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Introduction Biography Truth tellers

Books and his career


It was amazing ,not because I was so ignorant, but because nobody knew anything

Peter Drucker was eager to understand how the world of business was changing , he interested to settle the factories problemes in order to help them. Peter Drucker was an exemplary man as the plurality of companies applied it his theory to organize its business to maximize its profits. Drucker made history by his efforts during his professional carreer in impossant advice to entrepreneurs because it was regarded as the father of inventing the discipline menagement studies

What is the biography of Peter Drucher ? What mechanism Peter Drucker has he done to mark the of man ?

In the begining we will talk about his biographie.Secondally , we will know his books and his career professional. And finally , we will talk about the Truth Telleres

Mr Peter Drucker was member of Thruth Tellers with Jack Welch and William George .Peter Drucker born in vienna austria to Adolph an d caroline Drucker in 1909 he was surrounded by rich ,cultural and intellectual people because his father was a minister of economics to the Autro-Hongrian and his mother was the earliest woman medicale doctor this luck allows him to develop his own skills and knowledge about economics and menagement that is why he wrote 1929 an article a prestigious European economics journal published by the Frank Furter Zeitung in the same year,he became a senior editor for finance at the Frank-further general Anzeiger news-paper .he was writing six to eight editorials per week and manager all foreign and economic news . In 1931, he got his doctorat international and public law at FrankFurt University .

Another hand he was working full time as a journalist at

general Anzeiger from 6am to 2pm.Unfortunalety,he moves to london after decreasing to roll in nazi party and work with them in 1933 in london he realizes his interest increasingly lie in studing and writing about humain nature.In 1937 he substituded occasional ly Maries Doris for a professor in london. He also leaved london for the united States where,he started to write the Americanes press after years,he published his first book the End of economic Man than,he became a part time teacher of economics at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville,NewYork ,but he was excluded because he refused to sign a faculty petition in support of communism Fortunately he found quickly a new job as professor of politics and philosophy at bennington college in Vermont . In 1942 he published his second book the futur of industrial Man but he was panned by accademic

In other hand Drucker was invited by Alfred Sloan the legendary chief

of general Motors in order to study GM a study that forever changes Drucker is situation of life. Three years later,he published his thrid book concept of the corporation In 1950,Drucker became professor of management at the graduate business school at New-York university and he remaind on the faculty untill 1971 Drucker continued to work for industry grants like general Electric and sears Roebuck . He was among the first to realize how computer technology will revolutioned business processes during the early part of the decade 1954 he published a book talk about practice of management Alfred that in 1966 Drucker published another called the effective executive in 1975 to 1995 he wrote monthly column for the wall street journal In 1971 to present means intill 1995.

Drucker is Maries Clarke professor of social science and management at Clarement graduate university in California university is graduate management school is renamed in 1984 as the Peter ferdinant Drucker graduate school of management ,and surely this shows us the value of Drucker Peter for his people in his decade

Truth tellers
Truth lies at the heart of all true leadership. To understand

how the two relate to one another, consider Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, whom more than a billion Indians call the father of their nation. Confronted by unjust laws imposed by the British Empire in the last century, he developed a doctrine of peaceful non-cooperation that he calledSatyagraha, or insistence on truth, whose aim was to wean opponents from error by patience and sympathy rather than by subjecting them to violence. After early successes in South Africa, Gandhis principles spread like wildfire in India, where they helped unite millions in the subcontinent against British rule. Satyagraha is a relentless search for truth and a determination to reach truth, Gandhi wrote. It is a force that works silently and apparently slowly. In reality, there is no force in the world that is so direct or so swift in working.

If this principle applies to political leadership, it applies

even more to the world of business. In these times of corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and Parmalat, truth-telling is as critical as vision when it comes to lasting leadership. Just as leaders need sensitive antennae to spot opportunities that arent obvious to others, they also need the ability to communicate their vision in a way that wins the trust of their constituents. Integrity builds trust; dishonestywhile it may succeed temporarilyultimately undermines it. It is only when constituentswhether they are members of a board of directors, employees, or Wall Street analystsare convinced the leader is a straightshooter who is expressing a complete and credible view of reality that they will accept it. Once that happens, constituents often become followers, which is the litmus test of leadership.

From the late 1930s until his death, Peter Drucker

wrote 36 books: 15 on the management of which the 2 famous The Practice of Management (translated:) and The Effective Executive (translated:) which will be more updates and reissues 1 Innovation Entrepreneurs 16 on the society, economy and politics 2 novels 1 autobiographical essay

Management books
The end of economic man - the origins of

totalitarianism (The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism , 1939) The Future of Industrial Man (The Future of Industrial Man, 1942) Business Concepts (The Concept of Corporation, 1945) The new company (The New Society, 1950) Practice management companies ( The Practice of Management, 1952)

Business and society books

Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (1981) The Changing World of the Executive ( 1982) The Temptation to Do Good (1984) Innovation and Entrepreneurship : Practice and

Principles (1985) The Frontiers of Management ( 1986)

Peter Drucker the father of modern management

was perhaps the gratest management teacher of all time yet few professionalles know that Drucker is teaching on self management are equally profound

2) Make time for thinking 1)

Focus an achieveme nt not money

3) practice

4) Learne the art of leisure

10) Be the CEO of your own life

Ten Tips for getting started

Learn How To learn

5) Develop ea parallele career 6) Volunteer your time and talent

8) Start teaching

7) Become a mentor

We conclude that Peter Drucker was born in Vienna ,

Austria to Adolph and Caroline Drucker in 1909 and died 2005.Really Peter was born by two educated parents who held very skilled professions and the house was for him a learning Enjoying the learning and individual efforts during his studies he became a great writer and a professor of various universities.Really Peter Drucker was a guide for entrepreneurs since he had shown the glory of sucess. finaly he deserves to mimic or follow the track for a very sucessfull life and organize

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