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Name of Institution

Change Resistance & Managing Resistance to Change Dr. Sriparna Basu

What is Organizational Change? Name of Institution

An alteration of an organizations en iron!ent" structure" culture" technolog#" or people A constant force An organizational realit# An opportunit# or a threat Change agent A person $ho initiates an% assu!es the responsi&ilit# for !anaging a change in an organization

The Change Team

Name of Institution

Specific Roles: Change Manager Oversees the design of the strategy; bears ultimate responsibility Change Agent Assists the change manager; facilitates the activities involved Internal Change Agent (often an !" professional# $%ternal Change Agent (consultant# Individuals& $T' (abor )nions
, 1*&1+&1,

-rocess Model of Change. /urt (e0in

Name of Institution

1o0 criticised as. Too linear and static Too simplistic Mechanisms rarely fi%ed in place 2tages often overlap

According to (e0in

Name of Institution

'orce 'ield Analysis. (e0in3/4(15+1# Field Theory in Social Science3 arper 6 !o03 17

"riving 'orces

!estraining 'orces

Status Quo

'orces for Change

()ternal 'orces
Co!petition +a$s an% regulations ,e$ technologies +a&or !ar.et shifts Business c#cles Social change

Name of Institution

*nternal 'orces
Strateg# !o%ifications ,e$ e-uip!ent ,e$ processes Wor.force co!position /o& restructuring Co!pensation an% &enefits +a&or surpluses an% shortages (!plo#ee attitu%e

(e0in8s 'orce9'ield Analysis

Name of Institution

"esired 2tate

!estraining 'orces

1e0 $:uilibrium

Current 2tate Change 'orces


'orce 'ield Analysis Name of Institution


;hat are the forces for change< Include e%ternal forces as 0ell as a consideration of =ey individuals or groups4

*4 ;ho is championing the change< o0 strong and committed are these forces (;ho 0ill let it happen; 0ill help it happen; 0ho 0ill ma=e it happen<# ,4 o0 could these forces be augmented or increased< ;hat forces could be added to those that e%ist< >4 ;hat are the forces that oppose change< Include in this structural forces such as re0ard systems or formal processes in the organi?ation4 Consider as 0ell3 the effect of informal processes3 groups or the culture of the organi?ation4 +4 o0 could these forces be 0ea=ened or removed< ;hat actions might create ma@or resentment<

Accor%ing to Su!antra 0hoshal & Bartlett

Name of Institution

Ol% alues of organizations $ere focuse% on 1 co!pliance" control" contract an% constraint ,e$ alues are focuse% on1 %iscipline" support" trust an% stretch Successful change in ol es si!plification" integration" an% regeneration 2hase% approach essential" along $ith focus on peoples attitu%es" assu!ptions an% &eha iors Brings &oth organizational %esign an% hu!an resources lessons to &ear

"ecision ma=ing in today8s business environment

Name of Institution


Barriers to !ecogni?ing the 1eed for Change -ast successes $%isting culture Current vision (eadership practices $mbedded systems and processes

Name of Institution

All of these can lead to active inertia3 groupthin=3 and other impediments to critical @udgment and action

;hat is Change !esistance< Name of Institution )nderstanding resistance to change is integral to both the theory and practice of change management Causes of change may be attributed to both organi?ational factors as 0ell as individual& group or team factors


Organi?ational 'actors of !esistance

Name of Institution


Individual 'actors of !esistance

Name of Institution


'actors affecting !esistance to Change

Name of Institution

$ducational $ducational(evel (evel

-articipation -articipation !esistance !esistanceto to Change Change Trust Trustin inManagement Management

Communication Communication

Information Information


/otter8s C stage process for Managing Change Name of Institution

Organi?ational Culture and (eadership. 2chein

Name of Institution

According to 2chein3 real change does not start to happen until the individual or organi?ation is e%periencing some real threat or some real pain (earning something ne0 also creates an%iety 99this 2chein calls Dlearning an%ietyD4 It may mean 0e 0ill e%pose our incompetence4 And then 0e @ustify that the change is not that important4 (earning an%iety is the basis for resistance to change4 Change can begin only 0hen survival an%iety is more than the learning an%iety4 In an organi?ational setting it can be achieved in t0o 0ays. (1# by increasing survival an%iety i4e4 by saying E do this or else F and (*# by reducing learning an%iety by creating a psychological safety net in the form of training3 assurance that it is o= to fail and by providing as many options as one can4

1G 1*&1+&1,

2chein8s -sychological 2tages

Name of Institution

"isconfirmation Introduction of guilt or survival an%iety Creation of psychological safety or overcoming of learning an%iety Cognitive redefinition Imitation of positive or defensive identification 0ith a role model 2canning. Insight or trial 6 error learning -ersonal 6 !elational !efree?ing



$dgar 2chein8s re9reading of (e0in8s , Name of Institution 2tep Model

)nfree?ing is in fact three sub9processes9 "isconfirmation3 2urvival An%iety and Creation of -sychological 2afety -rinciple 1. survival an%iety or guilt must be greater than learning an%iety -rinciple *. (earning an%iety must be reduced rather than increasing survival an%iety4

15 1*&1+&1,

The change e:uation. factors necessary for effective change

Name of Institution

The individual3 group or organisation level of dissatisfaction 0ith the status :uo A clear and shared picture of a better future 9 ho0 things could be The capacity of individuals3 groups and the organisation to change (orientation3 competence and s=ill# Acceptable and Hdo9ableI first action steps The cost (financial3 time# of ma=ing the change to individuals3 groups and the organisation4

Change Acceptance

Name of Institution

-sychological o0nership. individual commitment to the organi?ation3 feelings of input into change etc Individual disposition. individuals vary in their desire to accept change E personality variable

-urpose of O" 2trategies

Name of Institution

systematic process to change the culture3 system and behavior of organi?ation elp solve organi?ational problems and achieving organi?ational ob@ectives focus on enhancement of organi?ation effectiveness Concentrates on people dimensions li=e norms3 values3 attitudes3 relationships etc

;hat8s !e:uired to be a Name of Institution 2uccessful Change (eader<

14 /een capacity to assess and anticipate the e%ternal environment "evelop diverse net0or=s for ideas3 information 6 support *4 !ich understanding of organi?ational systems 6 processes3 po0er structures 6 sta=eholder net0or=s ,4 $%cellent communication s=ills Capacity to frame vision >4 "riving passion for action3 yet patient and persistent ;ell developed sense of timing and tactics Ability to assess and manage ris=

Characteristics Of A Change (eader (cont4#

J4 $motional maturity and courage

Name of Institution

+4 Tolerance for ambiguity and ris= ta=ing

;illingness to hire 6 listen to employees 0ho 0ill stand up and tell you 0hat they really thin=

+4 2elf confidence and optimism J4 onest and trust0orthy3 able to inspire confidence

G4 "eep understanding of themselves 6 their impact C4 Curiosity and a strong desire to learn

G 2teps to implementing Change. Bec=hart

Name of Institution

Brief 2ummary

Name of Institution

Conditions for successful change include:

dissatisfaction 0ith the status :uo people have the necessary =no0ledge and s=ills tools needed are available implementers have time to learn3 adapt3 integrate and reflect on change re0ards or incentives e%ist for participants participation in process is e%pected and encouraged have support for innovation by =ey players and sta=eholders


Summary Cont.. Name of Institution

Resistance to change
lac= of trust perception that change is not necessary perception that change is not possible relatively high cost fear of personal failure loss of status or po0er threats to values and ideas social3 cultural or organi?ational disagreements resentment of interference

Summary Cont..
Goal of change is to achieve

Name of Institution

"ynamic e:uilibrium
E Change occurs at a rate that the institution can cope 0ith it E 2ystem can adapt to the change E The organi?ation is not overloaded 0ith too rapid change that leads to an inability to ad@ust or dise:uilibrium

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