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Zahreni Hamzah
Rahardyan Parnaadji
Lab. Fisiologi Bag Biomedik FKG Univ. J ember
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How is the organization of
the autonomic nervous
system (ANS) different from
that of the somatic nervous
system (SNS)?
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Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Operates without conscious instruction
Coordinates systems functions:
Sistem ini merupakan sistem saraf eferen
(motorik) yang mempersarafi organ-
organ dalam seperti otot-otot polos, otot
jantung, dan berbagai kelenjar.
Sistem ini juga melakukan fungsi kontrol,
semisal: kontrol tekanan darah, sekresi
gastrointestinal,pengosongan kandung
kemih, proses berkeringat, suhu tubuh,
dan beberapafungsi lain.
Karakteristik utama SSO:
kemampuan mempengaruhi yang sangat
cepat (misal: dalam beberapa detik
denyut jantung dapat meningkat,
perubahan tekanan darah, berkeringat).

Keterlibatan dengan SSP:
Medulla spinalis bertanggung jawab
untuk persarafan otonom yang
memengaruhi sistem kardiovaskular dan
Hipotalamus berfungsi :
Mengintegrasikanpersarafan otonom,
somatik, dan hormonal (endokrin) dan
emosi serta tingkah laku
Misal: seseorang yang marah
meningkatkan denyut jantung,tekanan
darah, dan laju respirasi.

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ANS in the Nervous System
Refleks visceral, sama seperti
refleks somatik lainnya, terdiri atas
komponen reseptor, integrasi, dan

Pembeda refleks visceral dengan
refleks somatik:
Informasi reseptor refleks visceral
diterima secara bawah-sadar
Misal: Pembuluh darah melebar
(kulit yang kemerahan).
Pupil mata melebar.


Neuron (orde pertama) berada di SSP (sisi lateral
medullaspinalis dan di batang otak) > preganglionic
Serabut ini bersinaps dengan badan sel neuron orde
kedua yang terletak di dalam ganglion.
Serabut pascaganglion menangkap sinyal dari
serabut preganglion melalui neurotransmiter yang
dilepaskan oleh serabut preganglion.
(Ganglion: kumpulan badan sel yang terletak di luar
Akson neuron orde kedua (postganglionic fiber)
menuju organ yang akan diinervasi.
Organ efektor menerima impuls melalui pelepasan
neurotransmiter oleh serabut pascaganglion.
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Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic
Nervous Systems
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Organization Similarities
of SNS and ANS
Are efferent divisions
Carry motor commands:
SNS controls skeletal muscles
ANS controls visceral effectors
Motor neurons synapse on visceral motor
neurons in autonomic ganglia
Ganglionic neurons control visceral
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Organization Similarities
of SNS and ANS
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Neurotransmitters and Receptors
Acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE)
are the two major neurotransmitters of the ANS
ACh is released by all preganglionic axons and
all parasympathetic postganglionic axons
Cholinergic fibers ACh-releasing fibers
Adrenergic fibers sympathetic postganglionic
axons that release NE
Neurotransmitter effects can be excitatory or
inhibitory depending upon the receptor type
Serabut preganglion parasimpatis
melepaskan neurotransmitter asetilkolin
(ACh) yang ditangkap oleh reseptor
kolinergik nikotinik badan sel
Efek dari penangkapan ACh oleh reseptor
nikotinik menyebabkan pembukaan kanal
ion nonspesifik, menyebabkan influx
terutama ion Na+

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Pelepasan Neurotransmitter
Setelah itu, serabut pascaganglion
parasimpatis juga menghasilan
asetilkolin yang ditangkap oleh
reseptor kolinergik muskarinik yang
terdapat di semua organ efektor
Penempelan Ach dapat menginhibisi
atau mengeksitasi organ efektor.

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Serabut preganglion simpatis melepaskan
neurotransmitter ACh yang ditangkap oleh
reseptor nikotinik yang berada di badan sel
Serabut pascaganglion melepaskan
noradrenalin (atau norepinefrin) dan ditangkap
oleh reseptor adrenergik.
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Pelepasan Neurotransmitter
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Differences between SANS and PANS
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What are the divisions and
functions of the ANS?
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Sympathetic Division :
Kicks in only during exertion, stress, or
Parasympathetic Division :
Controls during resting conditions

2 divisions may work independently:
some structures innervated by only 1 division
2 divisions may work together:
each controlling one stage of a complex
Divisi parasimpatis cenderung mengatur
organ efektor dalam keadaan rest-and-
digest, yakni ketika tubuh berada dalam
keadaan tenang,relaks, kondisi yang
tidak mengancam, atau dalam keadaan
pembersihan dan pemulihan tubuh
( general housekeeping).

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Parasympathetic Division Outflow
Cranial Nerve Ganglion Effector Organ(s)
Occulomotor (III)
Ciliary Eye
Facial (VII) Pterygopalatin
Salivary, nasal, and
lacrimal glands
Otic Parotid salivary
Vagus (X) Located within the
walls of target
Heart, lungs, and
most visceral
Located within the
walls of the target
Large intestine,
urinary bladder,
ureters, and
reproductive organs
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Visceral Reflexes
What are the mechanisms
of neurotransmitter
release in the sympathetic
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Sympathetic Receptors
Sympathetic Receptors
Alpha receptors
Beta receptors
Norepinephrine stimulates alpha receptors
to greater degree than beta receptors
Epinephrine stimulates both classes of
Sympathetic postganglionic Fibers
Mostly adrenergic (release NE)
A few cholinergic (release ACh)
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Alpha () Receptors
(activated by enzymes on inside of cell membrane)
Reseptor -1
More common type of
alpha receptor
Releases intracellular
calcium ions from
reserves in
Has excitatory effect
on target cell
Reseptor -2
Lowers cAMP levels
in cytoplasm
Has inhibitory effect
on the cell
Helps coordinate
sympathetic and
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Beta () Receptors
Affect membranes in many organs (skeletal muscles,
lungs, heart, and liver)
Trigger metabolic changes in target cell
Changes occur indirectly
Each is a G protein
Stimulation increases intracellular cAMP levels
Beta-1 (
) - Increases metabolic activity
Beta-2 (
Causes inhibition
Triggers relaxation of smooth muscles along respiratory tract
Beta-3 (
Is found in adipose tissue
Leads to lipolysis, the breakdown of triglycerides in adipocytes
Releases fatty acids into circulation
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Adrenal Medulla
Preganglionic fibers entering adrenal
gland proceed to center (adrenal medulla)
Modified sympathetic ganglion
Preganglionic fibers synapse on
neuroendocrine cells
Specialized neurons secrete hormones
into bloodstream
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7 Responses to Increased
Sympathetic Activity
1. Heightened mental alertness
2. Increased metabolic rate
3. Reduced digestive and urinary functions
4. Energy reserves activated
5. Increased respiratory rate and
respiratory passageways dilate
6. Increased heart rate and blood pressure
7. Sweat glands activated
What are the structures
and functions of the
parasympathetic division
of the autonomic nervous
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Parasympathetic Division
Preganglionic fibers originate in brain stem
and sacral segments of spinal cord
Synapse in ganglia close to (or within)
target organs
Preganglionic fibers are long
Postganglionic fibers are short
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Parasympathetic Activation
Centers on relaxation, food processing,
and energy absorption
Localized effects, last a few seconds at
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Parasympathetic Receptors
Action of Nicotinic Receptors
Exposure to ACh causes excitation of
ganglionic neuron or muscle fiber
Open chemically gated channels in
postsynaptic membrane

Action of Muscarinic Receptors
Can be excitatory or inhibitory
Effects are longer lasting than nicotinic
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10 Effects of Parasympathetic Activation
1. Constriction of pupils:
restricts light entering eyes
2. Secretion by digestive glands:
exocrine and endocrine
3. Secretion of hormones
4. Changes in blood flow and glandular activity:
associated with sexual arousal
5. Increases smooth muscle activity:
along digestive tract
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10 Effects of Parasympathetic Activation
6. Defecation:
stimulation and coordination
7. Contraction of urinary bladder:
during urination
8. Constriction of respiratory passageways
9. Reduction in heart rate:
and force of contraction
10. Sexual arousal:
stimulation of sexual glands
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Parasympathetic division
The parasympathetic division release ACh
Body wall and skeletal muscles are not
innervated by parasympathetic division
Both NE and ACh needed to regulate
visceral functions
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Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Structure Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic
Iris (eye
Pupil dilation Pupil constriction
Saliva production
Saliva production
Heart Heart rate and force
Heart rate and force
Lung Bronchial muscle relaxed Bronchial muscle
Stomach Peristalsis reduced Gastric juice secreted;
motility increased
Kidney Decreased urine
Increased urine
Bladder Wall relaxed
Sphincter closed
Wall contracted
Sphincter relaxed
See in the next subject

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