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Kebisingan Memengaruhi Tekanan Darah Pekerja PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Barito PLTD Trisakti, Banjarmasin

Adhitya Panji A Nurmalasari Achmad Sulthon Anisatun Azizah Berliana Devianti P Nurul Azizah Shita Addina

101011152 101011158 101011159 101011160 101011176 101011195 101011214

Kebisingan Memengaruhi Tekanan Darah Pekerja PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Barito PLTD Trisakti, Banjarmasin

1. Thats a good title. Because, its completely written, very clear, and specific. In that title, we could know whats independent variable (noise intensity/levels at the work place) and dependent variable (workers systolic and diastolic blood pressure)

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2. Generally, that title are corresponding with the content (connection between noise intensity/levels towards workers blood pressure) 3. But, the title were too justified about the connection between noise intensity/levels towards workers blood pressure. It seems like the researcher VERY SURE about the noise intensity effect towards workers blood pressure

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However, in our opinion, it will be more wise if the title is: Pengaruh Kebisingan terhadap Tekanan Darah Pekerja PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Barito PLTD Trisakti, Banjarmasin. So, the title can be more neutral, not too justify as if the noise ARE effecting the workers blood pressure.

1. The researchs problem was listed very clearly and correct. Noise could be connected with hypertension. As the result of epidemiologic research in US, people who exposed by noise, tend to have some emotional disturbances that could be resulted stress. A long stress will tighten the blood vein, make the heart pumping blood harder, and raised the blood pressure

At 2008, some machines noise intensity in PLTD Trisakti Banjarmasin are exceed the standard. They are Pielstick machine with noise intensity 105dB and Stork Werkspoor Diesel with 102dB. Therefore, someone needs to do some research about the effect of noise intensity towards the workers increased blood pressure

In this journal, it does not explain the objective clearly. But, based on its analysis category, it explain about the effect from noise towards workers blood pressure

In this journal, it uses the policy of Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No 51/Men/1999. It is the latest policy, because there are no more newest policy about noise. But, at the section of noise definition, the source are not the newest. The source are from 2006, while the journal are published in 2012. The good source are maximum 5 years older than the research when it was made. Actually, the literature in this journal, are not enough. Because its not write the blood pressure section

They are not written explicitly. However, we could understand it by analize the sentence: noise may be connected with hypertension. So we call it understandable or clear. This is based from people who exposed by noise, tend to have some emotional disturbances that could be resulted in stress. Hypothesis are relevant and relate the two variable, they are noise (independent variable) and hypertension (dependent variable)

1. The research type and the study design are stated very clear. It is cohort prospective with observational study design Inclusion criteria are: the sex are men, 20-45 years old, didnt smoke, didnt consume alcohol, or any other drugs that may be affect blood pressure, didnt live in noisy place, didnt have some sick history connected with blood pressure, as if kidney, heart, and hypertension, health condition are not/just healed form sick and not deaf, working on second shift and using protective gear

2. Compatibility of the research type with the hypothesis test. This is cohort retrospective, it seek correlation between noise with hypertension, so it suit when using chi square test.

3. Population, sample, sampling method The population are: every worker at PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Barito PLTD Trisakti Banjarmasin which is 135 people. The sample are: 15 respondents who works at noise intensity above the standards, and 15 respondents who works at noise intensity below the standards and they are in the operator unit. The sampling method are: Quota Sampling

4. Operational Definition It says NOISY when the noise condition are above the standard and may be resulted in stress. But in this journal, it does not write in detail about the operational definition of hypertension. It only say about the systole and diastole average increase resulted from the noise intensity escalation (>85dB) before and after work

5. Measuring instruments Using Sound Level Meter 308 approval 2G-2556 (for measuring noise). When measuring, get some help from technicians, conducted in 6 different locations. Digital Sphygmomanometer (for measuring blood pressure). Measuring performed 3 times when respondents taking the sit position and within 1-2 minutes interval, then write the result. The instrument are suitable with the research objective

6. Data collection method - Using observation for observe the workers obedience in using earplug - Using interview to find out what kind of complaints that the workers feel

Data Analysis
Using Chi Square Test with CI 95% for testing correlation between noise intensity towards workers increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure

1. The result in this journal are very clear, because the result section and the research section are not separated, so the reader easily understand. It also have some table, but the tables explanation/naration are not too detail. 2. The researcher comparing between his/her result with another peoples research as well. Ex: This research are correspond with Boedi Raharjanis research on worker at PT KAI. It said the increase in blood pressure are not only from work load, but from noise intensity also.

3. The result or the study could be a base to conclude Ex: There are some increase in workers blood pressure when noise intensity above standards (>85dB) compared with noise intensity below standards (<85dB)

4. Compatibility between result, study, and objective In this journal, are not written about the research objectives. Even though like that, if we see form the title, the reader could know the objectives, that is to find out the effect of noise towards workers blood pressure. The result and the study are suitable with the objectives. But, it is a little uncomplete, because the researcher are not yet calculating the RR and AR as the characteristics of cohorts study design.

1. Using Vancouver System, but the researcher are less consistent, because he/she also using Harvard Style Quotation System

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Ex: Sungging Handoko menyatakan bahwa 20-45% penduduk yang tinggal di tempat kebisingan lalu lintas melampaui batas yang ditetapkan, mengalami gangguan pendengaran.11 Beberapa gejala pada manusia akibat kebisingan adalah akibat tingkat desibel tinggi yang memengaruhi sistim kardiovaskular, denyut jantung dan tekanan darah, kecepatan pernapasan dan memengaruhi sistim digestif. Pengaruh kebisingan terhadap tenaga kerja antara lain mengurangi kenyamanan bekerja, meskipun tidak semua tenaga kerja terganggu kebisingan karena sudah terbiasa dalam jangka waktu lama. Kebisingan juga mengganggu komunikasi atau percakapan antar pekerja, mengganggu konsentrasi, menurunkan daya pendengaran, baik sementara maupun permanen (Sugeng Budiono, 2003).3,4

2. Every quotation in the article are actually listed on the book 3. Bibliography are perfectly correct. There are author of the books, title, years, number, journal, pages, publisher, everything perfect according the Vancouver System 4. The researcher only writes the bibliography based on what he/she quote from the books

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