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Loving Solutions for Tough Kids

AKA Parent Project Jr.


Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Specifically designed for parents raising difficult children - ages 5 - 10

Created to .
Reduce family conflict Help children develop greater self discipline Improve the enjoyment of parenting and family life Help our children grow up safe, strong & capable
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.

Loving Solutions Course Overview

Week 1 topics:
Importance of Love and Affection Parenting Model for the strong-willed child Understanding our children Influencing & Motivating difficult children Using Time Outs correctly and effectively

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 2 topics:
Sharing our Expectations, Standards & Values with our children Identifying Critical Rules for our kids Involving our children in the process Using Set Time Outs

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Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 3 topics:
Responding to our childrens choices Encouraging positive choices Redirecting negative choices Dealing w/ Emotional Outbursts

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Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 4 topics:
Active Supervision Creating Structure for our children Improving School Performance

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 5 topics:
Concrete Solutions for tough kids Highly impulsive/ special needs children Out-of-Control Behaviors Developing Personal Action Plans for behavior plans

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 6 topics:
Recognizing and Supporting Success The dynamics of change Problem solving Building a Strong Sense of Family Finding Support for our selves

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Parent Project, Jr.


Loving Solutions
Week 7 topics:
Diagnosis & treatment of ADD/ADHD Working w/ your insurance & doctors Tips for helping ADD/ADHD kids

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Unit 1 Objectives
Parents will be able to:
List character traits of a strong-willed child Recognize successful ways to demonstrate love & affection Discuss influence vs. control Describe effective parenting strategies to increase cooperation & other positive behaviors

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.

Before We Begin Unit 1:

1. What is your partners name? 2. What are the names & ages of your partners children? 3. What parental concerns or issues is your partner facing right now? 4. What does your partner hope to learn from this class?
After getting your partners permission, introduce your new friend to the large group using the above information
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.

Strong Willed vs. Complaint Children

Argumentative Frustrating Persistent Traditional parenting generally ineffective Cooperative Pleasant Eager to please Traditional parenting usually effective

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Parent Project, Jr.

Activity 1.1: Personality

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Calm Easy Going Willing to listen Understanding Compliant 6. Emotional 7. Strong-willed 8. Argumentative 9. Stubborn 10. Challenging

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.

What Works?
The keys to parenting tough kids: Love & Affection Positive Strokes Positive Consequences Time Outs Teaching New Tools

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Parent Project, Jr.

Love & Affection

Our MOST effective parenting tool & the key to: Improved Communication Effective Discipline Positive Self-Esteem Changing destructive & difficult behaviors
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Working in Groups
Group Facilitator Group Recorder Group Time Keeper Group Cheerleaders/ Nurturers

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Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.2: Roles

Group Facilitator: Group Recorder: Group Time Keeper: Group Cheerleaders/ Nurturers:

Each member now takes a minute to explain their assigned job description to their group

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Ground Rules
Active Listening: Only 1 group member speaks at a time.
Give your complete & undivided attention. Groups STOP individual conversations when large group activities begin.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality means, What is heard in

the group, remains in the group.

Avoid Being Judgmental: Groups are not a place for

judgment, criticism or confrontation.

Quantity vs. Quality: The more ideas the better. There

are no right or wrong answers in brainstorming activities.

OK to Piggy Back: When a member can add to another

members idea, they should do so.

Group Ownership: Once an idea or thought has been

spoken aloud, it belongs to the group.

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.3 Showing Love

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Saying, I Love You Cooking for your children Spending time w/ your children ? ? ? ? ? ?
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.4 Most Effective

3 parental expressions of love that a child could not mistake as anything other than - Mom & Dad love me. 1. ? 2. ? 3. ?

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.5: Children

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Children Children Children Children Children respond

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Parent control THINGS

NOT Children!

We dont control our kids!

But, we do have tremendous influence on them.


Influencing & Motivating Children

Daily Love & Affection Positive Strokes Positive Consequences Time Outs Teaching Tools

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Parent Project, Jr.


Positive Strokes: Catching kids doing right!

Acknowledge and reinforce your childs positive actions w/ a compliment - it shows you noticed and approve.

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Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.7 Doing Right!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Taking out the trash with or without being asked Helping a younger brother or sister ? ? ? ? ? ?
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Positive Consequences
Kids get to do what they like to do, AFTER they have followed a parents request.


Everyday Life Example

Employee receives a paycheck at the end of the work week.

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.8 Fun Follows Work!

1. Sure! You may use the phone, just as soon as you finish drying the dishes. 2. Sure! You may go to your friends house, just as soon as your room is clean. 3. Sure! You may______________, just as soon as ____________________. 4. Sure! You may______________, just as soon as ____________________. 5. Sure! You may______________, just as soon as ____________________.
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Time Out
Involves the loss of access to fun things and social interaction w/ others. Becomes an empty, boring and undesirable experience May follow a negative behavior; also may be used to encourage a positive behavior Lasts only a very short time - short Time Outs help maintain a childs hope & motivation.

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Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.9 Negative Choices

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hitting Breaking a toy on purpose ? ? ? ?

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Parent Project, Jr.


Teaching Tools
Taking time to teach kids a better way

Everyday Life Example:

Your supervisor shows you how to safely use a new machine

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Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.10 Teaching Tools

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hitting Purposefully breaking a toy ? ? ? ? ? ?
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Appropriate? Does the behavior deserve a Time Out? - willful or just a mistake. Brief? Will it last just a short time? consequences must fit the way kids think. Consistent? Am I willing to follow through every time and for the entire time period? Design? Whats the whole picture? what happens, where and how? Educate? Did we take the time to plan & teach a better way?
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.

Designing Effective Time Outs


Group Activity 1.11 Childs List

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ? ? ? ? ? ? 7. ? 8. ? 9. ? 10. ? 11. ? 12. ?
THIS is Our Childs List
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Take everything away, for a short period of time.


Choosing the Spot?

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Using Self-Limiting Time Outs to encourage (AKA motivate) our children to do important yet unfun activities


Group Activity 1.12 Unfun Tasks

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Child needs to complete homework Child needs to pick up toys ? ? ? ? ?

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Self-Limiting Time Outs

Used to encourage positive behaviors No use of a timer Time Out Area is a boring place Length of Time Out is determined by the child Child does not leave Time Out Area except to do requested task Child leaves when ready to do the requested task Child takes as much time as he needs

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Parent Project, Jr.


Group Activity 1.13: ABCs


Consistent? Design? (what, when, where & how) Educate? (plan & teach a better way)

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Parent Project, Jr.


Review Activity 1.14

1. If parents have a strong-willed child, traditional parenting techniques may not _________. 2. Parents must tell their children how much they are loved every _______. 3. Although parents cannot control their children, parents can control the _______ their children enjoy. 4. Parents should give their child Positive ______when they catch their child doing something right. 5. _______ term Time Outs are more effective than longterm Time Outs because they fit the way children think. 6. When children refuse to do a requested task, parents should use a ______ ________ Time Out.

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Most Powerful Idea I Learned in Unit 1:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Home Practice
Tell your child how much they are loved every day this week. Catch your child doing something right, and give him/her a Positive Stroke. If you find it necessary to use a Self-Limiting Time Out, follow the guidelines in this unit. Remember the ABCs of Time Outs: Appropriate, Brief, Consistent, Design, and Educate a better way.
Make sure you bring back your success stories to share with your support group next week.
Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


Next Week

Ideals, Rules and Tools

Learn how to communicate your expectations, standards, and values to your children

Loving Solutions

Parent Project, Jr.


Words of Wisdom
I wish I would have held you closer, hugged and kissed you more when you were little. Parent Author Unknown

PARENTS, nows the time!

Loving Solutions Parent Project, Jr.


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