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Solanum lycopersicum Linn.


Flower Sex Flower Bract Presence Flower Length minus pedicel Flower width minus pedicel Flower arrangement Flower orientation Flower posture Flower symmetry overall Flower attachment Pedicel If present length Pedicel If present Shape if unusual Tube-Like Bisexual N/A 1 to 1.5cm long 1 to 1.5cm wide Alternate Divergent Recurved Actinomorphic Pedicelate


Bud type Bud orientation Bud Shape/ Size Varies Bud position Bud scale arrangement Bud scale surface/texture Perianth Cycly Perianth Arrangement if not whorled Perianth type (if homochlamydeous) Floral Reflexed

Terminal Alternate

With hair (pubescent) Biseriate (Dichlamydeous) Whorled


Inflorescence Position Inflorescence Bract presence Inflorescence Type Terminal on a stem N/A Simple Cyme or Dichotomously Branched Cyme 1-1.5cm long 1.5cm wide (varies) Divergent

Inflorescence Length Inflorescence Width Inflorescence Branch Orientation Inflorescence Sex


Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ Outer Tepals

Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ Outer Tepals Merosity Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ O.T. Length
Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ O.T. Shape Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ O.T. Base Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ O.T. Margin Sepal/ Calyx Lobes/ O.T. Apex

10 mm (varies) Ensiform Truncate Entire(w/ presence of Trichomes) Narrowly Acute

Calyx/ Outer Tepals

Calyx/ Outer Tepals Aestivation Calyx/ Outer Tepals Fusion Calyx/ Outer Tepals Symmetry Calyx/ Outer Tepals Length Calyx/ Outer Tepals Color if not green Calyx/ Outer Tepals surface adaxial Calyx/ Outer Tepals surface abaxial Calyx/ Outer Tepals venation if unusual Calyx/ Outer Tepals texture if unusual


Aposepalous sympetalous Bilateral

10 mm (varies) Green Pubescent (w/hair) Pubescent (w/hair) No venation (Uninervous) Pubescent (w/hair)

Petal/Corolla Lobes/ Inner Tepals

Petal/Corolla Lobes/Inner Tepals Merosity Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Shape Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Base Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Margin Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Apex Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Length Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Orientation Petal/Corolla Lobes/I.T. Posture

Trullate Truncate Entire Narrowly Acute, mucronate-like (Apical) 9.0 mm (varies) Connivent Transverse: Recurved

Corolla/Inner Tepals

Corolla Type (if dichlamydeous) Corolla/ Inner Tepals Aestivation Corolla/ Inner Tepals Fusion Corolla/ Inner Tepals Cycly if not uniseriate Corolla/ Inner Tepals Color Corolla/ Inner Tepals Symmetry Corolla/ Inner Tepals Length Corolla/ Inner Tepals Venation if unusual

Dichlamydeous Convolute/Contorted Aposepalous apopetalous Biseriate/Trimerous Yellow Actinomorphic/ Radial 9.0 mm (varies) Imperfect, Acrodromous

Stamens (Androecium) Cycly Stamens (Androecium) Merosity Stamen Type Stamen Attachment Stamen Arrangement Stamen Position Stamen Insertion if applicable Stamen Fusion Uniseriate Anisomerous Staminodia Subsessile Didymous Antisepalous/Alternipetalous Exserted Syngenesious (anthers connate)

ANDROECIUM - Filament and Anther

Filament Shape/ Color Filament Length Filament Shape/ Color Anthers Attachment Anther Type Anther Dehiscence Type Anther Dehiscence Direction Anther Color Anther Length Anther Shape Anther Thecae Arrangement Elongated/Yellow 2.0 mm (Varies) Elongated/Yellow Basifixed Dithecal Longitudinal Introrse Yellow 8.0 mm( Varies) Elongated Didymous

GYNOECIUM - Ovary,Style & Ovule

Pollen Color Gynoecium Fusion Ovary Position Perianth Androecial Position Ovary Attachment if not sessile Ovary Color Ovary Length Ovary Shape Styles Number per pistil Style Orientation/ Posture & Length Style Position Ovules Number per carpel Ovule Type Ovule Position Yellowish Orange Syncarpous Hypogynous Hypogynous Sessile Light Green 1 mm (Varies) Circular/Rounded 1 per pistil Erect/ 2mm (Varies) Terminal One per carpel Anacampylotropous Axile

- Stigma, Nectary, Carpel &Placenta
Stigmas Number Stigma Position Stigma Shape Nectaries absence/presence 1 Terminal Tip-shaped Absent

Nectary type/position
Carpels number Median Carpel Position relative to stem axis

2 [rarely 3 5] carpels Posterior

Locules Number

2 [rarely 1 or 4 5] locules

Placenta Shape/Position if unusual


GYNOECIUM - Ovary,Style & Ovule

Connective Morphology if unusual

Pollen Color Gynoecium Fusion Ovary Position Perianth Androecial Position Ovary Attachment if not sessile Ovary Color Ovary Length Ovary Shape Styles Number per pistil Style Position Ovules Number per carpel Ovule Type Ovule Position

Yellowish Orange Syncarpous Hypogynous Hypogynous Sessile Light Green 1 mm (Varies) Circular/Rounded 1 per pistil Terminal One per carpel Anacampylotropous Axile

Floral Formula

P 5 + 7, A 4 , G 2, Superior = perianth with 5 and 7 inner tepals, stamen 4, distinct in 1 whorl, carpels (pistil) 2, ovaries superior.


Solanum lycopersicum Linn, Tomata/Kamatis, (Native throughout the Philippines) Solanaceae An annual herb up to 1-3meters tall. Roots are with a taproot system with numerous lateral roots. Stems (aerial) are with SympodiaLeaves are 12-13cm long, bipinnately compound, petiolate, exstipulate, alternate in arrangement, divergent, pinnatifid, with no leaf blade apical process. Petiole, dark green, 2.5-4cm long, terete. Leaflets, mostly opposite, irregular with leaf margin, petiolate, 5.8cm long, 2.0cm wide, oblique base, acute apex, petiolate (petiolule green, terete, 1-2cm long, scandent). All leaflets, pinnate-netted, midvein and secondary veins sunken above and raised below, pubescent. Inflorescence a terminal on the stem, simple cyme or dichotomously branched cyme, divergent, alternate of flower buds (pubescence), biseriate (dichlamydeous), whorled, semi-unguiculate). Flowers perfect, ca 15 mm long, ca 15 mm wide, alternate, divergent, pendent, actinomorphic, pedicellate. Pedicel ca 7 mm long, tube-like. Calyx aposepalous sympetalous, actinomorphic, ca 10 mm long. Calyx lobes anisomerous,ensiform, truncate, entire(with presence of trichromes), ca 10 mm long.


Corolla dichlamedous, yellow,actinomorphic, aposepalous apopetalous, ca 9.0 mm long, convolute/contorted. Corolla lobes 5 (2 posterior, 2 lateral, and 1 anterior), trullate, apices are narrowly acute, mucronate-like,truncate base, entire. Stamens 4 fertile, uniseriate, isomerous, staminodia, subsessile, didymous, antisepalous/alternipetalous, exserted, syngenesious (anthers connate).Filaments (of fertile stamens) elongated,yellow, 2.0 mm long. Anther basifixed, longitudinally and introrsely dehiscent (downwardly dehiscent), ca. 8 mm long, thecae didymous. Pollen yellow-orange. Gynoecium syncarpous. Perianth/Androecial position hypogynous. Ovary superior, light green, 1-2 mm long, circularly. Carpels 2. Locules 2. Placentation fleshy.Ovules one per carpel. Styles 1 per pistil, terminal. Stigmas 1, terminal, tip shaped. Fruit, rounded red orange, up to 7cm in diameter, fruit scar present, smooth. Seeds are flat brown, cicrular with semi-pointed tip, 0.10.2cm.

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