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Supporting of soft tissue Responsible for growth of long bones Facilitate for bones movement

STRUCTURES Intercelluler substance : matrix Cavities : lacuna which contain chondrocytes

CHARACTERISTIC : Avasculer : all nutrient have to : Diffuse from connective tissues cappilaries Sinovial liquid from dari atricular space Not contain nerves

There are three types of cartilage :

Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage Fibrocartilage


Most abundant type in adult Location :

End of ribs Larynx,trachea, bronchus Articular surface of bones epiphyseal cartilage of growing bone

Light microscope
MATRIX : Amorf gel which contain glycosaminoglycans that compose proteoglicans with protein. glycosaminoglycans consist of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin 4 sulfate, chondroitin 6 sulfate, keratan sulfate.

Gel contains of :

Colagen Fiber type 2, D=10 -100 nm. From histology findings: Collagen fiber hard to differentiate from amorf substance because : Very soft measure Indeks of refraction = indeks of refraction from intecelluler amorf substance Collagen in matrix 40-70% 50% organic in the form of gel which consist of strong hidrofilik proteoglikan

Chondrocytes produce Colagen type II & proteoglikan Protein in matrix in the form of :

Colagen type II Condronektin Condrokalsin

with H.E staining :

Matrix : blue colourless( almost unstained) Space around chondrocytes > dark = teritorial matrix = capsular, characteristic :

Strong Basofilik Metachromatik PAS +

Interteritorial Mtrix Tissue liquid : 65-80% Have no vessel and lympatics CHONDROCYTES located in primer lacunae Division of chondrocytes whose daughters cell clustered in groups in the lacuna called isogen cell = cell nest

Chondrocytes secreting intercellueler substance compose thin septum between cells called secunder lacuna. Secunder lacuna cell nest located in primer lacuna. Sel types : variated Young chondrocytes : rather flat Mature chondrocytes : large & circle

Chondrocytes : Roundly nucleus : 1-2 nukleoli Cytoplasma : glycogen & fat in large chondrocytes PERICHONDRIUM Consist of 2 layers : Inner = Chondrogenik layer In these layer, cells produce chondroblast

Outer = Fibrous layer Differentiated cells fibroblast Produce Colagen so the cartilage covered with dense irreguler connective

CARTILAGE DEVELOPMENT Intertisiel development : mitosis Aposisional development : differensiasi



auricle, meatus acustikus eksternus wall, Tuba auditori eustachia, Epiglotis, a part of larynx.

MATRIX : collagen fiber type II, elastic fiber >>> Have a perichondrium


DISTRIBUTION : Anulus fibrous discus intervertebralis, symphisis pubis, place which tendo attached to cartilago

Rough collagen fiber, regular Less seluler Chondrosit cell rarely spread Matrix basofilik, perikondrium



Compacta is the hardest part of the bone FUNCTION :

Body skeleton Support Bone Matrix Bone cells

- Protect - produce blood cells

Consisting :



90% type 1collagen fiber , less type V HE pink red 10% amorf elements: Chondroitin sulfat Hialuronat acid Glycoprotein Protein non colagen : Osteonektin & Osteocalsin

ANORGANIC COMPOUND: Mineral : Ca & P a large amount of hidroksiapatit Bicarbonat, citrat, Mg, K, Na

Bone Cells :

Osteoblast :
organic matrix Nukleasi bone mineral

Cells morfology Active : large, spherical polygonal, eksentris nucleus, basophilic cytoplasma ( >> GER) Active : flat , cytoplasma : less basofilik


Maintain the matrix & Calsium released Location : lacuna on the matrix Connect through canaliculi

morfology: < osteoblas Motile Have a large amount of cytoplasma branches Cytoplasma : less basophilic EM: contains GER, less golgi apparatus, dense nucleus chromatin, lisosom


Nucleus numerous, near to bone surface Fagosit mononuclear system Managed of calsium serum level ( parathormon & calsitonin ) cytopl. : asidophilic, eosin (dark), contains mithocondria, golgi app, lisosom, GER. Bone resorpsi LACUNA HOWSHIP

A. Conselosa : cavities spongiosa B. Compacta : solid 2. A. Immature = primary B. Mature = secundary 3. A. Berkas B. Anyaman C. Smooth fibers secunder

IMMATUR BONE = PRIMARY BONE Osteosit >>, mineral << Consist of : wofen bone & tulang berkas Matrix : basophilic sorrounded by mature bone Temporary mature bone Be formed of :

Fracture recovery osteosarcome

MATURE BONE = SECONDARY BONE = Reguler lamels bone, each lamel size 4 12m

Matrix : asidofil Osteosit <<, spread evenly, contained in flat lacunae

LAMEL LAMEL small lacunana & anastomosed web (canaliculi) Osteosit which located in lacunae Processus of osteosit fill in canaliculi

LAMELLS of COMPACTA BONE 1. Outer circumferential lamellae 2. Inner circumferential lamellaes 3. Haversian system (= Osteon) 4. Intertisiel lamellae LAMELLS of SPONGIOSA BONE Lamel <<, not arranged to be Haversian system

2 types of vascular ductus on the compacta bone 1. Haversian Canalis

Sorrounded by cosentris lamells Contains : vascular, nerves connective tissue Connect with :

Bone marrow Periosteum Another Haversian canal through canalis volkman canal

2. Canalis Volkman Bone surface covered by 2 membrans :

1. 2.

Periosteum outer Endosteum inner

PERIOSTEUM Vascular connective tissue membranne Cover the outer surface of bone

Consist of :

Outer layer (thick) = fibrous Inner layer = osteogenik sel osteogenik

Serat Sharpey ENDOSTEUM Structure = periosteum :


Thinner Not showing 2 layers

OSTEOGENESIS = Ossification =

OSIFIKASI INTRAMEMBRANOUS Occurs in vascular mesencyme tissue Begin before end of second month pregnancy On the flat bone --cranial, mandibula, clavicula Beginning of osification : primary centre of ossification

Incalsified bone tissue Osteoid 2. ENCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION - Occurs in hyalin cartilago - Responsible on the formation of small bone and long bone

Consist of 2 process : 1. Hiperthropy & destruction from chondrocytes of cartilage models until lacunae formed 2. Tunas osteogenik, consist of oteogenik precursor & vascular capillary, through a location where chondrocytes going to degenerate


GROWTH OF LONG BONE The beginning of bone tissue formed by intamembranous ossification in the perichondrium arround diafise. The first site of ossification occurs in diafisec = Center of ossification. Longitudinal growth extend to epifise

2.Ossification secundary center occurs in each epTerjadi Pusat Osifasi Sekunder pd tiap-tiap epiphyse Radially growth Occurs after born Bila jar.tulang yg berasal darei pusat osifikasi sekunder menempati epifise maka tulang rawan tetap ada pada :

Kartilago artikularis Lempeng epifiser = tulang rawan epifisiel


Four distinct zones can be seen at the lightmicroscope : I. Zone of resting cartilage

Near by bone tissue on the epiphyse passive chondrocyetes participates on the bone growth

II. Zona of Proliferation


Consist of dividing chondrocytes and produce new chondrocytes Formed columns like koin mitosis appearance

III. Zona of Maturation / hyperthrophy


Arrangement of chondrocytes( kolom memanjang) Hiperthropy cells and contain of glycogen and lipid Large cells and colourless Cells produce a large amount of fosfatase

IV. Zone of calcification - Precipitation of mineral cartilage on the matrix - Form of chondrocytes intact - Matrix damaged between lacuna - Capillary with osteogenic cells

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

HISTOPHYSIOLOGY Support and protect Plastisitas Calsium deposit Nutrition (Vit A, C & D) Hormonal Factors Parathormon & Calsitonn Growth hormon


Diartrosis Sinartrosis Sinostosis Sinkondrosis Sindesmosis

DIARTROSIS Wide mobility - Connect long bones - Articulation surface :


Cover by hyaline cartilago no perichondrium


consist of :

sinovial cells Contain of sinovial liquid form by sinovial layer: viscous , no colour / transparent, hialuronat acid >>

Cover by fibrous capsule = diarthrosis capsula consist of 2 layers :

1. Outer : fibrous 2. Inner : sinovial

- sel skuamous /cuboid - jar.penyambung padat / longgar - adipose tissue - EM, 2 types of cells : a.Macrofag = sel M contain large a.golgi >>, lisosom, << GER b. Fibroblas = F cell GER well developed M & F cell fagositik M cell more active


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