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Tpico 2: Choices


de would like, will e going to. Quando falamos de planos futuros, podemos usar as expresses acima.

would like para expressar um desejo que possumos e que gostaramos que acontecesse. Ex.: I would like to travel abroad every year with my family. Viajar todo ano um desejo, no um plano. algo que voc gostaria de fazer, no algo que ser feito.


will para expressarmos planos que no temos certeza de que acontecero. No so mais desejos, so planos reais mas incertos.
After I graduate I think I will travel to relax first, and then get a job. usar I think com will para enfatizar a incerteza dos planos. A viagem no certo, algo que se pensa a respeito.




going to para falar de planos que so certos, planos que por alguma razo acontecero com certeza.
I am going to Canada on my vacation. My parents bought the tickets yesterday.


fato de as passagens j estarem compradas indica que a viagem certa.


leia uma entrevista feita com uma formanda. Compare as respostas dela com as suas.

Interviewer: Good morning, Maria. How are you? Maria: Hi there! I am great, thanks! And you? Interviewer: Fine, thanks! So, tell me Maria, when are you graduating? Maria: I am graduating next month, finally! And I feel so excited! Interviewer: Is that so? That is really good. Dont you feel like your future in uncertain? Or do you already know what you are going to do after you get your degree? Maybe going back to where you came from? Maria: No way! I come from a very small town and if I go back there, my chances to build a really nice career are too small. But I do have plans. I am going to stay here in Viosa for a while when I get my degree, just to study for de masters degree, and then while I do that I would like to continue working where I already am working.

Interviewer: That is very clever! You already have a job! But then how long do you intend to stay in Viosa? Maria: Not much. Just a couple of months, because if everything works out the way I plan, I will continue my studies in another town. Interviewer: What town would you like to go then? Maria: I like Ouro Preto very much, and I will try to enter UFOP to finish my studies there. Interviewer: Thats great! And would you like to stay in this city and build your life there or do you have a wish to live in somewhere else? Maria: Actually I want to build my life in Ouro Preto because I want to teach at UFOP. But I want to travel frequently when I am established. Interviewer: That is really good! I hope everything works out for you! Maria: Thank you!!


sobre as seguintes questes: What do Maria plans have in common to your plans? What are the main difference between her choices and yours?


um pargrafo de 5 a 8 linhas respondendo s mesmas questes que Maria respondeu ao entrevistador. O pargrafo deve ser escrito no anexo 1 deste tpico.

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