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Whenever you work with power tools or on electrical circuits, there is a risk of electrical hazards, especially electrical shock.

Anyone can be exposed to these hazards at home or at work. Workers are exposed to more hazards because job sites can be cluttered with tools and materials, fast-paced, and open to the weather. Risk is also higher at work because many jobs involve electric power tools.

Electrical trades workers must pay special attention to electrical hazards because they work on electrical circuits. Coming in contact with an electrical voltage can cause current to flow through the body, resulting in electrical shock and burns. Serious injury or even death may occur. As a source of energy, electricity

is used without much thought about the hazards it can cause. Because electricity is a familiar part of our lives, it often is not treated with enough caution. As a result, an average of one worker is electrocuted on the job every day of every year!

Arc Blasts / flash : Arc-blasts / flash occur when powerful, highamperage currents arc through the air. Arcing is the luminous electrical discharge that occurs when high voltages exist across a gap between conductors and current travels through the air. This situation is often caused by equipment failure due to abuse or fatigue. Temperatures as high as 35,000F have been reached in arcblasts. A common example of arcing is the flash you sometimes see when you turn a light switch on or off. This is not dangerous because of the low voltage.

Electrical Safety Matting 650 Volt Working

Natural rubber based electrical matting produced in rolls, 9.5mm nominal thickness with continuous 2mm high ribbed pattern and providing safe working with 650 volt equipment. Working voltage continuously marked on reverse side.

Tensile strength: 5MPa, min BS 903 [measured after ageing for 10 days at 70 in air oven] Elongation at break 250% min BS 903 [before & after ageing] Compression set 10% max BS 903 [assessed using constant load methods described in BS 921]

Electrical breakdown strength: 15kv, min tested to BS:921 Leakage current: 160mA/m tested to BS:921 Thickness: 8.5mm, min Weight: 16kg/m, approx

All products are test stamped for proof of authenticity and quality assurance. Optionally, you may consider wearing a leaver glove over the top of the electrician's gloves for further protection against arcing and mechanical hazards.

Logging Standards Electrical Standards Hazardous Noise Standards Respiratory Protection Standards Chemical-Specific Standards

Electric shock Flash burns Falling Hand and Eye injuries Hearing loss Crushing, cuts or losing a body part Ergonomic injuries

Remove all jewelry from hands and wrists before putting on gloves. No rings, watches, bracelets and etc. Do not expose gloves to extensive sunlight.

Inspecting the tool before use Read Tool Owners Manual prior to use Using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Using guards Properly storing and maintaining the tool Keep the workplace neat and free of clutter Using safe handling techniques

Dont use in explosive or flammable atmosphere

Inspect tool before use to ensure: it is clean, that moving parts operate freely the barrel is free from obstructions and has the proper shield, guard, and attachments
Dont load the tool unless using immediately Dont leave a loaded tool unattended Keep hands clear of the barrel end

Never point the tool at anyone

Store unloaded in a locked box


priority is to receive prompt medical attention (call 999/ambulans) all work-related accidents, injuries or illnesses to your supervisor
Regardless of severity



to be filled out

Incident Report Workers Compensation

For you attension

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