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Top 20 Missed Questions from last Midterm Exam

2. An example of a Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) intervention is the:

A. Patient will ambulate in the hall independently for 10 minutes three times a day. B. Nurse will report temperature elevation to the charge nurse C. Nurse will offer extra liquids at all meals D. Patient will express pain relief after massage.

9. The embryonic membrane that contains fingerlike projections on its surface, which attach to the uterine wall is the:
A. Amnion

B. Yolk sac
C. Chorion D. Decidua Basalis

14. The patient who is 28 weeks pregnant shows a 10-pound weight gain from 2 weeks ago. The nurse should initially:
A. Assess food intake

B. Weigh the patient again

C. Take the blood pressure D. Notify the physician

24. While discussing labor and delivery during a prenatal visit, a primigravida asks the nurse when she should go to the hospital. The nurses most informative response would be that the woman should come when she:
A. Feels increased fetal movement B. Has contractions that are 10 minutes apart C. Thinks her membranes have ruptured D. Has abdominal or groin discomfort

37. The nurses first action when postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony is suspected is to:
A. Teach the patient how to massage the abdomen and then get help

B. Start IV fluids to prevent hypovolemia, then notify the RN

C. Begin massaging the fundus while another person notifies the physician D. Ask the patient to void and reassess fundal tone and location

42. The new mother who had a vaginal delivery yesterday has a white blood cell count of 30,000 cells/dL. The nurse should:
A. Notify the charge nurse of a possible infection B. Prepare to put the patient in isolation

C. Have the infant removed from the room and returned to the nursery
D. Assess the patient further.

43. The nurse planning to teach a woman about perimenopause would include that lowered estrogen levels:
A. Prevent osteoporosis
B. Decrease vaginal lubrication C. Raise the level of low-density lipoproteins D. Raise the level of high-density lipoproteins

49. The nurse is caring for an infant born at 43 weeks. A physical assessment would reveal:
A. dry, peeling skin B. Minimal hair on the head C. Short, rough nails

D. Abundant lanugo on the body

58. To encourage a toddler to practice independence, the nurse would recommend that the childs mother:
A. Offer a variety of items to choose from to stimulate his mind B. Allow the child to determine his own daily routine C. Offer him a choice between two items D. Set the routine herself, but discuss with her toddler how he or she would have done it differently

64. When assessing a 13-year old boy, the nurse would keep in mind physical changes in the pubertal male begin with:
A. Development of axillary & facial hair B. Enlargement of penis C. Enlargement of testicles D. Pigmentation of the scrotum

67. The nurse suggests the use of I messages to communicate a parents feeling to an adolescent
A. I feel frightened when you stay out past your curfew.
B. I am your mother, and I insist that you observe your curfew.

C. I am sick and tired of your staying out late.

D. I expect you to show me proper respect.

68. The nurse suggests that the best time for parents to begin to prepare a 5 year old for surgery & hospitalization is:
A. As soon as the surgery is scheduled. B. About 2 weeks before surgery C. About 4 days before surgery D. On the night before admission to the hospital

73. Gentamicin ear drops are prescribed for a 4-year old child. To administer ear drops, the nurse would pull the auricle:
A. Up and back
B. Down and back C. Up and out

D. Down and out

76. A parent comments that her infant has had several ear infections in the past few months. The nurse understands that infants are more susceptible to otitis media because:
A. Infants are in a supine or prone position most of the time B. sucking on a nipple creates middle ear pressure C. They have increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections.

D. The eustachian tube is short, straight, and wide.

83.The parent of a child with osteomyelitis asks why his child is in so much pain. The nurses response will be based on the understanding that the pain of osteomyelitis is caused by:
A. The pressure of inelastic bone
B. Purulent discharge in the bone marrow C. The cast applied on the extremity

D. Circulatory congestion of the skin

85. The nurse notes as an abnormal finding on a musculoskeletal assessment of a 4-year old that the child:
A. Has inward-turned knees while standing B. Walks on toes C. Appears to have flat feet D. Swings his arms when walking

90. The parent of a 1-year old child with TOF asks the nurse, Why do my childs fingertips look like that? The nurse bases a response on the understanding that clubbing occurs as a result of:
A. Untreated congestive heart failure B. A left-to-right shunting of blood C. Decreased cardiac output D. Chronic hypoxia

94. A child with thalassemia major receives blood transfusions frequently. The nurse is aware that a complication of repeated blood transfusions is:
A. Hemarthrosis B. Hematuria C. Hemoptysis D. hemosiderosis

96. A 6-year old with leukemia asks, Who will take care of me in heaven? The best response for the nurse to make is:
A. Who do you think will take care of you? B. Your grandparents and God will take care of you. C. Your mom will know more about that than I do

D. Why are you asking me that?

99. One reason that infants are more vulnerable to fluid & electrolyte imbalances than adults is that:
A. They have smaller surface area than adults in proportion to body weight B. Water needs and losses per kilogram are lower than those for adults.

C. A greater percentage of body water in infants is extracellular.

D. Infants have a lower metabolic turnover of water

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