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Knowledge is Power

The first step in preventing panic is to learn everything you can about the exam

Test questions are chosen according to the accuracy of your responses You can answer a minimum of 75 to maximum of 265 Qns Dont lose concentration.

NCLEX is not divided up into separate content area. It tests integrated nursing content

A woman with type 1 DM is returned to the recovery room one hour after an uneventful delivery of a 9 lb,8oz baby boy. The nurse would expect the womans blood sugar to:

Contents of NCLEX
Leadership Safety and infection control Health promotion Therapeutic communication Abuse and domestic violence Hazards of immobility and positioning techniques Medications Procedures Emergency management

Dont underestimate yourself

What you mean by critical thinking???

Observe Decide what is important Look for patterns and relationships Identify the problem Transfer knowledge from one situation to another Apply knowledge Evaluate according to criteria established

Levels of cognitive thinking

Analysis Application Understanding


Question types in NCLEX

Alternate Item
Select all that apply Hot spots-select the correct area and click mouse Fill in the blanks Drag and drop/Ordered

Multiple choice
Format: Question stem +3 wrong answers + 1 right answer

Strategies Part 1
Follow a regular pattern:
Read the question Reword the question Go through the options Eliminate the options Choose the correct answer

Step 1:Read each question carefully. Do not skim over the words read them to quickly Step 2:Look for hints in the wording of the question stem:
Most, first, best, Initial Further teaching is necessary Client understands the correct information

Step 3: Reword the question in your own words with WHAT,WHEN or WHY

Exercise 1

Step 1:Cover all answer choices except First Step 2: Does this answer the REWORDED QUESTION?? apply for all the options. Step 3:Note which answer choices remain. Reread the question and make sure the answer selected is the correct answer

Do not answer questions based on feelings or hunches Stay focused on the reworded question Eliminate only what you know is wrong. Do not focus on unnecessary information Do not predict answers Practice answering test questions

Strategies Part 2

Maslows Hierarchy of needs ABCs Nursing process

Maslows Hierarchy of needs


Airway Breathing Circulation

Nursing process
Assessment Nursing diagnosis Goal/Objective Planning Intervention Evaluation

Physiological needs are more important than psychosocial needs Always assess before you implement Action doesnt always mean implementation

NCLEX exam is not the real world. Time is on your side Always take care of the patient first before the equipment. Memorize normal lab values and be able to interpret them Normal lab values-review

The five rights of medication administration Drugs-actions, side effects and nursing implications

Therapeutic Communication

Dont ask WHY Focus on the client,not on the nurse Dont be authoritarian


Using silence (non verbal)

Allows patient to think and reflect. Assuring self Remain seated, maintain eye contact, sit quietly and wait

Using broad openings

Encourages patient to talk, Indicates interest in patient Allows patient to choose subject. Eg: What would you like to talk about?

Encourages recalls and details of particular experience Encourages description of feelings. Makes sure nurse understands the patient. Eg: Tell me more, How do you feel when you are angry?

Paraphrases what patient says Reflects what patient says, especially feelings conveyed Eg: It sounds like you are feeling angry?

Other good tips:

Encouraging formulation of a plan of axn. Focusing &refocusing Giving information & Presenting reality Listening Maintaining neutral responses Providing non verbal encouragement Sharing perceptions Summarizing

To avoid:
Closed ended questions (Yes/NO Qs)
How many children do you have?

Advices: Arguing or responding in a hostile way False reassurance

Dont worry. You will be okay soon

To avoid
Why didnt you take your medication?

Judgmental responses
You were wrong to do that

Changing the subject Being defensive or challenging the client

Positioning questions
Know the terminology Good positioning should
Prevent??? Promote???

Essential positions

Never delegate assessment, teaching or evaluation to LPN or UAP Delegate care for stable patients with expected outcome Delegate tasks that involve standard, unchanging procedures

Effective methods of study

Practice makes man perfect Identify your strengths and weakness Establish a study plan. Seek help if necessary Prepare mentally
Visualize Exercise

Ineffective ways to prepare

Relying on false hopes Lacking respect for the exam Cramming Poor planning

RN India Placements Pvt Ltd

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

Questions for practice

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