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Settling and Floatation Part 2


Particles settling in a water column may have affinity toward each other and coalesce to form flocs or aggregates. These larger flocs will now have more weight and settle faster overtaking the smaller ones, thereby, coalescing and growing still further into much larger aggregates. The small particle that starts at the surface will end up as a large particle when it hits the bottom. The velocity of the growing flocc will therefore not be terminal (constant or one, but changes as the size changes. Because the particles form into flocs, this type of settling is called flocculent settling or type 2 settling.

Flocculation = Particle Growth with Time


Because the velocity is terminal in the case of type I settling, only one sampling port was provided in performing the settling test. In an attempt to capture the changing velocity in type 2 settling, oftentimes multiple sampling ports are provided. The ports closer to the top of the column will capture the slowly moving particles, especially at the end of the settling test.

Total removal efficiency

Total removal efficiency is determined using graphical methods as follows: Graphical method (1): n Dhn Rn + Rn+1 R= ------- ----------------1 H 2 Where H is the total depth of the settling column.

Or by graphical method (2)

ha hb R = Rc + -------------- (Rd - Rc) + -------------- (Re - Rd) + + t2 Vpc t2 Vpc

Example ( )

For the flocculation test results drawn in the Figure bellow, estimate the total removal efficiency at 30, 40 and 50 min? Compare the results?

In systems that contain high concentrations of suspended solids, hindered (compression) settling occur in addition to discrete and flocculent settling. Because of high concentration of particles, the liquid tend to move up through the spaces between particles (interstices). As a result, particles tend to settle as a zone maintaining the relative position with respect to each other (see Figure 15). As settling continues a compressed layer of particles begin to form on the bottom of the tank (or cylinder) in what so called the compression settling zone. In the case of highly concentrated suspensions settling tests are required to determine the settling characteristics of the suspension. A column test, similar to that of flocculent settling test, is used to determine the size and removal efficiency of the sedimentation tank.

Type III Settling Zone Settling

Type IV Settling Compression Settling

test and estimation procedure

1- A column of height ho is filled with the highly concentrated suspension with initial solids concentration of Co.
2- The position of the interface is monitored with time (hi, ti, ci).

3- A curve of hi versus ti is plotted (see Figure 14). The slope of the curve, hi/ti, represent the settling rate.

4- Select a design overflowrate, Qovr, then the area of the sedimentation tank, A, can be calculated; Q SETTLING RATE = Qovr = A Where also know that the settling rate equal settling velocity, Ho SETTLING RATE = tn or Q * tn A= Ho Co - Cn R = -----------Co

The height needed for settling, to reach the design underflow concentration of Cn, is Hn and can be estimated using the mass balance relationships as follows: Ho * Co = Hn * Cn or Ho * Co Hn = -----------Cn

5 - Using Figure hi vs ti determine the point where there is a shift from hindered to compression settling by plotting the tangents and the bisecting angle. From this point we can determine the critical height, Hn, and the critical settling time, tn. 6 - Construct a tangent at the critical point. The intersection point of a horizontal line at height of Hn with this tangent will indicate the time tn. Once the time needed to reach the design underflow concentration tn is known, the area of the sedimentation tank can be estimated using the equation: Q * tn A = ------------- Ho

Solid Flux Concept For Hindered Settling

The solids flux is the rate of solids thickening per unit area in plan view-in other words, the lb/hour-ft2 (Q * C)/A. As the solids settle in clarifiers and thickeners, they must be thickened from the initial concentration, Co, to the underflow concentration Cu, at the bottom of the tank (see Figure (.


At any level in the settling tank, the movement of solids by settling is concentration times velocity:

Gs = Ct * vt = (Mass /Volume( * )Volume/Area-Time) = (Mass/Time-Area)


Gs = solids flux by gravity; Ct = solids concentration; vt = hindered settling velocity.

First Step, hi versus ti

Vi = hi/ti

Second Step, vi = hi/ti Draw vs ci Gi = ci * vi Draw vs ci

Gi = Vi * Ci


Bulk Flux
The movement of the solids due to bulk flow is given by Gb = Cb * Vb

where Cs,Vs Gb = bulk flux; Vb = bulk velocity. Cb, Vb Cb= bulk solids concentration
Qu, Cu

Total Flux
The total solids flux for gravity settling and bulk movement is therefore

Gt = Gs + Gb = Ct * Vt = Cs * Vs + Cb * Vb

Gt = total flux.
The bulk velocity is given by Vb = Qu /A Also Qu = flow rate of the underflow; A = plan area of the tank.

The mass rate of solids settling-that is, the weight of the solids settling per unit time-is Mt = Qo Co = Qu Cu. where Mt = rate of solids settling; Qo = influent flow rate to the tank; Co = influent solids concentration. The limiting cross-sectional area, A, required is given by A = (Mt =Q C) / )GL= (Q C)/A) Qo Co

GL where, GL = limiting max flux = Gt.

Rearranging gives Qu = Mt / Cu. and combining this with Vb = Qu /A and A = Mt / GL = Qo Co / GL gives

Vb = Qu /A = Mt / (Cu * A) = GL /Cu.

Step (3)

Step (1) Gb


Step (4)


Step (2)

Repeat 1-4 steps for various Cu And see what GLand Gs and Gb distribution you get and decide on the best option

Example ( )
The following results were obtained from a hindered-zone settling test in basin with an area of 17500 ft2 and with average feed concentration of 3000 mg/l:
Settling Velocity, fps Concentration, mg/l 6 550 5 950 4 1450 3 1850 2 2500 1 3500 0.75 5550

Draw the curve for the total solids flux knowing that the concentration of suspended solids in the underflow was (a) 11000 mg/l, (b) 14500 mg/l, and (c) 19000 mg/l. Find from the graph the max allowable concentration and estimate the gravitational and the underflow solids flux at that point? If you need any additional information, state your assumptions.


Flotation may be used in lieu of the normal clarification by solids-downward-flow sedimentation basins as well as thickening the sludge in lieu of the normal sludge gravity thickening. The mathematical treatments for both flotation clarification and flotation thickening are the same. As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, water containing solids is clarified and sludge are thickened because of the solids adhering to the rising bubbles of air. The breaking of the bubbles as they emerge at the surface leaves the sludge in a thickened condition.

Next Figure shows the flow sheet of a flotation plant. The recycled effluent is pressurized with air inside the air saturation tank. The pressurized effluent is then released into the flotation tank- where minute bubbles are formed. The solids in the sludge feed then stick to the rising bubbles, thereby concentrating the sludge upon the bubbles reaching the surface and breaking. The concentrated sludge is then skimmed off as a thickened sludge. The effluent from the flotation plant are normally recycled

Dissolved Air Floatation

Dissolved Air Floatation (1)

Dissolved Air Floatation (2)

Dissolved Air Floatation (3)

Dispersed Air Floatation will be Mostly Covered Under Mixing and Aeration

Hydraulics of Sedimentation Tanks

Pipes carrying water in and out Channels (inlet and outlet zone) Weirs Valves ++

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