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Buffalo breeds of India

FAO-180 millions in 40 countries. Of this 86 million present in India Contribute around 4! India and 1"! #orlds total mil$ production. Out of %".6 million tonnes &"00'( )%!-Asia India and pa$istan-)"! of Asia*s buffalo mil$ production.

+a,onomical Classification
-in.dom / Animalia 0h1lum Class Order Famil1 6enus / Chordata / 2ammalia / Artiodact1ls / Bo5idae / Bubalis

3uborder / 4uminentia 3ubfamil1/ Bo5inae 3pecies / B.bubalus

2urrah 6u9arat <.0.

2urrah7 8ili-4a5i7 banni :affarabadi7 2ehsana ; 3urti Bhada#ari7 +arai

Central India :eran.i7 -alahandi7 2anda7 8a.apuri7 0andharpuri73ambalpuri7 2arath#ada. 3outh India 3outh -anara7 +oda7 6oda5ari




31non1m-=elhi7-undi7-ali. O;B +ract>ar1ana 4ohta$ 6ur.aon :ind =elhi =elhi 3tate >isar =istrict

Comment on Breedin. +ract-?illati$ulam talu$a7 parts of Ottapidram and -o5ilpatti talu$as of +uticorin district7 and parts of 3attar 0ancha1at union area of ?iruduna.ar district. 2ain <se-Food - 2il$ and 2eat@ Aor$ B =rau.ht.

Comment on main use-2ales are used both for breedin. as #ell as drau.ht purpose. +his breed has e5en formed an important place in the li5estoc$ industr1 of man1 de5elopin. countries li$e Bul.aria7 0hilipines7 2ala1sia7 ?ietnam7 BraCil and 3ri Dan$a.

Colour-:et Blac$. >orns 3hape and 3iCe-+i.htl1 cur5ed in a spirl form. 3hort in siCe. ?isible Characteristics-:et blac$ colour7 ti.htl1 curled horns.

0eculiarit1 of the breed-+his breed has spread to almost all parts of the #orld and is bein. bred either in pure form or is bein. used for .radin. up local buffaloes. It has been e,ported to man1 de5elopin. countries and is bred there.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 14"

FEMALE 1'' 148 "0" 16 '0

Body Length(Avg 1 0 cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) ""0 6%

Birth Weight(Avg '" Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 4'.4 onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 14.) 1% " %.'

Minimum ').) 14.1 100' 6.)

Maximum 4." 1).) "0 % 8.'

8ili ra5i



31non1m-0anch -al1ani O;B +ract3tate Amritsar =istrict 0un9ab FeroCpur

Comment on Breedin. +ract-8ili 4a5i buffaloes are found in FaCil$a7 FeroCepur7 Eira and 2a$hu tehsils of FeroCepur district@ and 0atti and -hem$aran tehsils of Amritsar district. 2ain <se Food - 2il$ Ori.in-+he name 8ili is supposed to ha5e been deri5ed from the blue #ater of ri5er 3utli9. 4a5i buffaloes are mostl1 bred in pa$istan around the ri5er 4a5i7 after #hich the1 are named. After 1)607 the1 #ere classified into one breed as 8ili - 4a5i

Colour-8ormal1 blac$. >orns 3hape and 3iCe->orns are ti.htl1 cur5ed and circular in cross section7 small in siCe. ?isible Characteristics-<suall1 #alled e1es and #hite mar$in.s on forehead7 face7 muCCle7 le.s and tail. +he most desired character of female is the possession of these #hite mar$in.s $no#ns as F0anch -al1aniF.

0eculiarit1 of the breed-3imilar to 2urrah in almost all respects e,cept for some #hite mar$in.s on e,tremities7 and #alled e1es.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 140

FEMALE 1'4 16 "08 4 4 '4

Body Length(Avg 160 cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) "'0 6%

Birth Weight(Avg ' Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 4 onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 16 18 0 6.8

Minimum 40 10 1 86 .1

Maximum ' '1 1)") 8




31non1m-Bha5ana.ri7 6ir or :affari O;B +ract- 3tate 6u9aratAmreli Bha5na.ar :amna.ar :una.adh 4a9$ot 0orbandar =istrict

2ain <se-Food - 2il$@ Aor$ - =rau.ht and +ransport. Comment on main use-+he main communities for rearin. and de5elopin. these buffaloes are 4abri7 Bhad5ad7 Aher and 2er. +hese buffaloes are the main source of li5ehood of 2aldhri herdmen.

Ori.in-It is named after the to#n of :affarabad. Adaptabilit1 to Gn5ironment-+his breed is $no#n for its abilit1 to fi.ht lions in 6ir forest.

Colour-Blac$ but some animals ha5in. #hite or .re1 tail s#itch are also seen. >orns 3hape and 3iCe->orns e,hibit #ide 5ariation7 but usuall1 emer.e out b1 compressin. the head7 .o do#n#ard side#a1s7 then up#ard and in#ard finall1 formin. a rin. li$e structure. >orn are lon..

?isible Characteristics->orn shape is peculiar of this breed. It ma$es e1es to loo$ small - termed as stud1 e1e7 especiall1 in males. 0eculiarit1 of the breed-:affabadi is the hea5iest of all the Indian breeds of Buffaloes.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 14'

FEMALE 1') 1 % ""' 6"0 '4

Body Length(Avg 14% cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) "18 %00

Birth Weight(Avg ' Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 4 onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 14.6 ""') %.68

Minimum 41 0 "1 0 6.8


0 "'40 8.




31non1m-2ahesani7 2ehsani O;B +ract- 3tate Banas -antha 6andhina.ar 2ahesana 3abar -antha =istrict 6u9arat Ahmadabad

Comment on Breedin. +ract-+1pical animals are seen in the to#ns of 2ehsana7 0atan7 3idhpur7 ?i9apur7 -adi7 -alol and 4adhanpura. 2ain <se-Food - 2il$. Comment on main use-+he breed is considered to be a cross bet#een 3urti and 2urrah. Ori.in-=eri5ed from the to#n of 2ehsana in 8orth 6u9arat.

Colour-2ostl1 blac$7 a fe# animals are blac$ bro#n or bro#n. >orns 3hape and 3iCe->orns are .enerall1 sic$le shaped #ith the cur5e more up#ard then in the 3urti breed and less cur5ed then in the 2urrah breed. +he1 are .enerall1 bent do#n#ard and then ta$e a cur5e li$e the horns of a ram.

?isible Characteristics-G1es are 5er1 prominent7 blac$ and bri.ht bul.in. from their soc$ets #ith folds of s$in on upper lids. 0eculiarit1 of the breed-+he breed is $no#n as persistent mil$er and re.ular breeder.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 1'4

FEMALE 1"8 14" 18) 484 "8.

Body Length(Avg 1 4 cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) "01 6

Birth Weight(Avg "). Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 4".8' onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 1 .64 1)88 6.8'

Minimum "" 10 )8 ."

Maximum 4 '1 ' )% ).




31non1m-Gta#ah O;B +ract2.0 <.0 3tate 2orena A.ra Gta#ah =istrict Bhind

Comment on Breedin. +ract-Bhada#ari buffaloes are found in the ra5ines of Hamuna7 Chambal and <tan.an ri5ers spread o5er in <ttar 0radesh and 2adh1a 0radesh. +he breedin. areas are Bah tehsil of A.ra@ Cha$arna.ar and Barhpura bloc$s of Gta#ah@ Ambah and 0orsa tehsils of 2orena@ and 2ahan.aon tehsil of Bhind district.

2ain <se-Food - 2il$@ Aor$ B =rau.ht. Ori.in-+hese buffaloes #ere the proud possession of Bhadauria clan of the former Bhada#er state before independance and has possibl1 deri5ed its name from that state.

Adaptabilit1 to Gn5ironment-Bhada#ari buffaloes sur5i5e and produce on lo# Iualit1 feed and fodder resources a5ailable in the ra5ines of Haumna7 Chambal and <tan.an ri5ers.

Colour-Blac$ish copper to li.ht copper. Colour of le.s is usuall1 li$e #heat stra#. >orns 3hape and 3iCe->orns are blac$ curlin. sli.htl1 out#ard7 do#n#ard before runin. bac$#ard parallel and close to nec$ and finall1 turnin. up#ard.

?isible Characteristics-+#o #hite lines FChe5ronF locall1 called as -anth1 are present on the lo#er side of the nec$. 0eculiarit1 of the breed-+his breed is an efficient con5erter of coarse feed into butterfat and is $no#n for its hi.h butter fat content in the mil$.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 1"6

FEMALE 1"4 1'4 184 410 "4.6

Body Length(Avg 1'8 cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) 18 4%

Birth Weight(Avg "%.6 Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 44.6 onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 16 1")4 %.88

Minimum 0 1' 40 6

Maximum 0 "1 1400 1".8




31non1m-Charotari7 =eccani7 6u9arati7 8adiadi and +alabda. O;B +ract3tate Bharuch -heda 3urat =istrict 6u9arat?adodara

2ain <se-Food - 2il$ Comment on main use-2il$ contains hi.h fat and 38F. Ori.in-8amed after place of its ori.in

Colour-Coat colour 5aries from rust1 bro#n throu.h sili5er- .re1 to blac$. 3$in is blac$ or bro#n. >orns 3hape and 3iCe->orns are flat7 sic$le shaped and are directed do#n #ard and bac$#ard7 and then turn up#ard at the the tip to form a hoo$. 2edium in siCe.

?isible Characteristics-2edium siCed animal7 t#o #hite bands belo# the nec$ and sic$le shaped horns. 0eculiarit1 of the breed-+he surti buffalo is li.hter in bod1 #ei.ht7 as compared to hea51 breeds7 consume less feed7 thri5es #ell both on sto5ers and on limited or no .reen fodder7 and produce mil$ #ith hi.h fat and 38F content. It is popular #ith land less7 small and mar.inal farmers.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 1''

FEMALE 1'0 14) 1%1 401 "4.

Body Length(Avg 1 ' cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) 1%6 4'

Birth Weight(Avg "6.' Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 44.) onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 14.86 166% %.0"

Minimum ' 0 0 '.8

Maximum 8 0 0 8.%




31non1m--utchi and -undi O;B +ract3tate =istrict 6u9arat-utchchh

Comment on Breedin. +ract-3oil of banni area is hi.hl1 calcareous7 saline and loam sand17 poor #ater holdin. capacit17 lo# permeabilit1 and prone to erosion 2ain <se-Food - 2il$ Ori.in-2aldharis of banni came from >alieb in Af.anishtan about 00 1ears a.o #ith their animals in search of pasture. 8amed as per the local area of FBanniF in -achchh district

Breed 3ocieties-Banni 0ashu <chera$ 2aldhar 3an.athan. Adaptabilit1 to Gn5ironment-Adapted to local climatic conditions and traditional e,tensi5e s1stem of ni.ht .raCin..

Colour-2ainl1 Blac$7 sometimes Copper >orns 3hape and 3iCe-Cur5ed. 2edium to lar.e7 hea51 #ith "4 to '0 cm diameter in adult animals ?isible Characteristics->orns are 5ertical and up#ard in direction #ith in5erted doubleJ sin.le coilin.

MALE Height(Avg cm) 1'8

FEMALE 1'% 1 ' "04 0 0

Body Length(Avg 144 cm) Heart Girth(Avg cm) Weight(Avg Kg) "14 0

Birth Weight(Avg 0 Kg)

Average Age at first arturition(Avg!M 40.' onths) arturition "nterva#(Months) Mi#$ yie#d %er #actation($g) Mi#$ Fat(&) 1"."4 "8 %." 6.6

Minimum 0 0 10) 4

Maximum 0 0 60 4 1".1

4eferences ICA4->andboo$ Of Animal >usbandr1. =air1 Bo5ine 0roduction b1-C.-.+homas 6.4a5i$iran. - 8et BBuffalopedia ; site of 8BA64

- 0re5ious 0o#er0oint 0resentations.

$ n a +h

u o 1

B.Abhilash 4edd1. +?2J"01'-01

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