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L. Jeff Seaton, PhD. Murray State University


Foundations of Individual Behavior

Psychological contracts a persons expectations of what he/she should contribute to the organization and what the organization should provide in return.

Foundations of Individual Behavior


Selection (ASA Framework) Ben Schneider


Foundations of Individual Behavior

(Biological Heritage)


(Life Experiences)

Personality doesnt change over night or just because we want it to!!

Personality Traits
The Big Five: Extraversion outgoing, social, talkative, assertive, etc. Agreeableness Gets along well with others. Conscientiousness organized, systematic, careful, thorough, responsible and self disciplined. Negative Affectivity (Neuroticism) negative emotional state, chronic pessimist, distressed, always views themselves and others negatively. Openness to Experience original, open to a wide variety of stimuli, broad interests, and a risk taker.

Other Personality Traits

Locus of Control ( Internal or External) the extent to which an individual believes that his circumstances are a function of his/her own actions and are therefore, under his/her control. Self-Efficacy individuals belief about his/her capabilities to perform a task.

Hubris - overconfident pride and arrogance.

Self-Esteem Individuals belief that he/she is worthy and deserving. Narcissism Having extreme love and appreciation for self while having very little or no empathy for others.

Other Personality Traits

Authoritarianism belief that power and status differences are appropriate within organizations. Disciplinarian individual that believes in strict and exact conformity to rules and regulations.

Machiavellianism - individuals desire to gain power and control the behavior of others.
Risk Propensity degree to which individual is willing to take chances.

Attitude a persons beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, or other people. Cognitive Dissonance the anxiety a person feels as a result of having contradicting attitudes or when a person behaves in a fashion that is inconsistent with their attitudes.

Work Related Attitudes

Job Satisfaction gratified or fulfilled by job. Organizational Commitment identification with and attachment to the organization. Organizational Citizenship Behavior willingness to go above and beyond the requirements of the organization.

Perceptions the set of processes by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets what they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste to give meaning and order to the world around them.

The individual will behave according to what they perceive to be reality. Therefore, in the study of behavior perception becomes reality.

Attribution Theory - Theory that explores the ways in which people explain (or attribute) the behavior of others or themselves with something else.

Perception Exercise I
Exercise I: Describe your perceptions of the following situations: A vehicle is holding up a whole line of traffic. Describe the person who is probably driving the vehicle. A individual refuses to take a drug test.

A vehicle accident occurs involving a Hispanic driver.

An unattractive and obese female claims that her young attractive male supervisor had been sexually harassing her. A male employee states that his very attractive female supervisor had been sexually harassing him.

Perception Exercise II
Breaking News: The Japanese military just made an air strike on Los Angeles, California. The Japanese government stated that their bombs were focused only on the areas of Los Angeles where gang activity had gotten out of control. The Japanese government stated that their military would march into this gang infested area and remain there until they could restore order and transfer that order back to the local authorities. During the assault the Japanese military will capture individuals who are expected of gang activity and will transport them back to Japan for criminal prosecution.

Creation of Behaviors
Brain Filtration System Experiences Culture Beliefs Attitudes Rules/Policies Selective Perception Stereotyping Bias Prejudices InGroup/ OutGroup

Stimulus Events Person Object Decision Observation

Perception Good/Bad Pretty/Ugly Ethical/Unethical Do/Dont Do Safe/Unsafe Smart/Dumb

Behaviors Go/Stop Date Act Jump/Move Talk Join

Workforce Behaviors
Functional Behaviors (performance behaviors) organizationally sanctioned behaviors. Those behaviors the organization expects. (Perform work, be social, not be aggression, be satisfied, etc.) Dysfunctional Behaviors Those behaviors that distract or take away from organizational performance. (Absenteeism, tardiness, aggressive, destructive, turnover, etc.)

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