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Applications of Artificial Neural Networks for ECG Signal Detection and Classification

SUBMITTED BY D Suresh Kumar 09MMR017

Application of Neutral networks in ECG QRS Detection and beat classification

Adaptive Multi Layer Perceptron Structure to the NonLinear Background Noise- enhancing QRS complex

Adaptive Multi Layer Perceptron Structure to distinguish between Normal and Abnormal Beat Patterns

Problem Definition
The Algorithm for Reliable Detection of QRS complexes have been developed so far only for noiseless or Low-noise Environments Here the main focus is the ability to remove the non-linear , time-varying background noise

Diagram of Actual ECG signal with identification

QRS Complex
It represents ventricular depolarization. Consists of 3 waves: the Q wave, the R wave, and the S wave. The Q wave is always located at the beginning of the QRS complex. It may or may not always be present. The R wave is always the first positive deflection. The S wave, the negative deflection, follows the R wave Location: Follows the P-R interval Amplitude: Normal values vary with age and sex Duration: No longer than 0.10 seconds

The prime objective of the system is to detect and classify noisy ECG signals by using feed forward multi layer perception network

QRS detection for ECG signals

Two Layer MLP ANN is used here Input Layer/Input Window of Size(6) Output Layer/size(1) Hidden Layer/Size(3) MLP trained using Back propagation Algorithm during initial training period

Results tabulations

Experimental Results
2 Experiments performed Experiment 1: To classify 13 types MLP structure configured as 51-40-13

Classification rate of this Experiment 65%

It is Low but mubch better than nearest neighbour classifier results that on average achieved < 30%

Experiment2: Here each beat pattern is classified as normal or abnormal beat Here 51-25-2 MLP configuration is used Classification rate is about 90% Again a separate MLP n/w with 51-30-12 configuration , used 12 outputs each denoting 1 of the 12 abnormal classes

When Normal beat is applied to this n/w target has values of zero Then once Training and testing of these MLP structures are completed, they are cascaded

Such that Output (first MLP)=Input (second MLP) So that only when an abnormal class is identified it is allowed to pass to the second network for classification As a result the improvement in the classification rate improved from 67.5% to 84.5%

Conclusions & Future Enhancement

CONCLUSION Here only the beat morphologies are presented and the classification rate that is achieved is about 84.5%

FUTURE ENHANCEMENT This can be greatly improved if the network is trained with large no. of QRS complexes and providing other parameters like the temporal relationship with beats around it


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