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The “paranormal” is simply defined as

phenomena that occur to many people which

cannot be explained in ordinary terms. The
word paranormal means “beside the normal”
The Paranormal and/or study of the
paranormal is not limited to ghosts, like many
people have come to believe. There are many
areas that exists within the paranormal field.
 There are three main categories:
Mental paranormal phenomena usually is best
defined as psychic or medium-like powers in
Some of the best examples include:
 ESP (extrasensory perception)
 Psychometry
 Clairvoyance
 Mediumship
 Telepathy
 Dowsing
 OOBE/NDE (out of body experiences/near
death experiences
 A general term used to describe the ability to
obtain information without using the 5 known
 Types:
 Clairaudience : The obtaining of information by
hearing sounds or voices; Hearing voices, astral
music or discarnate beings.
 Clairoleofactor: To have an extraordinary sense
of smell, as if you could smell flowers before they
bloom or smell trouble before it occurs or death
before it happens. 
 Clairqustance: Tasting a taste with a spirit.
Clairsentience : The ability to clearly feel yours
and/or another's emotions and sensations.
These are usually things that can be seen or
 Poltergeist Activity
 Physical Mediumship
 Psychic photography
 Psychokenesis
 Healing
However, apparitions do not usually fall into
this category. Even though you can see them,
many still consider them to be mental rather
than physical.
A poltergeist is a type of haunting that is
commonly called a “noisy spirit” (the
definition in German).
Unlike regular hauntings, poltergeists are not
location specific but seem to focus on a
person or family.
Poltergeists can be violent; such as one of the
most famous reported cases; The Smurl
Family in Pennsylvania experienced a
poltergeist that would throw things and the
family had also reported sexual harassment
by the poltergeist.
These are usually things that cannot be
proved easy or are not as widely accepted by
 UFO’s
 Stigmata
 Cryptids
 Alien Abductions
 Psychological Phenomena
 Corn Circles
 Animal Mutilations
 Miracles
In most people’s dictionaries, a ghost is the
remnants of a spirit of a person who has
passed on, or the spirit of a person who
cannot pass on or is bound to earth.
There are 5 main categories that reported
ghosts have fallen into. They include:
 Residual
 Demonic
 Interactive/Intelligent
 Presences
 Poltergeists
A residual haunting is basically an imprint left
behind in an area of a certain event or person.
Usually this type of haunting cannot be
stopped because the spirit involved has no
idea of what is going on and still lives in the
same moment of time over and over. If you
saw this type, it would seem like a movie clip
playing over and over, showing the same
thing. The spirits involved do not try to
communicate with the living.
Usually occurs in places with abundant
limestone rock formations. Limestone tends
to hold energy.
This type of haunting is caused by a non-
human entity (demon or demon-like entity)
Usually starts with simple paranormal activity
but increases with time to become more
Usually effects families under great amounts
of stress or problems; such as
psychological/emotional problems.
These are the most commonly reported type
of haunting. They are normal ghost which
interact and respond to outside stimuli; such
as humans.
They often move things, make sounds, and
These are spirits or hauntings that are not
always seen or heard, but felt. Usually a
presence is known to be in an area because
there is an almost constant feeling of being
watched. However, the feelings accompanied
with presences are not always negative.
Some have reported a comforting feeling
when a presence is near.
Sometimes presences can bring on a feeling
of sickness in people who are sensitive.
See Poltergeist

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