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What is XML? XML is custom markup language XML should be self explanatary and the tags should contain data example

Rules to Write XML: XML is defined by set of rules, if you adhere to the following rules it is said to be well formed.
A root element is required Closing tags are required. Rules Example Elements must be properly nested. If you start an Element A and start an Element B , you should first close Element B and then Element A. Contd

Case Matters.

XML is case sensitive. Elements named wonder, Wonder and WONDER are treated entirely seperate and unrelated. <name>Colossus of Rhodes</name> <Name>Colossus of Rhodes</Name> <name>Colossus of Rhodes</Name>

Elements , Attributes and values Syntax of XML Element Tag : <Element>Content</Element> Eg: <height>107</height> Syntax of XML Tag with attribute : <Element AttrName=[Attrvalue]>Content</Element> Eg: <height units="feet"> 107 </height> Note: Attribute is generally considered as metadata.

Creating XML <?xml version="1.0"?> - > Begin with Processing instruction. -> Create root element -> No limit to child elements. -> Nesting elements. -> usage of attributes as required -> usage of empty elements <main_image file="colossus.jpg" w="528" h="349"/>

-> Writing comments <!--this is a comment--> Comment Example : -> Displaying elements as text use CDATA

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

we use XSLT to transform XML documents and produce HTML. Process : The process starts with two documents -> the XML document which contain the source data to be transformed -> The XSLT- a style sheet document which describes the rules of the transformation.

linking XML document with XSLT stylesheet . ex : 02-01.xml

Transformation Steps The XSLT Processor analyses the XML document and converts into a node tree. After then , it looks at the style sheet for instruction on what to do with the nodes.

XSLT Templates The instructions are contained in templates Each template has two instructions ; - label that identifies the nodes in the XML document - Instructions about the actual transformation. ex: - 02-03.xsl Note : All XSLT transformations should start with root template. <xsl:template match="/"> </xsl:template> ex : 2.6

Outputting HTML <xsl:output method="html"/> -> add the above line to direct the output to html. -> you can add the HTML tags inside the <xsl:template match="/"></xsL:template> ex : 2.7

Outputting Values To output a node's content, provide <xsl:value-of select="expression" />

ex: 2.10 and 2.11

Looping over nodes <xsl:for-each>

For- each element allows you to act on all nodes matched

ex: <xsl:for-each select="ancient_wonders/wonder"> ex: 2.14

Processing nodes conditionally <xsl:if test="name[@language!='English']"> IF element allows you to act only when provided test pass

sorting nodes <xsl:sort select="height" order="descending" datatype="number" /> Sort element will sort the nodes in ascending/descending order based on the attribute order

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