Nagindas Khandwala College: IT Presentation

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IT Presentation
Group Members

Rtka Sharma - 335

Yatr Shah - 332

Sheeta Maru -

Reema Rodrgues -

Chandn Parekh -


Artca Integence s a branch

ofSciencewhch deas wth hepng
machnes nd soutons to compex
probems n a more human-ke fashon.

AIs generay assocated wthComputer

Science, but t has many mportant nks
wth other eds such
ndPhilosophy, among many others.
Exampes for AI

If I sad Googe s an exampe of AI there mght be

some peope who w drecty dsagree but t
depends at what degree of reaton wth AI an
exampe s put forward.

Any software takng ts foundatons and havng

technques of sovng ssues that are consdered
to reated wth AI can be an exampe of AI.

For nstance:
Search Engnes ( Googe , Bng , Yahoo Search )
a use NLP ( Natura Language Processng ) -
Hence are exampes of AI
O1. You are n a dark room wth a
cande, a wood stove, and a gas
amp. If you ony have 1 match,
what do you ght rst?
O2. You answer me athough I never
ask you questons. What am I?
O3. Bob's father has 4 chdren. Momo,
Meme, and Mumu are three of them.
Who's the fourth?
O4. Some months have 31 days. Some
have 30. How many have 28?

Q.5 An electric train was moving north
at 100 mph and the wind is lowing
west at 15 mph. !hich way does the
smo"e low#

O6. How can 2 and 2 make more than 4?
O7. Your mother's brother's ony brother-n-
aw s aseep on your couch. Who s aseep on
your couch?

O8. You are partcpatng n a race. You overtake
the second person. What poston are you n?
O9. There s a mute person who wants to buy a
toothbrush. By mtatng the acton of brushng
one's teeth he successfuy expresses hmsef to
the shopkeeper and the purchase s done. Now
f there s a bnd man who wshes to buy a par
of sungasses, how shoud he express hmsef?
O10. I have three appes. If you take
away two from me, how many do you
O11. O10. A pane crashes on the
Unted States/Canada border. Where
are the survvors bured?
O12. A tte gr kcks a soccer ba. It
goes 10 feet and comes back to her.
How s ths possbe?
O13. Before Mount Everest was
dscovered what was the taest
mountan n the word?
O14. Whch s bgger - the earth, or the
3rd panet from the sun?
Q15. Tom has one brother and two
ssters - one whose name sShea.
Shea has two brothers, but ony
onesster. How can that be?
O16. To get the answer as 20 how can you
use the number 4 4 tmes?
O17. Weve got ony 3 buckets .e 2 buckets
of 7 trs and one bucket of 5 trs. How can
we get 6 trs of water wthout havng any
measurng tape?

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