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Landasan Entrepreneur dalam Menggapai Sukses

Tidak sedikit pengusaha sukses yang gagal studinya bahkan tidak sekolah sama sekali. Banyak pengusaha sukses yang menyimpang dari latar belakang ilmu yang dipelajari. Banyak keluhan pengangguran meningkat dan lapangan kerja menyempit. Tidak sedikit pengusaha kesulitan mendapatkan karyawaan yang sesuai dengan harapannya.

An entrepreneur is an individual who accepts financial risks and undertakes new financial ventures. The word derives from the French "entre" (to enter) and "prendre" (to take), and in a general sense applies to any person starting a new project or trying a new opportunity. Many societies place great value on the entrepreneur. To encourage their activity, they may be offered access to inexpensive capital, tax exemptions and management advice. An entrepreneur has the greatest chance of success by focusing on a market niche either too small or too new to have been noticed by established businesses. To help new technologies come to market, many universities establish business incubators for entrepreneurs hoping to turn leading edge research into marketable products.

Characteristics of an entrepreneur include spontaneous creativity, the ability and willingness to make decisions in the absence of solid data, and a generally risk-taking personality. An entrepreneur may be driven by a need to create something new or build something tangible. In the Austrian school of Economics, entrepreneurs are described as being engaged in the creative destruction of existing products and services. As new enterprises have low success rates, an entrepreneur must also have considerable persistence. Entrepreneurs are generally highly independent, which can cause problems when their ventures succeed. In a small company the entrepreneur is able to personally manage most aspects of the business, but this is not possible once the company has grown beyond a certain size. Management conflicts often arise when the entrepreneur does not recognize that running a large stable company is different from running a small growing company. The problem is often resolved by the entrepreneur either leaving to start a new venture, or being forced out by shareholders. At Apple Computer, for example, one founder, Steve Wozniak, left to pursue other interests, while the other, Steve Jobs was ultimately fired and replaced with a CEO from a much larger company. Note that many years later, Jobs returned to the helm. An intrapreneur is an individual who acts like an entrepreneur but from inside the confines of a large organization or corportation

Berani menempuh risiko/ tantangan Kreatif dan inovatif Berambisi tinggi Senang bergaul tanpa pilih-pilih Memelihara kepercayaan yang diterimanya Tangguh menghadapi peroalan Ulet tekun dan tidak kenal putus asa Berpikir positif dan menyikapi kegagalan sbg hal yang berharga.

Menghindari resiko Berpikir linier Jangka pendek Pendekatan sistem Mekanik dan teratur

Menangkap resiko Berpikir lateral Jangka panjang Pendekatan orang Organik dan acak

Pendekatan awal dari menjual sesuatu yang bisa dibuat dan atau dilakukan ( berorientasi pada produk/jasa) Membuat dan atau melakukan sesuatu yang bisa dijual (berorientasi pada pasar) Kombinasi dari keduanya dengan mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada secara cermat.

Kristalisasi gagasan menuju pilihan jenis usaha Menyiapkan Tim Kerja, Pembekalan Manajerial Komunikasi Membangun Relasi Start-up Business Mengawali Proyek New Venture Katalisasi dan Pengembangan Fasilitas Manajerial Bisnis

Tahap identifikasi dan pemilihan bidang usaha Tahap Membangun Team Work Tahap Penyiapan (Start-up) Tahap Survival Tahap Pengembangan Tahap Persaingan Bebas

Perkelanan dalam sikap yang positif Mengucapkan Salam Maaf bila salah, tidak saja bea perbuatan salah melainkan bisa sebagai pass-word penghargaan yang bernilai tinggi Terima kasih merupakan pembuka relasi dan mata rantai kesuksesan,kelancaran dan kelangsangan hubungan

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