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PHTool: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Fonte: Daily Wired.it

The project

The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also evoked the questions of how life and the universe in general began. The dilemma can be easily used within communication and marketing world.

The model is broken

The model is broken

This is particularly true since the traditional model of communication went broken and the Social Web has further mess up the scenario.

The model is broken

The mantra is: conversation

The model is broken

Le conversazioni hanno una straordinaria capacit di influenzare le nostre scelte Lhanno sempre avuta ma, tutto sommato, non la si percepiva perch restava un cosa pi discreta, quasi intima.




Social web facilitates to spread conversation well over the physical boundaries. News, conversations travel at an unparralled pace never seen before.



2.4 billions conversations a day quoting at least one brand 3.3 billions quotes for brands each day

Social media users are more and more active

Source: Nielsen (2012) The Social Media Report


Its no longer an option to not include conversations between sources of business intelligence Further, conversations are perceived as main engine to deliver influence along with communication and other marketing activities.



Search are fully part of the process to form an opinion, standing before and after conversations, advertising communication and PR.

So what?

So what?

To define which of the various factors (advertising spending, search, conversation) is the point of origin for an improved perfomance for a brand is like to determine which came first between the chicken and the egg.

So what?


So what?

We live in a single ceaseless decisional process blurring online and offline experience.


The Internet does not exist: it perfectly matches the physical world, we go there as we go to the office, to a bar or as we enter our bedroom. The only real difference with respect to physical environments is that it allows us to be ubiquitous. (Mafe De Baggis)

Discovery process







+ data

+ insightful analysis

+ markets and trends intelligence


Four parameters





The first market to test the model has been the pharmaceutical one, OTC products.

PHTool markets

Market Analgesics Anti flu Anti acid Anti varicose Laxative Sore throat Cough

Brands 15 13 20 19 30 15 23

PHTool methodology
Four indexes 1) 2) 3) 4) Conversation level index Search level index Advertising spending level index Volume or other business level index

Each dimension included in the database (remedy, market, brand) got a vote for each of the above indexes This process does tend to gather and to compare trends with different scales

PHTool methodology Methodology step by step: 1) Data scatter plot analysis vs variables 2) Linear regression to define relation between variables 3) Conversation clusters finding 4) Weighted average index 5) Normalization of values 6) Output analysis

PHTool methodology

The three main drivers of the project Accuracy



For info:

Gianandrea Facchini g.facchini@buzzdetector.com +39 3357465173 @buzzdetector

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