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He made the four races of humans:

12. Experience
7. Tobacco
12. Experimenting
1. He made the four things above the Earth:
2. He made the four elements:
3. He made the four directions:
4. He made the four main colours:
5. He made the four seasons:
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
7. He made the four sacred plants:
This was good and he started to make living things to enjoy all of the above:
8. He made the four main creatures:
10. He gave the humans a:
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
12. He gave them four learning habits:
1. Sun 1. Moon
1. Sky
1. Stars
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Nakaw Medicine Wheel
2. Fire 2. Water
2. Rock
2. Wind
Compiled and narrated by
Albert Scott
3. East
3. West
3. South
3. North
4. RED
5. Spring 5. Fall
5. Summer
5. Winter
6. Flowers 6. Trees
6. Berries
6. Grasses
7. Cedar
7. Sweetgrass
7. Sage
8. Insects
8. Birds
8. Fish
8. Animals
10. Body
10. Emotions
10. Mind
10. Spirit
11. Infancy
11. Youth
11. Adult
11. Eldership
12. Learning
12. Knowledge
Try to live it and make a difference Virtue Value Wheel.
The Creator made
everything in the sacred
number: Four
1. He made the four things above the Earth:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
1. Sun
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The Sun reminds me of
excellence and is
consistent. Excellence is
giving your best to any
task you do or relationship
you have.
1. Sky
1. Moon
1. Stars
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The sun reminds me of excellence and is consistent. Excellence is giving your best to any task you do or
relationship you have.
The sun gives its best each and every day. It does not burn out and you should be careful that you dont burn
The sun is able to see through the cloud cover and in the spirit world the sun sees through everything.
We should example the sun and see through the anger, negative, hurt, social problems of our people and
children. Try to see the message our hurt people are acting out.
The Elders say that if you look at the path the sun creates, it is bright and full of good things.
It is important to get up before the sun and let the sun see you.
Look to the East before the sun rises and start the day in a positive mood.
Look at the Eastern skies, before the sun rises, ask the sun to take away the negative things that are coming your
way and to remove the things that are trying to block your path. Ask the sun to clothe you with good, new things.
Remember yesterday is gone, today is a new beginning.
Give the best in anything that you do!
1. He made the four things above the Earth:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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1. Sky
1. Sun 1. Moon
1. Stars
The Sky reminds me of
love. Love is caring for
someone, wanting to be
near them and wanting to
share with them. Do nice
things for people and
share good times with
them. Feel good about
yourself, treat others as
you would want them to
treat you. Say kind and
loving things.
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The Sky reminds me of love. Love is caring for someone, wanting to be near them and wanting to share with
them. Do nice things for people and share good times with them. Feel good about yourself, treat others as you
would want them to treat you. Say kind and loving things.
The sky is endless and full of warmth. In the sky there are no obstacles and you have clear communication with
the Creator.
If you love yourself, then you are able to give love and, like the sky, you will never run out.
The Elders say; love will take you a long ways.
Love anything and everything that you do!
1. He made the four things above the Earth:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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The Moon reminds me of the word
creativity. Creativity is the power of
imagination and sometimes creativity
comes from dreams. Discover new ideas
to make things work better. It is seeing
something in a new way and finding a
different way to solve a problem or get
something done.
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1. Stars
1. Sun
1. Sky
1. Moon
The moon never gets involved in our lives but watches at night. It tells about the weather, the different calendar
The moon gives us the night light for the animals to see and keeps away the darkness. For the humble animals
come out at night to seek life and protection. Use the night the proper way and respectful way. The moon
reminds us of dark times when it does not appear in the night skies and the full moon tells us of brighter, better
times ahead.
Believe in your dreams, dont talk about good dreams until they happen. Talk about the bad dreams for you will
chase them away. Believe in good things to happen at night. Accept the night for it is half of your complete day.
Do not stay up all night or for no reason at all, for you are asking for a wake to happen. Us the night to rest, reflect,
and rejuvenate. The moon helps cleanse Mother Earth by pulling the water. This explains the high and low tides of
the oceans.
1. He made the four things above the Earth:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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The Stars have patience,
and it means waiting. It
means having self-control
because you cant control
the way someone else is
behaving or when things
dont go as you like. Be
calm and tolerant when
difficult things happen.
Everything happens for a
reason and in the end,
everything will be alright.
1. Moon 1. Sun
1. Sky
1. Stars
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Look at the grand mother, the night time skies, the stars are the beautiful, bright jewels she wears. Think of all
grandmothers as beautiful for they have made many sacrifices for the benefit of her grandchildren. At the night
time, as the stars come out, hug your grandmother, tell her you love her and after all these years, tell her she is still
Patience, if practiced, will benefit you in the long run for good things will come to you. Patience comes with
time, use your time well, dont waste time on negativity, being mad and dont be foolish with it. Be wise for there is
a right time and a bad time. A second leads to a minute, minutes turn to hours, hours complete the days, days
add up to years. If you waste valuable seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years, you might not have the chance
to redo and to undo, for it is wasted. Be patient and do it properly the first time.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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2. He made the four elements:
2. Fire
2. Rock
2. Water
2. Wind
Fire is both good and bad. When I
see fire it seems like it is dancing
with joy. Joyfulness is being filled
with happiness, peace, love and
sense of well being. Enjoy whatever
you are doing, appreciate life, see
the beauty in all people and all
things. Contribute to life positively
and in any way you can. Find
peace when things are tough.
The fire spirit told the Creator, I will live with your people and I will try not to burn them if they treat me with
respect and put out tobacco as an offering to me. They will have many uses for me; heat for warmth, heat for
cooking, heat for cleansing, heat for light and for other uses. They can use my charcoals to smudge, to burn away
negativity, burn away the blocks that are in the way. At the same time I will pull in good things that they can use.
When they are on the road or away from their houses, then I will keep the home fire warm and with love. I will
chase away loneliness and replace it with warm, kind feelings and good memories. Even when the charcoals are
cold, they can use me to face paint at time of funerals and I will come alive to chase away the questionable
spirits. The fire spirit thanked the Creator and the Creator thanked the fire spirit. Even when the charcoals are
cold, they still could be used and what kind of legacy are you going to leave, to be used after you finish walking
this beautiful earth?
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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2. He made the four elements:
2. Rock
2. Fire 2. Water
2. Wind
Rock owns metal. It
represents justice. Justice
is being fair in everything
you do. It is seeing with
your own eyes and not
judging something or
someone by what other
people tell you. Own up
to your own mistakes and
accept the
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The rock was flying all over the dark skies and Creator made light and told rock to stay still. Rock was trembling
as Creator talk to him and told him of his purpose. I am going to send you down and dont feel strange if all kinds
of people of different cultures walk all over you. You will live with them! Rock thought about his future and saw his
body thrown into the fire. Creator told rock, I know what you are thinking, dont think like that. I am going to
make your body tough. Also, you will be there for my people, they will wear you, you will protect them, they will
shape you and you will speak for them, I will make many of you, different colors, shapes and sizes.
Creator gave the rock the power to keep bad people in a place (jail), to think about the mistake that they made
and to make amends.

The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Water reminds me of
cleanliness. Cleanliness
means respecting yourself
enough to keep your
body, spirit, thoughts and
your feelings clean.
Smudge whenever you
can. Clean up your act.
2. He made the four elements:
2. Water 2. Fire
2. Rock
2. Wind
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Water could give life and take life. Water is sacred and before we greet this world we live in water. The mother
says, My water has broken, time to go to the hospital. This is the water spirit paving the way for you to be born
and to greet the world.
If we fool around with water, we could drown. It is important that we use water is a good way.
The water is clean. Water is mostly covers Mother Earth and our bodies in the same way. We must keep
ourselves clean and keep Mother Earth clean for future generations to enjoy. Clean water is used in everything
that we do.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Wind at times is gentle.
Gentleness is acting and
speaking in a considerate
way and being kind to
others. Touch and speak
to people and animals in
a gentle way. Be careful
and express your feelings
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2. He made the four elements:
2. Wind
2. Fire
2. Rock
2. Water
Wind is all around and one of the elements that helps sustain life. It moves the air around for all of Creators
creations to enjoy. Sometimes the wind is rough (tornados); some cultures call this natural disaster, the natives call
the tornado cleanser and serves as a reminder that there is someone more powerful and greater than human
Wind works in co-operation with the other elements. Wind carries our thoughts and prayers to the skies so
Creator can listen and hear. We use wind in all kinds of ways to benefit us and we should give thanks to the wind,
for it teaches good things. If you listen and hear carefully in the wind, you will hear gentle winds of our grand-
parents, father and mother, teachers, etc. Take their good advice. Use this gentle wind like the birds; they use the
wind beneath their wings to soar high into the skies. Whatever you do in life, go as high as you can go and do it
well. Dont create any questionable circler winds (gossip, bad talk).
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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East brings opportunities.
Look for opportunities to
be of service to others.
Think of thoughtful things
to do for your family and
loved ones. Look for ways
of helping, rather than
waiting to be asked.
Serve just because you
care, not for hope of a
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3. He made the four directions:
3. East
3. South
3. West
3. North
The East brings a fresh start, to do the right things and other chance to serve other people. Serve, your parents,
grand-parents and serve the ones that cant help themselves. Service means contributing positive things in life, to
the east, comes many new gifts, look to the east for bright wonderful things.
Be happy, we are given another chance, another day, another hour, another minute and another second. East
reminds us to make the best of what the day holds for us. Dont live in the past, looking to the east, is like looking
to a bright, prosperous future. Dont waste time on foolishness, time does not wait on anyone.

The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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South has always been
there for the birds.
Faithfulness is being true to
someone or something. It
is commit- ment and
walking the talk. Make
sure your actions match
up with your words and
only make promises that
you can keep. Be loyal to
family and friends, clear
problems or difficulties
face to face.
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3. He made the four directions:
3. East 3. West
3. North
3. South
Looking to the south, you see the flight of the birds. In the fall you see the birds going south and in the spring
they come back, to start the circle of life again. The leader of the birds has the same vision as the one in the very
back of the flight formation. They talk to one another and keep the faith in their own way to survive. They keep
making the journey, if they alter, they will not survive. The south direction brings warmth and good things if you
seek them. This direction brings growth and the best of everything, colorful flowers, trees reaching for the skies
and ceremonies to give thanks.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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West is a resting direction.
Peacefulness is an inner sense
of calm that can come in
moments of silent gratitude or
prayer. Mediate and give up
your worries, fears and let
them go. Peacefulness is
giving up the love of power for
the power of love. Speak
softly and gently and work at
peaceful solutions
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3. He made the four directions:
3. West 3. East
3. South
3. North
The west direction gives us strength, because of the mountains. Mountains stand quietly and peacefully.
Mountains remind us of our grand-parents, the snow capped mountains (white hair), the teachings, the stillness
and freedom we have. The mountains reach for the skies and we should respect them. Some our the cultures go
to the mountains to fast, to pray. The Elders say it is the home of many spirits and to treat the mountains as sacred.
Promote peacefulness and be at peace with everyone and everything, lastly be at peace with yourself. Try to be
on good terms with everyone, even if they do not like you. Be at peace with Creator, whatever you conceive,
your Creator to be.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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North has a job to do
whether we like it or not.
Being tactful is telling the
truth in a way that does
not disturb or offend
others. If you are going to
criticize, make sure you
offer solutions. Tactfulness
mean you are as careful
about others feelings as
you would like them to be
of yours.
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3. He made the four directions:
3. North
3. East
3. South
3. West
The north brings toughness in all things, especially the animals. They have to find different ways to survive what
the north has to bring. It is a good time to build layers (character) in life and to store in a good way. The animals
build layers and extra clothing to live in the north. The North tell us to use our past stories and teachings. Past this
down to the younger generations for they will find answers in their own way. This will lead us to tactfulness,
thinking before you speak or act.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Yellow reminds me of
thankfulness and we
receive blessings each
and every day. It is a
gratitude for learning,
loving and being. It is
being grateful for the little
things which happen
around you and within you
everyday. You cant say
thank you enough
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4. He made the four main colours:
4. RED
The color yellow is a new color, it is a brand new feeling, like new material being put on you. New clothes make
you feel special, they brighten the room and people around you. Treat yourself once in a while, not to create
envy, but, to show your gratitude in a humble way. Be grateful, content with what you have, appreciate your
family, friends, community, school and everything around you. Sometimes you need to give a gift to a person,
sometimes you need to say a kind word and at times do something good to show and say thank you!
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Blue reminds me of
generosity. Generosity of
giving and sharing. You
share freely, not the idea
of receiving something in
return. When you look at
the wide open skies, it
says, there is plenty for
everyone. With warmth,
there is kindness and love.
Sacrifice for others and
notice when someone
needs help.
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4. He made the four main colours:
The light blue color has the air, oxygen that we share freely with all of Creators creations, this reminds us to be
thoughtful. We must not pollute the air, for the air gives life to everything. Air could be used for useful things that
could benefit the humans and environment. Generosity is all around us, it is up to us to be generous to ourselves,
to others and everything around us. There is no end to the color blue, generosity is giving freely, fully and giving a
helping hand to your family, friends and neighbor. Remember you might need help one of these days and
generosity, the amount that you give will come back to you.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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4. RED
Red to the west is a resting colour.
The sun goes down to the west and
the day is coming to an end. Time
to give forgiveness, to everything.
Forgiving is overlooking the mistakes
of others and loving them just as
much as before. You can even
forgive yourself when you do things
that you are sorry for. Learn from
your mistakes and have the
courage to let go of past hurts. Love
yourself and stop punishing yourself.
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4. He made the four main colours:
The color red is a strong color, it lives inside us. Red connects everything and we are all related. We must try to
get along and live in harmony with everything above, below and all around us. Dont hold a grudge for it will drag
you down and become heavy. It is best that you forgive. As the sun goes down, ask it to take negative things that
have happened to you today. Forgive the person, forget the action, look further ahead and learn, do things
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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White reflects the word
compassion. Compassion
is understanding and
caring for someone who is
trouble, is hurt, or has
made a mistake. It is
caring deeply and
wanting to help even if all
you do is listen and say
kind words. Elders have
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4. He made the four main colours:
4. RED
The color white stands for wisdom and life long learning experiences. Elders have experience and know what
we are going through, thus, have compassion. It is good to listen to the stories of the Elders, for they can make
you see things differently. The Grandfathers and Grandmothers show tenderness, mercy and pity. Anything older
than us has compassion. Compassion is using the heart, emotions and showing the love of life. Dont live to love
but, love to live.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Spring has enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is being
cheerful, happy and full of
spirit. Giving
wholeheartedly and
eagerness, giving 100%
and holding nothing back.
Spring is a new season
and growth. Be positive,
smile, laugh and enjoy
what you do!
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5. Spring
5. He made the four seasons:
5. Summer
5. Fall
5. Winter
Spring is a beginning season; the animals, birds and everything comes to life. The animals awake from the long
sleep and start the circle of life for another season. The birds sing enthusiastically, the frogs sound to give thanks,
for they fasted and sacrificed. Other cultures call it hibernating. The snow melts, the rains come and freshens
everything. The fresh smell of the flowers and leaves, brings eagerness of starting new. Gradually build your
enthusiasm, like the streams, creeks and rivers. Nothing is impossible with enthusiasm, you look forward and never
back. If you look back, you will have regrets. Spring time is a sense of renewal, togetherness and a start of life.
Strive to be happy and greet life with enthusiasm.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Summer to me means self-
discipline. Get things
done in an orderly and
efficient way. Self-
discipline is self-control. It
means getting yourself to
do what is important to do
and take charge of
yourself. Be moderate,
use your time well and be
on time.
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5. Summer
5. He made the four seasons:
5. Spring 5. Fall
5. Winter
In the summer, the trees only grow so far, along with other things that grow. Summer time the colors are the
brightest. All of these things dont over-do it. The summer makes everything grow to its peak. Summer brings
everything to an ideal state, self-discipline. We must get out to enjoy this season. The birds and animals are
looking after their young. They do what needs to be done and mind there own business. We must learn about
self-discipline and not to over-do whatever we are doing. Enjoy the things around you, leave a path in case
someone gets lost. Leave the flowers and things of beauty for future generations. Leave it better than you found it.
Control in all areas is good.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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5. Fall
5. He made the four seasons:
Fall time means
detachment. Detachment
is experiencing your
feelings without allowing
your feelings to control
you. It is choosing how
you will act in a situation
rather than reaching. With
detachment, we are free
to do what we really want
and choose to do.
Detachment is a way to
use thinking and feeling
together. Detachment is
getting away and dealing
with yourself.
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5. Spring
5. Summer
5. Winter
In the fall time, the leaves are colored and the wind comes along to blow them off the trees. The leaves fall to
the ground, layer by layer, to make soil. The fall time reminds us at times of detachment. When troubles appear in
our lives, families, communities, sometimes we need to go away and reflect, analysis what has happened. By
going away and telling people you care about, that you need to be alone and to heal, they will support you. This
is not telling them you dont care or love them anymore. It is about working on yourself to become a better
person. It is good to identify the problems that are bothering you and detach, start the healing process. This
season tells us how to unload without hurting anymore.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Winter means honesty.
Being honest is being
sincere, open, trustworthy
and truthful. Honesty is
telling the truth no matter
what. Admitting your
mistakes. You do what
you say. Your actions
match your words. Say
what you mean and mean
what you say.
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5. Winter
5. He made the four seasons:
5. Spring
5. Summer
5. Fall
The winter is cold and harsh. The winter season exposes everything on top, it does not have anything to hide.
This is where the word, honesty comes in. The snow is a blanket to cover Mother Earth while she is resting. It also
covers the grasses and the animals have to dig for food. This builds endurance and toughness. We must be
respectful of the winter and dress accordingly. We must be honest in everything that we do. Walk the talk and talk
the walk.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Flowers have obedience.
Flowers are medicines and with
tobacco, you ask this flower to
do a job and the spirit of the
flower will obey. There is no
bad medicine, all medicine is
good, its only bad people
using it for personal revengeful
gain. Obedience is following
whats right. It is hearing what
your parents, Elders, teachers
and those in respectful
authority have to say and
doing it as faithfully as you can.
Keep your agreements and
take responsibility without
being reminded.
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6. Flowers
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
6. Berries
6. Trees
6. Grasses
Everything above the humans have obedience, it is us that alter everything. The flowers open at the beginning
of the day and close at the end of the day. They take in good things, the suns rays, gentle winds and rain drops.
We should absorb all good things that will contribute to a good life. We should learn to listen and hear, for this
where we will get obedience. We need to be obedient to our Grandparents, parents, teachers and different
people that are trying to teaching us good things. If you have obedience, you will never go wrong, do the right
things, even if there is no one around, for someone is watching you.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Berries remind me of
prayerfulness. We use berries
in our ceremonies and ask the
creator to put good things in
the berries. Prayer is talking to
the Creator. The Creator
always hears your thoughts
and understands your heart.
Prayerfulness is quiet
reflection. Reflect and pray
everyday. Share your inner-
most thoughts, hopes, needs
and fears in prayer.
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6. Berries
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
6. Flowers 6. Trees
6. Grasses
The berries get altered to wine, some cultures use this for offering. The berries get turned to alcohol and alcohol
could be good or bad. That is why we should respect it. Too much alcohol could get you into trouble. Some
alcohol could be use for health, cleansing a sore. Berries are natural and we should teach our children to pick
berries. Berry picking teaches us to be focused and to pick careful. Berry picking also temping to eat them right
away, but, if we put the berries away to storage, than we teach to think ahead. We will enjoy them, when they are
not in season. We dont pick all the berries, we leave some for the birds and animals, it is good to share.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Trees usually sway back and
forth in the wind. Trees have
flexibility. Flexibility means
being open to change. You
are open to opinions and
feelings of others. It also
means not having your way
all the time, with flexibility
you are willing to change
your mind. Try different
ways. Get rid of old bad
habits and try a new way.
Try imagination and
creativity, flexibility helps
you to keep changing for the
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6. Trees
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
6. Flowers
6. Berries
6. Grasses
Trees have that ability to bend and sometimes we need to be flexible in dealing with situations. The trees have a
job to do and they do there job to the fullest extend. They clean the air, provide shelter, shade for comfort, they
contribute and we should example like the tree. The tree is in our homes. We only see about 2/3 of the tree, we
cannot see the roots, the roots are in the ground. We believe in things we dont see. Trees after there are finished
the cycle, we still use them for fire wood and create heat for cooking and warmth. They leave a legacy, we should
leave something good for all children.
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Grasses connects with truthfulness. Grasses are straight and
true. Truthfulness means you are honest with your words and
actions. You dont tell lies even to protect yourself or anyone
else. Dont listen to gossip or prejudice. You show people
who and what you are, without exaggerating to impress them
or trying to be some-thing you are not. Admit it when you
make a mistake. Investigate the truth yourself.
6. Grasses
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
6. Flowers
6. Berries
6. Trees
Grasses are perennial, consistent and come from Mother Earth. The sweet grass grows on Mother Earth and is the
hair. The tie at the beginning is our emotions, that bind the strands of sweet grass together. This connects with our
spirit, bodies and mind. The Elders say, Think and speak the truth when you are around sweet grass.
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The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Tobacco teaches us about
moderation. Moderation
is about balance and
harmony. Its about
knowing enough is
enough, not too much and
not too little. Exercise self-
control, self discipline to
stop yourself from
overdoing. Balance your
life between work and
play. Take charge of your
life and time.
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7. He made the four sacred plants:
7. Tobacco
7. Sweetgrass
7. Cedar
7. Sage
Tobacco is a plant that grows down east, the natural plant is good, it is grown from Mother Earth. Today it is an
altered product, this is where we have to learn about moderation and respect. We also have to know about the
word addiction and the word temptation. If you know, you will be careful and you will know what to do. In
anything that you do in life, be careful and dont over do. The natural tobacco blends with other herbs to create
sacred tobacco. This tobacco is used in our ceremonies and was not abused or taken needlessly. We must blend
in and live in harmony with all of the Creators creations. Do what you can.
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everything in the
sacred number: Four
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Sweetgrass is related to the
word reverence. Reverence is
behaving with an awareness
that you are always in the
presence of the Creator and
that all life is very precious.
Have an attitude of respect for
all living things. Reberence
can be experience in moments
of prayer or reflection, whether
you are in a place of worship or
spending time in a place of
7. He made the four sacred plants:
7. Sweetgrass
7. Tobacco 7. Cedar
7. Sage
The sweetgrass is all over the grass lands. Some people have a feeling where sweetgrass is before they smell or
see it. Some people could smell the fragrance of the sweetgrass before they see it and vice versa. The sweetgrass
stands along side other grasses and if you dont recognize it, you will walk right by it. Before picking sweetgrass,
you make an offering of tobacco, show respect and the sweetgrass will continue to grow, year after year.
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The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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Cedar stands in
confidence. Confidence
in having faith in
something or someone. It
is trusting that you have
what it takes to handle
whatever happens. When
you are confident in
others, you count on them.
Confidence brings
strength to try new things.
Remember you are
worthy, whether you
succeed or fail.
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7. He made the four sacred plants:
7. Cedar 7. Tobacco
7. Sweetgrass
7. Sage
Cedar is a tall tree and used in all kinds of ways, totem poles, canoes, wood figurine cravings and in structures.
The Cedar sage is used for smudging and for medicine. Cedar is dependable. We should be dependable in
everything that we do. When you are dependable, you have certainty, this will complete the task at hand. The
Cedar stands with pride, we should be proud of ourselves, family, community and friends. Try to be of many uses,
and helpful. People will trust you, because of the confidence you show. People will see you are self-sufficient and
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Sage grows with consideration. Consideration
is having regard, thoughtfulness of other
people and their feelings. It is thinking about
how your actions and behaviour will affect
them and caring about how they feel.
Consideration is doing things in a way that
benefits others as well as yourself. Put yourself
in other peoples shoes and think of little things
which bring others happiness.
7. He made the four sacred plants:
7. Sage
7. Tobacco
7. Sweetgrass
7. Cedar
Sage grows close to the ground and there are different types of sage. Some prairie sage is called Buffalo grass.
There is a taller white sage plant that is called horse sage. Sage is used for smudging and the women have a
powerful connection to this grass. It could be used as a cleanser and other uses. Sage clears the mind and this
makes you thoughtful. It helps purity everything.
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The Creator made
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Insects have purposefulness.
Purposefulness is having a clear focus and
understanding of your purpose in life. Begin
with a vision for what you want to
accomplish and concentrate on your goals.
Put your mind and energy in such a way as
something positive will come of your efforts.
Do what you can one step at a time, one
day at a time.
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8. He made the four main creatures:
8. Insects
8. Birds
8. Fish
8. Animals
Insects have a purpose to be here on Mother Earth. The ordinary house fly is considered a pest, yet it lays its
babies (maggots) to clean up the spoiled meat. If you careful look at the fly, you will notice it constantly rubbing
its hands and legs. It is cleaning itself and we should clean ourselves regularly without being told. If we didnt
have insects, this world would not be balanced. We could learn from an Ant, an Ant is a hard worker, sometimes
they walk in a line. It takes on more than its weigh, it also protects. The Ant gets ready to hibernate (sleep and
fast) in about around the end of July. By mid-august, you see a small few outside the Ant pile. These Ants continue
to plug up the holes, keeping the snow and the rain out. Also these Ants are easy bait for the birds. These Ants
sacrifice themselves, so that others will benefit in the future. Every Ant knows its place and adventures all over. We
can learn from all insects, we need to find out what our purpose is.
Birds where told once of the flight they need to take and to continue the cycle of life. The bird builds a nest just
using the feet and beak. It makes a circle and uses whatever it finds to weave into the nest. They do what needs to
be done without complaining. They also remind the others, of the Creators creation by singing its songs early in
the morning before the sun rises. They are reliable to do what needs to be done. They look after there young and
not let them go, till the feathers are full grown. When the feathers are full grown, than both adult birds are there to
encourage the young birds to take flight. If they let the young birds go, before they are ready, they fall prey to the
other animals. We should grow up our children to the best of our ability and prepare them and not let them go till
they are ready. Be reliable, be there for your children and other peoples children.
8. He made the four main creatures:
The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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8. Birds
8. Insects
8. Fish
8. Animals
Birds have reliability. Reliability means
that others can depend and count on
you. You really care about doing what
you said you would do and keeping your
commitments. You give your best to
each job and treat your agreements
seriously. Do your best with
determination and joy. Finish on time
and return things you have borrowed.
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The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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Fish remind me of the opposite of
mercy. Mercy is giving people more
than they deserve. Mercy is the quality
of the heart. When you are merciful,
you are willing to forgive when you
have been hurt. Give people another
chance when they make a mistake. Let
your heart be touched by people who
are troubled and do something to help.
8. He made the four main creatures:
8. Fish
8. Insects
8. Birds
8. Animals
The fish clean the water and swallow all the micro-organisms that live in the water. Creator give everyone a
purpose and the fish didnt get his instructions. The fish spoke and said that; I will taste good, if my body
transfers (given) to a human being to eat and if they say thank you I will give them tough luck, next time they
seek me This is why we dont say thank you if we receive a fish from another person. The fish has harshness and
severity, opposite is mercy. We must show pity to the ones in need and assist them to help themselves. Be a friend
and make a friend.
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The Creator made
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Animals have assertiveness. Being
assertive means being positive and
confident. Assertiveness begins by being
aware that you are a worthy person.
When you are assertive, you think for
yourself, you express your own ideas,
opinions and talents. Share your unique
ideas with others and dont allow others
to lead you into trouble. Keep yourself
from being too bossy.
8. He made the four main creatures:
8. Animals
8. Insects
8. Birds
8. Fish
The animals were asked by Creator to give there life to us, so that we can survive. We get our clothing, food,
tools and different uses of the animals. The animals use assertiveness to survive, build on the strengths that they
have. Assertiveness could be strong, if used in a good way. Assertiveness builds leadership, it is good to hear all
sides before deciding, assert to what is best for everyone. I watched a herd of Buffalo running, they didnt follow
the biggest and strongest Bison, they followed the Buffalo that knows where to run for protection and the best
grasses to eat. With assertiveness, you can lead, be humble and share.
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1. He made the four things above the Earth:
2. He made the four elements:
3. He made the four directions:
4. He made the four main colours:
5. He made the four seasons:
6. He made the four things to grow on Earth:
7. He made the four sacred plants:
This was good and he started to make living things to enjoy all of the above:
8. He made the four main creatures:
9. He made the four races of humans:
10. He gave the humans a:
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
12. He gave them four learning habits:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
9. White
9. Black 9. Yellow
9. Red
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Nakaw Medicine Wheel
Compiled and narrated by
Albert Scott
9. He made the four races of humans:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
9. White
9. Black 9. Yellow
9. Red
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Caucasians and the white ribbon means loyalty and responsibility. Loyalty
is standing up for something you believe in without wavering. Being
faithful to your nation, community, school, family, friends or your ideals
when the going gets tough as well as when things are good. With loyalty,
you build relationships that last forever. Loyalty is based on healthy
commitments you make and plan to keep. Responsibility means that other
can depend on you. It is doing something well and to the best of your
ability. Being responsible is being willing to be accountable for what you
do or do not do.
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Caucasian people are smart people and try to do everything to improve lives of everyone. They have a
hierarchy system and loyalty system in place in all areas. It is good for them to develop new medicines and figure
out certain mysteries. Once they understand they have a responsibly to share. Get to know these people and
make a friend. There are many languages, cultures and countries. Everything is written and recorded.
9. He made the four races of humans:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
9. White
9. Black 9. Yellow
9. Red
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Africans and the black ribbon remind me of courage and courtesy.
Courage is being brave. It is doing what needs to be done even when it is
really hard or scary. Courage is going ahead even when you feel like
giving up or quitting. Courage comes from knowing down deep what is
right for you and are willing to try new things. Courtesy is to be polite, to
know how to behave and have good manners. It is a way of speaking and
behaving with people which gives them a feeling of being valued and
respect. Please, Thank you, Excuse me and Youre Welcome are
courteous expressions which let people know you appreciate them and
care about their feelings
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This culture still lives off the land, they have a lot of courage to live with the wild animals. They know the animals
that they hunt. They have the courage to continue there language and way of life, in this fast moving world. They
have respect for the land and show courtesy to everything. Make a friend in this culture.
9. He made the four races of humans:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
9. White
9. Black 9. Yellow
9. Red
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Orientals and the yellow ribbon stand for unity and determination.
Unity is wanting and working for the good of everyone and the
environment while taking into consideration the good of each
individual. When you practice unity, you bring harmony and to live
peacefully together. Care for the Earth and all living things, act like
a peacemaker wherever you go. Determinations is focusing your
energy and efforts on a particular task and then sticking with it until
it is finished. Determination is using your will power to do something
even when it isnt easy. Ask for help when you need it and finish
what you started.
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These people are the Asians and hard workers. They are industrious and make items to work, communications,
household items, entertainment and mass productions of things to buy and sell. They are united and determine to
be productive. We must get to know different cultures and embrace them.
9. He made the four races of humans:
The Creator made
everything in the
sacred number: Four
9. White
9. Black 9. Yellow
9. Red
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Aboriginals and the red ribbon remind me of kindness and friendliness.
Kindness is being concerned about the welfare of others and showing you
care, doing some good to make life better for others. Kindness is showing
compassion and love to someone who is sad or needs your help.
Friendliness is taking an interest in other people, being warm and courteous.
When you are friendly, you happily share the things you have. Your share
your time, your ideas, your feelings and yourself. Friendliness is caring
without being asked to care. Make someone new feel welcome, because
friendliness is the best cure for loneliness.
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These are the First Nation, Mtis and Inuit people. They have a different world view than the other cultures. The
Earth is kind to everyone and we learn kindness and friendliness. This leads to sharing and respect for Mother Earth.
There is many languages in the First Nation and all the knowledge is past down from generation to generation.
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10. Body
10. He gave the humans a:
Body commands respect.
Respect is an attitude of
honouring oneself and
others. Being respectful is
reflected in the courtesy
with which we speck, act
and treat one another.
Treat everyone the way
you would like to be
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10. Emotions
10. Mind
10. Spirit
The body needs to be respected and looked after in a respectful way. You need good nutrition, rest, play and
find balance in life. Dont needlessly abuse your body, dont take drugs and alcohol the will alter your body.
Respect means looking after yourself and try to live a long productive life. Know your limits and do the best you
Sometimes we need to keep our emotions in order. Emotions are feelings and need balancing. We need to be
strong in certain situations and show empathy at the times of need. Too much emotions, either way, can bring us
down. We have to use our emotions appropriately and adjust. Orderliness is living a neat life, our actions meet the
words you speak. Orderliness is living a good life and knowing your purpose in life. Doing good things!
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10. He gave the humans a:
10. Emotions
Emotions need orderliness. Orderliness is
being neat and living with a sense of
harmony. You are organized and you know
where things are when you need them. It
means planning something so that it works,
doing something step by step, staying on
track. Being orderly makes it easier to
accomplish things. Have a plan before you
start a job.
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10. Body
10. Mind
10. Spirit
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10. He gave the humans a:
10. Mind
Mind has trustworthiness.
Trustworthiness is being worthy of
trust placed on you. Trust is
having confidence and faith in
someone because of their true
and reliable qualities. Others
can rely on you, they can count
on you to keep your work and to
walk your talk. You do what you
say you will do.
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10. Body
10. Emotions
10. Spirit
The mind is strong and controls what has been given to you in your body. You have to use the mind, in good
thoughts and be careful in what you wish for. Use your mind to build trust, trust everything will be alright.
The Creator made
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10. He gave the humans a:
10. Spirit
Spirit is honour. Honour is living with a
sense of respect for what you believe is
right. It is living by virtues and values
and showing great respect for yourself,
other people and the rules you live by.
When you are honourable, you keep
your word and set a good example.
You do the right thing regardless of
what others are doing. Honour is the
path of integrity. Your words and
actions match.
10. Body
10. Emotions
10. Mind
Everyone has a spirit and is sacred. You cant see spirit, but, First Nation people continue to honor the spirits.
Spirit leaves the body after our cycle of life is done. We must live a good life here on earth, so, that spirit can make
a good journey in the spirit world. Live in honor and be good to everything.
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The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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Infancy needs caring. Caring is giving
love and attention to people and things
that matter to you. When you care about
people, you help them. Do a careful job
and give your very best effort. You treat
people and things gently and
respectfully. Caring is a special way of
paying attention.
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11. Infancy
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
11. Youth
11. Adult
11. Eldership
Infancy means beginning in a new state and we have nurture the infancy state of anything. We have to care,
look after it and lead by example. It is important to do the right things and to say the right words. Care for
everything all around you, take care of Mother Earth and she will take care of us.
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Youth requires helpfulness.
Helpfulness is being of service to
others, doing thoughtful things that
make a difference in their lives.
Notice when someone needs help
and do a service without being
asked. Ask for help when you need
it. Give people what they need, not
what they want. Listen to someone
who needs to talk.
11. Youth
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
11. Infancy
11. Adult
11. Eldership
Youth means young. The young are able to do a lot of things, because they are energetic and we need to
promote helpfulness at this age. Being helpful and thoughtful builds good character. If you help other people they
will return the favor in the future or when you need help. Help where ever you can.
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Adult is steadfastness.
Steadfastness is being
dependable. It is sticking
with something no matter
what. Steadfastness is
being faithful and
purposeful. It is remaining
true to someone or
something in spite of any
tests or obstacles that
appear to stop you. You
commit yourself to
something for however
long it may take.
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11. Adult
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
11. Infancy
11. Youth
11. Eldership
Being in the adult years you are mature and should act accordingly. Being steady in all areas; mind, body, spirit
and emotions will make you strong and a person to look up to. What you have learnt so far you can relate to the
people around you. Take caution, because what ever you say and do could leave a permanent impression. Be
responsible and treat people the way you want to be treated.
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Eldership is humility. Elders have
humility and are humble, they
dont consider themselves more
important than other people. You
are happy to serve others and
think other peoples needs are
important. Learn from your
mistakes and learn from others.
When you do great things,
humility reminds you to be
thankful instead of boastful. You
dont judge others.
11. Eldership
11. He made the humans experience the four life cycles:
11. Infancy
11. Youth
11. Adult
When you reach the age of being an Elder, Grand parent, you should be proud. When you are given Grand
children, you are given a second chance. Because you work hard all your life, sometimes, you dont have time for
your own children. This why the Grand parents spoil Grand children. Use your knowledge in a good way to help.
Use your wisdom in a humble way, not to hurt people. Be fair and honest.
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The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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Experimenting leads to
idealism. Idealism is a
person who really cares
about what is right and
meaningful in life. You
have beliefs that mean
something to you and you
follow them. You just dont
accept things the way
they are. Idealists dare to
have big dreams and then
act as if they are possible.
Anything is possible.
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12. Experimenting
12. He gave them four learning habits:
12. Learning
12. Experience
12. Knowledge
Experimenting leads to testing, testing leads to ideal answers and solutions. Learn from experiments, this leads to
perfection. Be good and do everything to the best of your ability. Idealism is learnt from experimenting.
Experimenting, you get to do things differently, till it works out.
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sacred number: Four
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Learning is trust. Trust is
having faith in someone or
something. Believing and
having confidence that
the right thing will come
about without trying to
control it or make it
happen. Sometimes it is
hard to trust when life
brings painful
experiences, believe there
is some good in
everything that happens.
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12. Learning
12. He gave them four learning habits:
12. Experimenting 12. Experience
12. Knowledge
Learning builds facts, with facts you have knowledge and this is where you develop trust. We all have that ability
to learn, to seek knowledge. The more you know about yourself, know your abilities and trust that you make
excellent choices in life.
The Creator made
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sacred number: Four
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Experience leads to
modesty. Modesty is
having a sense of self-
respect. With modesty
you are not showy or
boastful. When you value
yourself with quiet pride,
you accept praise with
humility and gratitude.
With modesty you are
comfortable with yourself
and share credit with
others who deserve it. Try
not to attract attention.
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12. Experience
12. He gave them four learning habits:
12. Experimenting
12. Learning
12. Knowledge
Once you have experience, you can share your story. Modesty means taking what you need and not being
greedy. Modesty also being grateful with what you have and feeling good for other people. Modesty and
experience will tell you the appropriate time to speak and when to listen.
The Creator made
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Knowledge delivers tolerance. Tolerance is being able to
accept things that you wish were different with patience and
flexibility. Dont complain when uncomfortable conditions cant
be helped or things that cannot be changed. Change yourself
instead of holding a grudge. With tolerance, you accept people
the way they are, faults and all.
12. Knowledge
12. He gave them four learning habits:
12. Experimenting
12. Learning
12. Experience
Once you have knowledge, no one can take that away from you. Life long learning is important and try to learn
something different each day. Sometimes you need to say good things, do good things to tolerate and make
things pleasant. Work a level of comfort and understand from all sides the situation. You mind, body, spirit and
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Virtue Value Wheel
How does this equal
365? (click here)
If you count the virtue value
words there are 52 virtues (52
weeks in a year).
52 x 7 days a week
equals 364.
Remember you walk this world but once
Creator only made one of you
There is one living earth
Only one moon
One sun
One chance to change for the better
No matter where you are in your life time
AND with your one life time:
Make a commitment to leave this world better than you found it.
With 364 chances to practice the value words put your single self in those words.
So, add 364 to 1 precious life you have and this adds up to 365.
365 days to lead to one year.
Use your many chances wisely and live a sacred life each day. START NOW!
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12. Experience - Modesty
12. Experimenting - Idealism
1. Sun - Excellence
1. Stars - Patience
1. Sky - Love
1. Moon - Creativity
2. Fire - Joyfulness
2. Water - Cleanliness
2. Rock - Justice
2. Wind - Gentleness
3. East - Service
3. West - Peacefulness
3. South - Faithfulness
3. North - Tact
4. YELLOW - Thankfulness
4. RED - Forgiveness
4. BLUE - Generosity
4. WHITE - Compassion
5. Spring - Enthusiasm
5. Fall - Detachment
5. Summer Self-Discipline
5. Winter - Honesty
6. Flowers - Obedience
6. Trees - Flexibility
6. Berries - Prayerfulness
6. Grasses - Truthfulness
7. Tobacco - Moderation
7. Cedar - Confidence
7. Sweetgrass - Reverence
7. Sage - Consideration
8. Insects - Purposefulness
8. Birds - Reliability
8. Fish - Mercy
8. Animals - Assertiveness
10. Body - Respect
10. Emotions - Orderliness
10. Mind - Trustworthiness
10. Spirit - Honour
11. Infancy - Caring
11. Youth - Helpfulness
11. Adult - Steadfastness
11. Eldership - Humility
12. Learning - Trust
12. Knowledge - Tolerance
9. White Ribbon - Caucasians
Loyalty & Responsibility
9. Black Ribbon - Africans
Courage & Courtesy
9. Yellow Ribbon - Orientals
Unity & Determination
9. Red Ribbon - Aboriginals
Kindness & Friendliness

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