to contract after childbirth. Severe hemorrhaging and low blood pressure can result, presenting a number of additional health problems.

A woman becoming increasingly apprehensive despite clear explanations of unfolding events may actually be approaching the pelvic division of labor. She also may not be hearing because she has concerns that has not been met. Increasing apprehension needs to be investigated for physical reasons. It can be a sign of oxygen deprivation or internal hemorrhage.

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