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SAP Requisitions

Requisitioner MM_REQ_300

Table of Contents
Course topics are hyper-linked to respective slides !" desired click on topics to quick-#u$p to that section
Note: Must be in Presentation mode to use hyper-link functionality (Press F5 to begin). %hat is SAP Requisition& Slide '
%ho Should Receive Requisition Training& Slide ( %hen are Requisitions )sed& Slide * +o, Requisitions -i""er "ro$ .ther /ethods Slide 0 +o, to 1no, Requisition is the Right /ethod&Slide 2 3ote4 Purchase o" +ealthcare !te$s Slide 5 SAP Roles Slide 6 Role Co$7inations Slide 10 Training Require$ents "or -epart$ental Roles Slide 11 SAP 8eneral Process Flo, Slide 12 )nderstanding Transaction Codes Slide 1' 9endor .vervie, Slide 1( :egin Requisition Process Slide 1* Requisition /a#or Sections Slide 16 Personal Settings Slide 2( Create Requisition Slide 22 Select Account Assign$ent Category Slide 26 Select 9endor Slide '0 Co$plete ;ine !te$ .vervie, Slide '2 -etails Section < Set Account Assign$ent Slide '' -etails Section < Te=t 3otes Slide '( -etails Section < -elivery Address Slide '* Create Attach$ent Slide '5

SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012

What is SAP Requisition?

SAP Requisition is the )niversityBs "or$al procure$ent
syste$ "or )1 +ealthCareC College o" /edicineC and Facilities areas using Plant /aintenance DP/E -epart$ental sta"" enter requisitions into SAP "or purchase o" needed goods and services "or their areas Follo,ing approval requisitions are processed into purchase orders 7y the Purchasing -ivision and placed ,ith vendors

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Who Shoul# Re$ei%e SAP Requisition Training? Any persons authoriFed to per"or$ procure$ent "unctions ,ithin the "ollo,ing areas4 )1 +ealthCare College o" /edicine Facilities areas using Plant /aintenance DP/E
This includes ad$inistrativeGother sta"" or "aculty conducting purchases on 7ehal" o" their depart$ents or units &ote4 The acade$ic ca$pus sector has transitioned to Su''lier Relationshi' Manage(ent )SRM* as its "or$al procure$ent syste$ SR/ is an SAP product that "acilitates e-procure$ent o" goods and services via a ,e7-7ased plat"or$ The a7ove areas ,ill transition to the SR/ syste$ during the "orthco$ing Phase !! o" i$ple$entation

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:eing the are "or$al procure$ent syste$ "or )1 +ealthCareC When SAP Requisitions +se#?

College o" /edicineC and FacilitiesC the SAP Requisition is used "or the "ollo,ing purchases4 Purchases "or ,hich the dollar a$ount e=ceeds procure$ent card li$its PurchasesC regardless o" a$ountC "or ,hich the vendor does not accept the procure$ent card Any purchaseC regardless o" a$ountC that involves ,ritten agree$ents Co$$odities having special conditions or nature Di e C personal service contractsC leasesC licensed goodsC etc E Purchase o" capital equip$ent Di e C H I2000 costC or H I1000 "or co$putersE

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SAP Requisitions di""ers "ro$ other purchase $ethods "or ,hich ,oSAP Requisitions .iffer fro( other Pur$hase depart$ents have delegated authority Metho#s "/ Pro$ure(ent $ar# < )sed "or purchase o"4 /ost s$all dollar operational goods and services ,ith total cost J I*000 >quip$ent ,ith ite$ cost J I2000C co$puters J I1000 D>=ception4 Purchase o" -ell co$puters is allo,a7le "or orders up to I*000 on procure$ent cardE !te$s involving no special conditions or ,ritten agree$ents !/ Pa0(ent Request .o$u(ent )PR.* < )sed "or processing pay$ents "or select goods and services that are usually o" a discretionary nature or "or ,hich little or no Purchasing policy appliesC e g C speaker "eesC govern$ent "eesC a,ardsC patient rei$7urse$entsC etc Accounts Paya7le holds responsi7ility "or the PR- progra$ &ote4 So$e areas De g C +ospitalC FacilitiesC etc E have restrictions on usage o" the procure$ent card "or $any purchases and require the requisition as their purchase $ethod o" choice SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012 eturn to !able of "ontents

,o- .o 1 2no- SAP Requisition is the Right Metho#?

The Purchasing G AP Kuick Re"erence dictates the correct $ethod 7y co$$odity type and can 7e "ound on the Purchasing ,e7site at4 http4GG,,, uky eduGPurchasingGdocsGquickre"guide pd"

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&ote3 Pur$hase of ,ealth$are 1te(s

1('ortant note for hos'ital requisitioners that -ill or#er health$are-relate# goo#s an# ser%i$es3 A di""erent requisition type $ay 7e applica7le ,hen purchasing ite$s "or hospital areas So$e co$$odities De g C capital equip$entC $edical suppliesC etc E require a @L:A requisition type ,hen creating an order Additional in"or$ation regarding this can 7e "ound at4 http4GG,,, uky eduGPurchasingGdocsGF7n7$atri= pd" The guide on the a7ove link sho,s co$$odities "or ,hich the L: requisition type is required This course ,ill sho, ho, to set the L: requisition type at the appropriate step L: requisitions are not applica7le to College o" /edicine or Facilities

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SAP Roles
;evel SAP Role Role -escription Responsi7le "or creating a @RequisitionA to purchase goods andGor services "ro$ a particular supplier Approves Requisitions "or their depart$ent or area Responsi7le "or university,ide contracting processes "or various co$$odities Con"ir$s physical receipt o" goodsGservices in satis"actory condition Posts invoices against purchase orders
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Corresponding SAP docu$ent type Requisition

-epart$ent -epart$ent G College G )nit Purchasing

Requisition er Approver :uyer

-Purchase .rder

-epart$ent Accounts Paya7le Dor +ospital AccountingE

8oods Receiver

8oods Receipt


!nvoice Receipt
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Role Co(binations
1n or#er to (aintain $he$4s an# balan$es there is a li(it on the nu(ber an# stru$ture of roles an0 one 'erson (a0 hol#/ The follo-ing (atri5 sho-s all 'er(issible $o(binations for %arious 'ro$ure(ent roles -ithin my+2/

The sa(e 'erson is not require# to hol# all roles -ithin an0 one o'tion/ The $o(binations refle$t the (a5i(u( roles -ithin ea$h o'tion an0 one 'erson (a0 hol#/ SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012 10 eturn to !able of "ontents

Training Require(ents for SAP .e'art(ental Roles

Role Requisitioner Training Require$ents Requisitioners are required to take and pass web-based training course //MR>KM'00 < Requisitions via my)1 Training Syste$ Approvers are required to take and pass webbased training course //MSR/MAPPM'00 < Co$7ined Approvers via my)1 Training Syste$ 8oods Receivers are required to take and pass web-based training course //MR>CM'20 < 8oods Receiving via my)1 Training Syste$


8oods Receiver

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SAP 6eneral Pro$ess

lo- )7 Ste's*

1 Create Requisition D-eptE

2 Approval D-ept G )nit G CollegeE

' Purchase .rder Sent to Supplier DPurchasingE

( 8oods Receipt D-eptE

* !nvoice Posting G Check Pay$ent DAccounts Paya7le G +ospital AccountingE

The depart$ent creates requisitions "or ite$sGservicesC ,ith approvalDsE to "ollo, Purchasing processes and places the purchase order ,ith the supplier Along ,ith the purchase orderC goods receipts and invoice postings co$plete the '-,ay $atch and pay$ent releases A pre-encu$7rance is esta7lished ,hen the requisition is createdN the actual encu$7rance is created at point o" purchase order processing
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+n#erstan#ing Transa$tion Co#es

Tasks ,ithin the SAP environ$ent are e=ecuted via @Transaction CodesA a k a C T-codes >ach T-code is alphanu$eric and e=ecutes a unique task The "ollo,ing T-codes are pri$arily used 7y requisitioners4 />*13 < Create Requisition ?10' < -isplay 9endor The "ollo,ing T-codes $ay also 7e used 7y requisitioners as neededC 7ut the tasks listed can also 7e e=ecuted "ro$ ,ithin the />*13 screen "or convenience purposes4 />*23 < Change Requisition />*'3 < -isplay Requisition />2'3 < -isplay Purchase .rder

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8en#or 9%er%ieThe )niversityBs 9endor -ata7ase is $anaged 7y the Purchasing -ivision The data7ase contains an entry "or every vendor ,ith ,ho$ the )niversity conducts 7usiness via purchase orders and other purchase-related transactions :e"ore a requisition can 7e enteredC the 9endor -ata7ase $ust 7e checked to con"ir$ the vendor entry is listed and ,ith the correct address !" the vendor cannot 7e "oundC they $ust co$plete a 9endor Application For$ and su7$it "or consideration The "or$ can 7e "ound at4 http4GG,,, uky eduGeFor$sG"or$sGvendapp-sap pd" Kuestions regarding the 9endor -ata7ase can 7e sent to4 )1PurchasingOuky edu

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:egin Requisition Pro$ess

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;ogin to my+2
1 Click ;ink :lue "ro$ the )1 +o$e Page

2 Click my)1 "ro$ the ;ink :lue site

' ;ogin to my)1 using your Aand pass,ord

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;aun$h Pa#

( Click the ;aunch Pad icon to enter SAP

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SAP Eas0 A$$ess

* The SAP >asy Access $enu ,ill appear >nter Tcode />*13 to open the requisition screen

T1P4 Pou can also create custo$iFed "olders and list T-code Favorites that you $ay use repetitively

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Requisition Ma<or Se$tions

+eader DTopE

-ocu$e nt .vervie ,

!te$ .vervie, D/iddleE

!te$ -etails D:otto$E

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Requisition ;a0out = ,ea#er )To'*

3otes relevant to a requisition can 7e entered +eader notes are "or internal use only

&ote3 +eader notes apply to an entire requisition 3otes speci"ic to individual line ite$s are entered in the !te$ -etails D7otto$E section SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012

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Requisition ;a0out = 1te( 9%er%ie- )Mi##le*

!te$ .vervie, section sho,s ordered ite$s in line ite$ "or$at -ata includes vendorC product nu$7erC descriptionC quantityC priceC etc

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Requisition ;a0out = 1te( .etails ):otto(*

!te$ -etails section contains additional in"or$ation such as Account Assign$entC -elivery AddressC etc !n"or$ation can 7e enteredGedited on a line ite$ 7asis Click the upGdo,n 7uttons to $ove 7et,een $ultiple lines

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Requisition ;a0out = .o$u(ent 9%er%ie-ocu$ent .vervie, is on the le"t side o" the screen !t displays a record o" requisitions as you create the$

Turning -ocu$ent .vervie, o"" ,ill collapse it "or $ore requisition screen space

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Personal Settings
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Personal Settings
Personal Settings (ust be $onfir(e# an# setu' for 0our requisition role 'rior to entering 0our first requisition to ensure a su$$essful e5'erien$e/
1 Fro$ the />*13 requisition screen click Personal Setting

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2 )nder the -e"ault 9alues ta7 $odi"y settings to $atch ite$s notated in red 7o=es

Personal Settings

!" you are $issing any -e"ault 9aluesC click /ore Fields 7utton to access additional 9alues to $ove into vie,

' Click Save icon ,hen "inished

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Create Requisition

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Requisition T0'e an# ,ea#er &ote

purchase requisition type and populates 7y de"ault +ospital requisitioners entering type L: requisitions ,ill select L: Req +ealthcare "ro$ the drop do,n

A %en#or quote (ust be obtaine# 'rior to beginning a requisition/ Mu$h of the #ata entere# into the requisition is 1 3: is the standard (irror infor(ation fro( the quote/

Re(e(ber4 !" you are 7uying certain co$$odities "or the hospitalC you $ay need to select L: Req +ealthcare as your requisition type 9isit http4GG,,, uky eduGPurchasingGdo "or $ore in"or$ation

2 !" applica7le enter any relevant notes Requisition header notes are seen internally onlyN they ,ill not print on the purchase order

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Sele$t A$$ount Assign(ent Categor0

( >nter Account Assign$ent Category as "ollo,s4 ' >nter line ite$ nu$7er 1 < i" using Cost Center P < i" using %:S ele$ent De g C grantE ? < i" split accounting across $ultiple cost o7#ects

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Sele$t 8en#or
* To search "or the -esired 9endorC click the possi7le entries icon to the right 0 >nter a portion o" the vendorBs na$e into the 3a$e 7o= placing DQE on each end

T1P3 !" kno,n the requisitioner can enter other search criteria DcityC postal codeC etc E to re"ine searches and produce 7etter results

2 Click to conduct search

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Sele$t 8en#or
5 ;ocate the correct vendor and dou7le click on the entry

&ote4 9endors "or SAP requisitions $ust 7e identi"ied ,ith 8roup LPR. !" the vendor you need is listed ,ith a di""erent groupC contact Purchasing "or assistance

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Co('lete ;ine 1te( 9%er%ie6 >nter vendor catalog nu$7er "ro$ the quote 10 >nter short te=t description o" ite$ 11 >nter quantityC unit o" $easureC and price each

12 >nter the Required -elivery date Press >nter ,hen co$plete

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.etails = Set A$$ount Assign(ent

There are three tabs -ithin the 1te( .etails se$tion to $o('lete3 A$$ount Assign(ent > Te5ts> an#T1P3 .eli%er0 A##ress/ The 8eneral ;edger
1' Co$plete Account Assign$ent ta7 >nter the 8; Account and Cost Center or %:S >le$ent nu$7er and press >nter The other "ields ,ill populate auto$atically

D8;E Account is an accounting co$ponent that relates to the description o" the goods or services purchased

SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012

9'tional4 So$e depart$ents use a statistical internal order nu$7er "or additional accounting controls !" applica7leC it is entered in the .rder 7lank
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.etails = Te5t &otes

1( !" applica7le enter te=t notes regarding the line ite$ This $ay include additional specsC etc identi"ied ,ith the line item

&ote3 %hile header notes ,ill not print on the purchase orderC te=t notes at the ;ine !te$ -etails level will print on the purchase order SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012
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.etails = .eli%er0 A##ress

.eli%er0 a##ress is entere# ne5t/ Man0 $a('us #eli%er0 a##resses are liste# in a #atabase/ 1* Click the
Possi7le >ntries icon on the -elivery Address ta7 10 >nter key,ord related to delivery address na$e ,ith DQE on each end

12 Click .1

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.etails = .eli%er0 A##ress

15 ;ocate and dou7le click on the correct delivery address "ro$ ,ithin the search results

-elivery address populates auto$atically

&ote4 !" you have $ultiple linesC click the Repeat Address on 7utton to copy to all lines

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.etails = .eli%er0 A##ress

1f 0our $a('us #eli%er0 a##ress is not foun# in the #atabase> 0ou (a0 enter it #ire$tl0 into the for( %ia freehan#/

&ote3 .nly one delivery address is allo,ed per requisition

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Create Atta$h(ent
The %en#or quote shoul# be ele$troni$all0 atta$he# to the requisition/
16 Click 7lack triangle on right side o" Services "or .7#ect icon 20 Select Create -ocu$ent in SAP -:

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Create Atta$h(ent
21 ;ocate and highlight "ile ,ithin your driveDsE

22 Click .pen to attach

Attach$ent success"ul $essage sho,s at 7otto$ le"t o" screen Attach$ent ,ill e=ecute ,hen docu$ent is Saved

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Che$4 for Errors an# Sa%e 2' Click

Check to check "or errors

T1P3 The check 7utton ,ill e=pose any errors that $ay e=ist An error ,ith a red icon $ust 7e corrected 7e"ore saving A yello, icon error is only an advisory and does not require correction

2( !" no errors e=istC click Save icon at top to "inish

Requisition nu$7er ,ill sho, at 7otto$ le"t o" screen

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.o$u(ent 9%er%ieClick on the Selection 9ariant and select /y purchase requisitions

.o$u(ent 9%er%ie- hol#s a re$or# of all requisitions 0ou $reate

Requisitions you create ,ill appear ,ithin -ocu$ent .vervie,

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.is'la0 Requisition
?ou $an #is'la0 the $ontents of an0 requisition -ithin .o$u(ent 9%er%ie- b0 #ouble $li$4ing on the requisition nu(ber/ This is i#enti$al to Requisition using T-$o#e ME73&/
-ou7leclick any requisition nu$7er enters display $ode

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E#it Requisition
A requisition can 7e edited a"ter creation Co$$on edits $ay include4 AddC deleteC or $odi"y line ite$s /odi"y Account Assign$ent Add Attach$ent The requisitioner or approver can edit the docu$ent provided the purchase order has not 7een processed 1('ortant4 The requisition should not 7e edited a"ter the purchase order is created!" !" you have $odi"ications to an order a purchase order a"ter the P. is processedC contact Purchasing "or guidance has 7een processedC
it ,ill appear on the Status ta7 ,ithin the -etails section

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E#it Requisition

1 -ou7le-click the requisition nu$7er "ro$ ,ithin -ocu$ent .vervie,

2 Click the pencilGglasses icon to $ove docu$ent into edit $ode Dscreen ,ill turn ,hiteE

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E#it Requisition

' /ake changes as needed to the requisition

( Click Save ,hen "inished ,ith edits

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Su''le(entar0 Tas4s
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1 -ou7le-click requisition "ro$ ,ithin -ocu$ent .vervie, to display

After the requisition is $reate#> it ne5t (o%es to the A''ro%al 'ro$ess/ A''ro%al status $an be %ie-e# on the requisition/
2 Release Strategy ta7 sho,s approver status Pello, icon $eans docu$ent has not 7een approved

8reen check $ark indicates approval co$pleted and docu$ent has $oved to Purchasing

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A''ro%er ;e%els
Multi'le a''ro%als (a0 be require# #e'en#ing on the a(ount of the requisition Total %alue of #o$u(ent ;ess than @"0>000 @"0>000 or greater A''ro%al)s* Require# ;e%el " onl0 ;e%el " A ;e%el !

&ote3 S'e$ial a##itional a''ro%als are require# for 'ur$hases of %ehi$les an# $o('uter equi'(ent/ SAP Wor4flo- auto(ati$all0 routes these to the a''ro'riate s'e$ial le%el a''ro%ers/

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1nbo5 9%er%ieAll requisitioners ha%e 1nbo5es/ .o$u(ent-relate# (essages an# other $o((uni$ations (o%e throughout SAP Wor4floto usersB 1nbo5es/

1 Click the !n7o= icon "ro$ the SAP >asy Access screen

9arious co$$unications regarding approvalsC re#ectionsC etc ,ill appear here Requisitioners also receive .utlook noti"ications as requisitions are approved or re#ected 2 Click the %ork"lo, "older ,ithin !n7o=

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,o- ,an#le Re<e$te# Requisitions

Requisitions re<e$te# b0 an A''ro%er -ill a''ear -ithin the 1nbo5 of the requisitioner/ SAP also sen#s an 9utloo4 notifi$ation -hen a requisition is re<e$te#/ A re<e$te# requisition (ust be $orre$te# an# re-sa%e#> or #elete# as 1 A re#ected requisition ,ill a''li$able/
appear in the %ork"lo, "older o" the !n7o= +ighlight the docu$ent

2 To edit the re#ected docu$entC click the requisition link sho,ing at the 7otto$ o" the %ork"lo, screen

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,o- ,an#le Re<e$te# Requisitions

' The requisition ,ill appear in display $ode Click the glassesGpencil icon to edit

( Click the undo icon to clear the re#ection Screen ,ill turn ,hite allo,ing editing

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,o- ,an#le Re<e$te# Requisitions

* Check the header te=ts "or noteDsE "ro$ the Approver as to reason "or re#ection

0 /ake corrections as necessary

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,o- ,an#le Re<e$te# Requisitions

2 Click the check icon to con"ir$ ,hether errors e=ist 5 Click Save to "inish edit

>dit success"ul and requisition returns to ApproverBs in7o=

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.elete ;ine 1te(s or Entire Requisition

Requisition line ite(s $an onl0 be #elete# if a 'ur$hase or#er has not been 'ro$esse#/ :efore #eleting an0 requisition lines> be sure to $he$4 the Status tab to $onfir( -hether a 'ur$hase or#er has been 'ro$esse#/ 1f nee#e# !" a purchase order $onta$t Pur$hasing for gui#an$e/
has 7een processedC it ,ill appear on the Status ta7 ,ithin the -etails section

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.elete ;ine 1te(s or Entire Requisition

Pro%i#e# the status tab #oes not refle$t a 'ur$hase or#er nu(ber> the requisitioner $an #elete so(e or all lines of the requisition/
2 Click the pencilGglasses icon to $ove the requisition to edit $ode

1 -ou7le-click the requisition nu$7er ,ithin docu$ent overvie,

Re(e(ber3 Although T-code />*13 is "or creating requisitionsC it ,ill allo, access to -ocu$ent .vervie, to display or edit requisitions SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012

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.elete ;ine 1te(s or Entire Requisition

' +ighlight the lineDsE to 7e deleted ( Click trash can icon

&ote3 To delete an entire requisition4 highlight all linesC click trash can iconC and click Save

* Click Save icon to "inish

;ine ite$ sho,s deleted

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.is'la0 Requisition %ia Sele$t 9ther .o$u(ent

Clicking the .ther Purchase Requisition icon allo,s you to locate and display any requisition >nter docu$ent nu$7erC set radio 7uttonC and click .ther -ocu$ent The requisition ,ill display on the screen

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.is'la0 Pur$hase 9r#er %ia Requisition Status Tab

+sers $an #is'la0 'ur$hase or#ers through either the requisition status tab )if P9 is relate# to one of their requisitions* or using the Sele$t 9ther .o$u(ent feature )'ro%i#e# P9 nu(ber is 4no-n*/
To access through Status ta74 -ou7leclick on the purchase order nu$7er

Correspondin g purchase order ,ill display

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.is'la0 Pur$hase 9r#er %ia Sele$t 9ther .o$u(ent

1 To access through Select .ther -ocu$entC click icon 2 >nter P. nu$7erC set radio 7utton to P.C click .ther -ocu$ent

Corresponding purchase order ,ill display

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8en#or ;oo4u' +sing C203

Requisitioners $an %erif0 -hether a %en#or is $urrentl0 liste# -ithin the 8en#or .atabase = -ithout initiating a requisition = using T-Co#e C203/ 1 >nter T-code
?10' "ro$ SAP >asy Access /enu

2 Click the Possi7le >ntries icon to start search

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8en#or ;oo4u' +sing C203

' >nter search criteria as nor$al and click e=ecute

Search results display in ne, ,indo,

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Re'orting %ia T-$o#e ME!; = 8en#or

Requisitioners ha%e a$$ess to %arious T-$o#es for re'orting 2 Click to nee#s/
e=ecute docu$ent searches and display results

1 )sing T-code />2; enter various criteria to search docu$ents 7ased on vendor data andGor other criteria

T1P4 Range and $ultiple entry cells return e=tended results i" needed

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Re'orting %ia T-$o#e ME!2 = A$$ount Assign(ent

)sing T-code />21 enter various criteria to search docu$ents 7ased on Account Assignment data andGor other criteria Click e=ecute 7utton to display results

T1P4 Range and $ultiple entry cells return e=tended results i" needed

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A##itional ,el'ful 1$ons

The ME7" s$reen $ontains other i$ons useful to the requisition $reator/
:lan4 sheet icon starts a ne, requisition Pen$ilDglasses icon toggles requisition 7et,een editGdisplay $ode Dsa$e as />*23G/>*'3E

Refresh icon ,ill re"resh -ocu$ent .vervie, sho,ing latest requisitions created

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Wor4ing -ith ERe%erseF Requisitions

So(e t0'es of or#ers 'erfor( better in Ere%erseF for(at/ Re%erse or#ers are entere# as one line ite( -ith a lu(' su( #ollar a(ount for the entire or#er> regar#less -hether the quote has (ulti'le lines/ Re%erse for(at is usuall0 use# for $o('le5 or#ers su$h as furniture or 'rinting/ The0 (a0 also be use# for or#ers that s'an a length of ti(e an# Reverse requisitions are require (onthl0 'a0(ents> e/g/> equi'(ent entered as one line "or the rental/
entire order >nter the total dollar a$ount in the quantity colu$nC ;.T as the unit o" $easureC and 1 00 in the 9al Price 7o=

Conta$t the res'onsible bu0er in Pur$hasing if 0ou are unsure -hether a s'e$ifi$ requisition 0ou 'lan to enter (ight -or4 best in a re%erse for(at/ SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012
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9btaining ,ar# Co'0 of Requisition

There are t-o -a0s of 'rinting requisitions if nee#e#/
1 Click Custo$iFe ;ocal ;ayout 7utton and select +ard Copy "or a print-screen versionC or -

2 Click print 7utton in !te$ .vervie, section "or line ite$ "or$at printout

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S'lit A$$ount Assign(ent

A$$ount Assign(ent for an0 line ite( $an be #istribute# a$ross (ulti'le $ost $enters or W:S Ele(ents/
1 For split accountingC select ? as the Account Assign$ent Category

2 %ithin the Account Assign$ent ta7 in -etails sectionC select the type o" split desired Costs can 7e split 7ased on quantity or percentage 7asis

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S'lit A$$ount Assign(ent

' >nter the percentage Dor quantityE allocated "or each cost center or %:S ele$ent and 8; co$7ination )p to 66 split account assign$ents can 7e entered

Re(e(ber3 Account in"or$ation is assigned on a line item level in the -etails section The requisitioner $ay assign di""erent accounting co$7inations to each line ite$ 7eing purchased SAP Requisition Training - Fall 2012
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%hen creating attach$entsC re"rain inserting special &a(ing Con%ention for "ro$ Atta$h(ents

charactersC such as OC RC IC QC SC TC UC etc into the "ilena$e Filena$es should also not include spaces 7et,een ,ords nor underscores They should 7e na$ed ,ith a purely alphanu$eric "or$at >=a$ples o" suita7le "ilena$es4 /edtechquote1001 pd" Furniturelayout doc >=a$ples o" unsuita7le "ilena$es4 AP! Printing Kuote pd" D"ilena$e includes spacesE FisherUincu7ator I1000 doc D"ilena$e includes special charactersE .nly the "ollo,ing "ile "or$ats are accepta7le as requisition attach$ents4 P-FC ?;SC ?;S?C -.CC -.C?C T?TC T!FC :/PC 8!FC +T/;
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&u(bering Con%entions for Pur$hase 9r#ers Purchase orders "ollo, nu$7ering conventions depending on the ca$pus sector in ,hich the requisition originates
P9 &u(ber or(at ('???????? syste$ (*???????? (2???????? Area

Facilities using Plant /aintenance DP/E Ca$pus and +ospital 3: Requisitions +ospital L: Requisitions

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Status Tab an# Relate# .o$u(ents

The Status Tab lo$ate# -ithin the .etails se$tion -ill shostatus an# all relate# #o$u(ents )Pur$hase 9r#er> 6oo#s Re$ei't> 1n%oi$e Posting* for the requisition/
Click Status ta7 in 7otto$ -etails Section o" the requisition

Related docu$ents are listed ,ith drill-do,n capa7ility -ou7le-click on docu$ents i" needed to access the$
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,o- .eter(ine Assigne# Pur$hasing :u0er

A Pur$hasing :u0er is auto(ati$all0 assigne# to ea$h 'ur$hase or#er/

The assigned 7uyer can 7e "ound in the -etails section on the Contact Person ta7

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.iagnosing Pro$ess Proble(s

As an order evolves through the processC the Status ta7 ,ill re"lect ,hether su7sequent docu$ents have 7een created Pro7le$s can 7e "requently diagnosed 7ased on the order status in the process >=a$ple4 %ith the purchase order 7eing in placeC co$pletion o" the 8oods Receipt and the !nvoice Posting co$plete a @'-,ay $atchA allo,ing the check pay$ent to release Co$$on pro7le$s relate to one or $ore o" these tasks 7eing unco$pleted
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.iagnosing Pro$ess Proble(s

1 To check ,hether 8oods Receipts and invoices are posted against the purchase orderC click the P. nu$7er "ro$ the requisition Status ta7 The purchase order ,ill display

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.iagnosing Pro$ess Proble(s

' 8oods receipts and invoices are posted and $atch the P. quantityC allo,ing check pay$ent !" either is $issingC or there is a $is$atchC the check ,ill not process

2 8o to the !te$ -etails section and click on the Purchase .rder +istory ta7

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Sign 9ff

To close requisition screenC click icon in upper le"t corner and select Close

Click Sign ."" to end my)1 session

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SAP ,el' Web Sites

Resource Page on Purchasing ,e7 site4 http4GG,,, uky eduGPurchasingGsr$ ht$ Site includes this Po,erPoint "ile availa7le "or re"erence $y+elp < // V Purchasing +elp ,e7 site4 http4GG$y+elp uky eduGr,dG+T/;G// ht$l :oth sites contain Kuick Re"erence CardsC updated and printa7le course $anualsC Re"erence /anualC etc Assistance >$ail4 )1PurchasingOuky edu

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