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Ana Paula Lomonaco

Das saudaes Bom dia, Boa tarde e Boa noite
em portugus (Good morning, Good
afternoon e Good evening/night em ingls) s
duas tm uso comum em ingls: Good
morning e Good afternoon
Good evening se usa quando se est
chegando a um local a noite
Good night s se fala quando as pessoas vo
dormir ou esto de sada.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Saudaes e apresentaes

Tudo bem? / Tudo bom?
Qual o seu nome?
Desculpe, qual mesmo seu nome?
Oi, eu sou...
Voc conhece o Joo?
Eu quero lhe apresentar ao...
J ouvi falar muito de voc.
A (Silvia) j me falou muito sobre
Coisas boas, eu espero.
No acredite em nada tudo
Estava querendo muito conhec-lo.

Nossa! Finalmente vou conhecer
Gostei de conhec-lo.
At (mais).

Greetings and introductions

How are you? / How are you doing?
Whats your name?
Sorry, what was your name again?
Hi, Im
Nice to meet you
Do you know Joo?
Id like you to meet
Ive heard a lot about you.
(Silvia) has told me lot about you.

All good, I hope
Dont believe it. Its not true.

Ive been looking forward to
meeting you.
At last! We meet!

(It was) Nice meeting you.
See you (later).

Ana Paula Lomonaco



Ana Paula Lomonaco
Demonstrative (song)

English Grammar Pronouns

The Indefinite Pronouns Song

Reflexive Pronouns Song
Ana Paula Lomonaco

Voc fala (portugus)?
Por favor, onde fica o banheiro?
Bom (Boa) dia/tarde/noite.

Vocs aceitam cartes de crdito?
Onde eu posso...?
Por favor, eu...
Eu preciso...
Quanto ?
Me desculpe, no entendi.
Voc pode escrever isso para mim, por
S um segundo, por favor.
De nada.
Eu no falo ingls.
Eu sou do Brasil. / Eu sou brasileiro.
Voc tem caneta?
Preciso de um mdico.


Do you speak (Portuguese)?
Wheres the bathroom, please?
Do you take credit cards?
Where can I?
Excuse me, I?
I need
How much is it?
Sorry, I dont understand?
Can you write that for me, please?

Just a second, please.
Thank you./Tanks.
Youre welcome.
I dont speak English.
Im from Brazil. / Im Brazilian.
Do you have a pen?
I need a doctor.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
- I live in Sobral
A: Where do you live?
B: I live in Sobral.
A: Where is Sobral?
B: It's in Cear.
A: Is it in northern Cear?
B: No. It's in southern Cear.
A: Is Sobral a big city?
B: It's pretty big.
A: How big is "pretty big"?
B: It has about 140,000 people.
A: How big is Fortaleza?
B: It has about 3 million people.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
- A nice place to live

A: I like living here.
B: I agree. Recife is a nice city.
A: It's not too big.
B: And it's not too small.
A: It has great weather all year long.
B: It has the Carnival.
A: It has beautiful houses.
B: It has wonderful restaurants.
A: It has great schools.
B: It's close to the beaches.
A: The people are friendly.
B: I'm not ever going to leave.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Falando com estrangeiros

De onde voc ?
H quanto tempo que est aqui?
Voc esta aonde?
O que voc est achando (daqui)?
Est aqui a trabalho/ a passeio?
O que voc achou (da comida)
Voc precisa experimentar...
O que voc j conhece aqui em
Voc j foi a outros lugares?
No deixe de ir a.
Voc j fala alguma coisa em portugus?
J foi ao (Caucaia)?
Gostou de l?
Vou lhe dar meu telefone.
Me ligue para combinarmos alguma
Seria um prazer lhe mostrar a cidade.

Bem vindo!

Talking to foreigners

Where are you from?
How long have you been here?
Where are you staying?
How do you like it (here)?
Are you here for work/on vacation?
How do you like (the food)?
You have to try
Where have you been in (Fortaleza)?

Have you been anywhere else?
Make sure you go to
Do know any Portuguese yet?
Have you been to (Caucaia)?
How did you like it?
Let me give you my phone number.
Call me and well de something.

It would be my pleasure to show you
around the city.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
A biografia

Tenho 34 anos.
Sou (arquiteto).
Moro em (So Paulo)
...mas nasci em (Belo Horizonte)
Eu nasci em (1967).
Eu nasci em (Belo Horizonte)
Eu sou da (Bahia).
Eu cresci em (Porto Alegre).
Passei a maior parte da infncia
Passava(mos) as frias de vero em...

Meus pais so/eram de (Fortaleza)
Quando eu tinha (12) ns nos
mudamos para...
Eu sou de famlia grande/pequena.


Im (34) years old.
Im an (architect).
I live in (So Paulo).
but Im originally from (Belo
I was born in (1967).
I was born in (Belo Horizonte).
Im from (Bahia).
I grew up in (Porto Alegre).
I spent most of my childhood in
I/We spent my/our summer vacation
My Parents are/were from
When I was (12) we moved to

I come from a big/small family.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Eu sou de uma famlia
(relativamente) simples/rica.
Tnhamos que batalhar muito.
Fui bom aluno.
No ia muito bem na escola.
Depois da escola eu costumava...
S me metia em encrenca.
Fui um bom menino(a).
Meu pai deixou minha me quando
era pequeno.
Fui criado pela minha me/pai.
Meus pais so
Acho que puxei meu pai.

Eu fiz faculdade na UNIFOR.

Me formei em (Economia).

I come from a (relatively)
poor/wealthy family.
We always had to struggle.
Life was a good student.
I didnt do very well in school.
After school I used to
I was always getting into trouble.
I was a good (boy/girl).
My father left my mother when I was
I was raised by my mother/father.
My parents are divorced.

I think I take after my
I studied at the University of
I graduated in (economics).

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Me mudei da casa dos meus pais
quando tinha (25) anos.
Conhece meu marido/minha esposa
enquanto eu...
Sou casado
Tenho um filho/ uma filha de (2)
Tenho (2) filhos.
Nunca me casei.
Nunca fui casado.
No achei a pessoa certa ainda.

J fui casado duas vezes.
Consegui meu primeiro emprego
aos (21) anos de idade.

Trabalhei como (secretria) na (ABC

I moved out of my parents house
when I was (25) years old.
I met my wife/husband while I was

Im married.
I have a (2) year-old son/daughter.

I have (2) children.
I never married.
Ive never been married.
I just havent found the right person
Ive been married twice.
I got my first job when I was (21)
years old.

I was (secretary) at (ABC Inc.).

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Look , listen and repeat

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Falando sobre sua famlia

Eu tenho (dois) irmos e (uma)
Eu sou o mais velho.
Eu sou a/o do meio.
Sou o/a caula.
Sou filho/a nico/
Meu (irmo) (mdico).
Minha (irm) mora em (Recife).
Meu pai de...
Meus pais j so falecido(s).
Meus pais se separaram quando eu
tinha (12).
Venho de uma famlia
Tenho (parentes) tambm em
Tenho uma famlia grande/pequena.
Tenho (dois) filhos.

Family matters

I have (two) brothers and (one)
Im the oldest.
Im in the middle.
Im the youngest.
Im an only child.
My (brother) is (a doctor).
My (sister) lives in (Recife).
My (father) is from
My parents are deceased.
My parents got divorced when I was
I come from a big/small family.

I also have family in (Petrpoles).

I have a big/small family.
I have (two) children/kids.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Eu sou meu prprio av

Im my own grandpa

Ana Paula Lomonaco
- Borrowing money
A: Can I borrow $5?
B: Sure. Why do you need it?
A: I want to buy lunch.
B: Where's your money?
A: It's not in my wallet.
B: Your wallet is empty?
A: I don't have even one dollar in it.
B: Being broke is no fun.
A: Even if it's only for a short while.
B: It's always good to have friends.
A: Friends will lend you money when you're broke.
B: As long as you pay them back.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
- Whats on TV?

A: I'm bored.
B: What's on TV?
A: Nothing.
B: There must be something on TV!
A: Nothing that's interesting.
B: What about that new game show?
A: Which one?
B: "Deal or No Deal"
A: Tell me you're joking.
B: I love that show.
A: I watched it once. That was enough.
B: It's on right now. Let's watch it together.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
- How about a pizza?

A: What's for dinner?
B: I'm not sure.
A: How about a pizza?
B: You had pizza for lunch.
A: But I love pizza.
B: Everybody loves pizza.
A: So why can't I have pizza for dinner?
B: Because you need variety.
A: What's "variety?
B: Different thingsnot the same thing all the time.
A: You mean, like a pepperoni pizza instead of a cheese
B: No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Recebendo pessoas em casa
(Na chegada dos convidados)

Acharam fcil chegar aqui?
Que bom que voc(s) veio/vieram.
Por favor, entre(m).
No repare(m) na baguna.
Geralmente mais arrumado.
No grande coisa, mas...
Me d seu (casaco).
Sinta-se vontade em casa.
Est/ Esto com fome?
O que voc(s) quer(em) beber?
Temos refrigerante, gua, cerveja...
Aceita(m) um (vinho)?
Voc(s) se importa(m) se eu fumar?
Venha conhecer a casa.
Sirva-se. /Podem-se servir.

Entertaining guests
(When the guests arrive)

Oh, hi.
You made it.
Did you have any trouble finding it?
Im glad you could come.
Please come in!
Dont mind the mess.
Its not usually this messy.
Its not much, but (Its home).
Let me take your (coat).
Please make yourself at home.
Are you hungry?
What would you like to (drink)?
We heave soda, water, beer
Would you like some (wine)?
Do you mind if I smoke?
Let me show you around.
Please help yourself/Please help

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Na sada dos convidados

Ah, j vai/vo?
No aceita(m) (um cafezinho) antes de
ir (em)?
Vou pegar suas coisas.
Adorei que voc(s) veio/vieram.
Venha(m)-me visitar quando voc(s)
V se no some(m).
Dirija com cuidado.
Voc no quer ficar aqui?
Voc pode dormir aqui se quiser.
um pouco tarde para dirigir.
muito longe para dirigir.

When the guests leave

Oh, so soon?
Wouldnt you like (some coffee) before
you go?
Let me get your things.
Im so glad you could come.
Please feel free to stop by anytime.

Dont be a stranger.
Drive safely.
Would you like to stay here?
You can sleep here if you like.
Its a little late to be driving.
You have a long drive.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Quando os convidados ficam

Vou-lhe mostra seu quarto.
Por favor, fique bem vontade.
Por favor, fique vontade para usar
o que voc quiser.

Durma bem.
Dormiu bem?

When the guests stay

Let me show you your room.
Please make yourself at home.
Please feel free to use whatever you

Sleep well.
Did you sleep well?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
What time is it?





Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco



Ana Paula Lomonaco
Frequency adverbs

Present Simple - Daily routines: English Language

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco

Chamadas telefnicas de uso
pessoal (Personal calls).
Em ingls no h nada semelhante a um abrao em
portugus. Um simples See you ou Take care
suficiente na hora de se despedir ao telefone. Da
mesma maneira, no h equivalente em ingls para
De onde fala? Outro coisa til para se lembrar que o
costume de pontuar a conversa com ah e sons
parecidos para mostrar que voc est ouvindo fica
muito estranho em ingls. Em geral, a despedida ao
telefone em ingls de fato muito breve.

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Oi, gostaria de falar com (Silvia) por
Oi (a Silvia) est?
Aqui (o Pedro).
Sou um amigo dela/dele.
Trabalho com ela/ele.
Oi, o (Pedro).
Voc est ocupado?
Voc est podendo falar?
Tentei ligar antes, mas...
...ningum atendeu.
...mas acho que voc no estava.
...estava ocupado.
...caiu na secretria eletrnica.
...caiu na caixa postal.
Voc recebeu meu recado?


Hi, may I speak to (Silvia), please?

Hi, is (Silvia) there?
This is (Pedro).
Im a friend of hers/his.
I work with her/him.
Hi, its (Pedro).
Are you busy?
Did I catch a bad time?
I tried calling you earlier, but
I didnt get any answer.
the time line was busy.
I kept getting a busy signal.
I got your answering machine.
I got your voice mail.
Did you get my message?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Durante a chamada
Oi (Pedro). Que bom que voc ligou.
Recebi seu recado, obrigado.
Ah, que bom estava esperando sua
Me aguarda um segundinho? Eu
tenho que...
S um segundo. Tem algum na
outra linha.
D pra me ouvir bem?
Posso ligar para de volta?
Quer que eu te ligue de volta?
Essa ligao vai sair muito cara para
Estou no meio de um negcio aqui
(Posso ligar para voc mais tarde?)

Olha eu tenho que ir agora. Eu...
Eu j ligo para voc.
Qual seu numero mesmo?

During the call
Oh, hi (Pedro). Im glad you called.
I got your message, thanks.
Oh, good. Ive been expecting you
Can you hang on just a second? I
have to
Just second. I have another call.

Can you hear me OK?
Can I call you back?
Do you want me to call you back?
This call must be costing you a
Im kind of in the middle of
something right now. (Can I call you
Oh, you know what? I have to go. I
Ill cal you right back.
Whats your number again?

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Preciso desligar.
Ento ta bom...
Gostei de falar com voc.
Vamos marcar alguma coisa.
Um beijo/Um abrao.
At mais.


Listen, I have to go.
OK, then.
It was nice talking to you.
But lets get together sometime
Take care.
See you.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Combinando um lugar

Ento, onde a gente se encontra?
Que tal (seu hotel)?
Posso busc-lo no (seu hotel).
Que horas posso buscar voc?
Voc gostaria de me encontrar (no
meu escritrio).
Voc que sabe.
O que for melhor para voc.
Onde voc quiser.
Voc conhece...?
Ns poderamos nos encontrar a/l.
Vamos fazer o seguinte:...
Podemos nos encontrar (no seu
hotel) s (8:30).
Que tal?
Me avise se houver alguma
Se por algum motivo voc no
puder, me d uma ligada.

Deciding where to meet

So where do we meet?
Haw about (your hotel)?
I can pick you up (at your hotel).
What time can I pick you up?
Would you like to meet me
(at my office)?
Its up to you.
Whatevers most convenient for you.
Wherever you want.
Do you know?
We could meet there.
How about this
Ill meet you (at your hotel) at (8:30).

Hows that?
If anything changes just let me
If for some reason you cant make it
just give me a call.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco


Ana Paula Lomonaco
Booking a Doctor's

I need to make an appointment.
I need to see the doctor.
When is the doctor free?
I need to renew my prescription.
Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?
I need to make an appointment for my husband.
My child needs to come in for a check-up.
The doctor wants to see me again in two week's time.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
What is your chart number?
What is the appointment regarding?
Which day/what time is good for you?
Is January the 3rd okay with you?
How does four o'clock sound?
We'll see you then.
I'm sorry the doctor is not taking new patients.
We'll call you if there are any cancellations.
We're running an hour behind schedule.
Dr Jones is away. You'll be seeing Dr Lindsay.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Conversation

Receptionist:Doctor's office. Jane speaking.
How can I help you?
Caller:I need to make an appointment with Dr.
Receptionist:Do you know your chart number?
Caller:No, sorry. It's at home and I'm at work
right now.
Receptionist:No problem. What's your name,
Caller:George Mason.
Receptionist:Okay Mr Mason. Hold one
moment while I grab your chart, please.
Receptionist:Thanks for waiting. Now, what do
you need to see the doctor about?
Caller:Well, I've been fighting a cold for more
than a week, and I think I might have a chest
infection or something. My cough is getting
worse each day.
Receptionist:Hmm. Doctor Harris is off
tomorrow. Do you think it can wait until
Caller:Oh, I was really hoping to get in today or
tomorrow in case I need some antibiotics. Maybe
I'll have to go to the walk-in-clinic instead.
Receptionist:Actually, we had a cancellation for
2:00pm today if you can get away from the
Caller:Gee, it's almost 1:00pm already. I think I
can make it if I leave right now.
Receptionist:We're running a bit behind
schedule, so you can probably count on seeing
the doctor around 2:30.
Caller:That's great. Thanks for fitting me in.
Receptionist:No problem, Mr. Mason. We'll see
you in an hour or so.

Ana Paula Lomonaco


Acho que estou pegando alguma
Est todo mundo pegando.
Acho que estou pegando um
Estou tentando no pegar um
Voc esta bem?
Voc no esta com uma cara muito
Voc esta um pouco plido.
Acho melhor voc ir para casa.
V para casa e descanse.


I think Im coming down with
Theres something going around.
I think Im catching a cold.

Ive been fighting off a cold.

Are you OK?
You dont look very well.

You look a little pale.
Maybe you should go home.
Go home and rest.

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Estou doente.
No estou me sentindo muito bem.
Estou com...
No estou muito no clima.
Estou pssimo
Soube que voc no esta sentindo
muito bem.
Fiquei sabendo que voc tem...
O que voc tem?
Posso fazer alguma coisa?
O que voc tem que fazer ...
A melhor coisa ...
Como que voc esta?
Eu sei como voc esta se sentindo.
Odeio isso.
Posso imaginar como voc est se
S precisa descansar.
Espero que se sinta melhor.
Se precisar de alguma coisa, s me


Im sick.
Im not feeling very well
I have
Im feeling a little under the weather.
I feel awful.
I heard you werent feeling very well.

I heard you have
Whats the matter?
Is there anything I can do?
What you should do is
The best thing is to is
How are you feeling?
I know how you feel.
I hate that.
I can imagine how you must feel.

You just need to rest.
I hope you feel better.
Call if you need anything, OK?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Hotel Hspede

Voc tem vaga para (1
pessoa/2pessoas) para o dia...
Eu tenho uma reserva.
Em nome de (Silva).
Aqui est o comprovante.
Eu quero um quarto para (1 pessoa/2
Para (2) noites.
Quanto a diria?
Tem (TV a cabo) nos quartos?
Tem banheiro no quarto?
Com caf da manh?

Hotel Guest

Do you have anything available for (1
person/2 people) on...
I have a reservation.
Under the name (Silva).
Heres the confirmation.
I need a room for (1 person/2
For (2) night.
How much is that a night?
Does the room have (cable TV)?
Is there a bathroom in the room?
Is breakfast included?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Tem alguma visita?
Gostaria/Gostaramos de uma vista
para (o mar), se possvel.
Preciso ser acordado s 7:30.
A que horas o check-out?
Como fao para conseguir uma
Posso deixar minha bagagem na
Posso deixar meus objetos de valor
no cofre?
Voc(s) pode me informar sobre as
atraes locais?
Posso comprar ingressos aqui
Onde fica o ___mais prximo?
Tem algum recado para mim?

Does it have a view?
Id/Wed like a view facing (the
ocean), if possible.
I need a wake up call at 7:30.
What time is check-out?
How do I get an outside line?

Can I leave my bags at the front
Can I leave my valuables in the safe?

Do you have information on local
Can I buy tickets here for the?

Where is the nearest___?
Do I have any messages?

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Compras Shopping

comum para um lojista cumprimentar um cliente
com Tudo bem? em ingls ao entrar na loja. Este
cumprimento no exige resposta. Normalmente um HI
(Oi) mais do que suficiente. Os preos nas lojas
refletem o preo sem acrscimo dos impostos.
Normalmente isso acrescentado depois, no caixa. A
taxa dos impostos varia de estado em estado, mas
normalmente fica na faixa de 8,5% sobre o preo de
Ana Paula Lomonaco

S estou olhando, obrigado.
Vocs aceitam (American Express)?
Vocs aceitam cheque de viagem?
Vocs tm...?
Estou procurando...
Vi uma (jaqueta) na vitrine.
Est em promoo?
Posso mandar isso para o Brasil?
pra presente.
Vocs podem embrulhar isso para
Quanto fica o imposto?
Qual o preo na promoo?
Voc tem no tamanho P/M/G
Voc tem num tamanho
Onde ficam os provadores?


Im just looking, thanks.
Do you take (American Express)?
Do you take travelers check?
Do you have?
Im looking for
I saw a (jacket) in the window.
Is this on sale?
Can I have this sent to Brazil?
Its a gift for someone.
Can I have this gift-wrapped?

Whats the price on this with tax?
Whats the sale price on this?
Do you have this in
small/medium/large/extra large?
Do you have this in a smaller/larger
Where are your fitting rooms?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
O cliente

Gostaria de trocar estes travellers
Queria trocar real.

Qual a taxa cambial de hoje?
Gostaria de descontar um cheque.
Gostaria de fazer um depsito.
Gostaria de fazer um saque.
Gostaria de enviar dinheiro pra...
Gostaria de fazer uma ordem de
Gostaria de abrir uma conta
Qual o saldo mnimo?
Qual a taxa de juros?
Eu teria algum limite no cheque
O que preciso para ter um carto de
Posso acessar minha conta pela
Como posso transferir dinheiro da
minha conta no Brasil?

The coustumer

Id like to cash these travelers
checksAm/ travellers chequesBr
Id like to exchange some Brazilian
Whats the current exchange rate?
Id like to cash s checkAm/chequeBr.
Id like to make a deposit.
Id like to make a withdraw.
Id like to wire money to
Id like to transfer money.
Id like to buy a money order.
Id like to open a savings/cheking
Whats the minimum balance?
Whats the interest rate?
Do you offer overdraft protection?

What do I need to de to get a credit card?
Can I acess my account through the
How ca I transfer money from my
account in Brazil

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Lidando com atrasos

Tem como adiantar isso?

Tem previso de...?

Eu/ns gostaramos de ter isso antes
se for possvel.
Se voc(s) puder(em) de alguma
forma (mandar antes), eu ficaria
muito agradecido.

Se voc(s) puder(em) enviar isso
(hoje) seria timo.
Acho que vou precisar antes (que
No gostaria de ter que ir a outro
lugar para comprar isso.

Dealing with delays

Is there any way I/we could get that
Do you have any idea how much
longer its going to be?
I/we really would like to get that
sooner, if possible.
If theres any way you could (send it
sooner), I would really appreciate

If you could send that (today), that
would be great.
Im afraid Im going to need it
sooner (than that).
Id hat to have to go somewhere else
for this.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
English for Cashiers
The word "cashier" means someone who handles
"cash" and other types of money in a shop, store,
restaurant, bank or other business. But see the
EnglishClub Tip below for more on this.
Most cashiers receive training on the job. Your training
may be difficult if your supervisor doesn't speak your
native language. These pages will help you learn and
practise vocabulary and expressions related to working
as a cashier. Read and listen to the lessons. Then take
the quizzes to test your comprehension
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Cashier Transactions:
Here are some expressions to use on the job. Practise
them with a friend or family member. Refer to the
vocabulary list if you don't know a word. Do you have a
discount card today?

Are you using any coupons today?
I will need to see some ID to sell you a lottery ticket.
(for age restricted items)
I'm sorry but your card has been declined. Would you
like to use another form of payment? (when a credit or
debit card has insufficient funds.)
Will there be anything else for you today?
Is this everything today?
And how was everything today? (service industry)
Will that be cash or charge?
How will you be paying today?
Your total comes to $16.50.
From twenty...and here's $3.50 change.
Please swipe your card.
I just need to see some photo ID to verify your check.
Would you like your receipt in the bag?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Cash transaction
Cashier:Hello. Is this everything for you today?
Customer:Yes. Just a few items today.
Cashier:Did you find everything you were looking for?
Customer:Yes, thank you.
Cashier:Okay. Your total comes to $8.70. (say "eight
seventy" or "eight dollars and seventy cents")
Customer:Can you break a fifty? I'm afraid I don't have
anything smaller.
Cashier:No problem. From fifty..$41.30 is your change.
(say "forty-one thirty" or "forty-one dollars and thirty
Customer:Thank you.
Cashier:Thank you. See you again.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Credit Card
Cashier:Here is your order, sir. Two pepperoni pizzas.
Will there be anything else?
Customer:No, that's great thanks.
Cashier:Okay. Will that be cash or charge today?
Cashier:Okay. Please swipe your card in the
machine...Sorry, can you try again please.
Customer:Is there a problem with my card?
Cashier:No, it's going through fine this time. I'll just
need you to sign here, please.
Customer:There you go.
Cashier:Thank you Mr. Bates. Enjoy your pizza!
Ana Paula Lomonaco
English for Tour Guides
Being a tour guide is a very important job. In many
cases, the tour guide is a traveller's first impression of a
foreign country. In other cases a tour guide may be
responsible for teaching tourists about the culture and
sites in a city or town. In addition, many tour guides
hold the responsibility of teaching tourists about
safety. Even if you are only responsible for taking a
tourist from the airport to his or her hotel, it is your
responsibility to make the short trip interesting,
informative, and safe. The following pages will help
you learn some important vocabulary and phrases that
you can use with your English-speaking tourists.
Check your understanding as you go.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Explaining Rules, Safety and
Tour Guide
You are strictly forbidden from taking photographs
inside the museum.
Please stay on the marked path.
I'm sure this goes unsaid, but remember to place all
trash in the garbage bins.
Please pay attention to the time. We don't want to keep
the driver waiting.
Classes are in session, so we need to keep our voices
The bus will be leaving at 5:00 pm sharp.
You'll have some free time to look around after lunch.
Please meet back here in one hour.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Explaining safety
Tour Guide
Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times.
I ask that you keep your hands inside the train.
As a safety precaution, please stand behind the yellow
For your own safety, we ask that you refrain from
putting your arms out the window.
Please do not feed the animals.
Please remain seated until we come to a full stop.
Please stay with your group at all times.
Please keep to the sidewalk.
I do not recommend swimming here. The water is very
We suggest only carrying small amounts of cash.
These rules are for your own comfort and safety.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Explaining etiquette and
Tour Guide
It is customary in our country to tip the friendly bus
In this region we bow rather than shake hands during a
first meeting.
Though the all-inclusive includes tips for the servers, it
does not include tips for the bellboy.
To indicate that you want to get on or off the bus
simply wave your hand at the driver.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Showing Places of Interest
Tour Guide
In front of you is...
On your right/left you will see...
Up ahead...
On your left you will see...
As we turn the corner here, you will see...
In the distance...
If you look up you will notice...
Off to the north...
Look to the east...
To your west...
In a few minutes we'll be passing...
We are now coming up to...
As you will see...
You may have noticed...
Take a good look at...
I'd like to point out...
Keep your eyes open for...

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Tourist Questions
Is that the...you were talking about?
Are we going to pass the...?
Are we going to see any...?
Is it on the right or the left?
I don't see it. Can you point it out again?
Did I miss it?
Will we see it on the way back?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Conversation
Guide:It's about a three minute ride up to the top of the mountain. As we pass the two towers the
gondolla may sway a little.
Man:This thing is safe, right?
Guide:Yes, you don't have anything to worry about. We do about 100 trips a day up the mountain, and
these tours have been going on for over ten years without any accidents. Keep your eyes open for wildlife
as we ascend. It isn't uncommon to see deer and even bears.
Woman:What's that mountain to the left called?
Guide:That's Mount Karen. And to the right of that with the three small points is Mount Brown. Now, if
you look up straight ahead, you should be able to see a large eagle's nest. Does everyone see it there?
Man:Are there any baby birds?
Guide:That's a good question. I haven't seen any yet, but we usually see them around this time of year.
Woman:What's that lake down there, to the right of the green meadow?
Guide:I'm glad you asked. That's John Lake. It's actually a man made pond that was built as part of a
conservation effort over twenty years ago. During the 70's there was a lot of clearcutting of forests in the
area, and much of the wildlife was lost. Since John Lake was built, ducks, swans, and geese have
returned to the area.
Man:Is this the highest mountain in this region?
Guide:No, actually, Mount Heather, which you we will be able to see in just a minute or so has the highest
peak. But, this is the highest mountain for recreational purposes like skiing and guided tours.
Woman:Can you ski throughout the year?
Guide:No, it warms up enough to actually suntan up there in the summer. Oh, look everyone. There are
two deer feeding in the clearing right below us.
Man:Thanks, that should be a great photo. So... what is there to do besides ski at the top of the hill at
this time of year?
Guide:Oh, there's plenty to do. We have horseback riding, snowmobile tours, and a petting zoo for
children. If you look to your left you'll see the snowmobile trail going through the mountain.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Tour Guide Speech
Listen and practice


Ana Paula Lomonaco

Welcoming tourists:

Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On
behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to
welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus
ride to your hotel will take about fifteen
minutes. Right now I'd like to take a
minute to familiarize you with the area
and discuss some brief safety
precautions. Firstly, I ask that you
remain seated until we reach our
destination and that you not eat or
drink while on the bus. Secondly, please
realize that it is against the law to get
drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation,
but do drink responsibly and do not
drink and drive.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Describing the location:
I promise you are going to enjoy your
stay here in San Jose, Los Cabos. This is a
beautiful, quiet city where you can relax,
sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and
feel very safe. You can walk into town
and enjoy the fountains or take a
moonlit walk along the water. Please do
not swim here. This is not a safe place to
swim because there is a strong
undertow. Cabos San Lucas is the place
to go if you want to enjoy swimming in
the ocean. You can take a short bus ride
from your hotel. There you will also
enjoy entertainment and dancing.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Introducing special events and offers:
Suntan tours offers a variety of special
discounts depending on your travel
plans. We have golf packages, as well as
guided whale boat tours, and fishing
charters. There will be a short
information session at 1pm in the lobby
of the hotel tomorrow where you can
learn all about these offers. We
recommend that you do not purchase
packages from street vendors as they are
not always 100 percent reliable. They
also may charge you more than what
they say. Please take my advice and allow
Suntan tours to book all of your day trips
and activities while you are here.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Offering advice:
If you need to exchange your dollars into
pesos, please use a bank or money
exchange. We don't recommend
exchanging your money at the hotel
because you won't get a fair rate. Some
restaurants will accept American or
Canadian money, but you are better off
to exchange your money and pay with
pesos. Or, if you prefer, you can always
use your credit cards. Also, if you want to
get around the city, or travel to Cabos
San Lucas, we recommend that you take
the local bus rather than a taxi. The bus
costs about one American dollar, and the
driver can give you change if you don't
have the exact amount. If you do decide
to take a taxi make sure that you
negotiate a price before you go.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Closing remarks:
We're going to be pulling up to the hotel
in just a few minutes. Please sit back and
enjoy the view of the ocean on the left
hand side of the bus as we enter the city.
I ask that you remain in your seats until
we have come to a complete stop. Javier
will be meeting us at the bus to help you
with your bags. Please double check to
make sure your bag has been taken off
the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours,
have a wonderful vacation in San Jose
and I hope to see you tomorrow at the
information session.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
English for Hotel Staff
Working in the hotel industry you will come across
many types of travellers. Some will be business guests,
others will be tourists and visitors. Many will speak a
different language other than your own. Chances are,
plenty of your guests will speak English. Do you know
how to speak politely to a guest in English? Can you
understand their requests and serve them accordingly?
Whether your job is to take reservations or clean the
hotel rooms, these pages can help you learn important
words and expressions to use on the job in the hotel
industry. Read and listen to the lessons. Then take the
quizzes to test your comprehension.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Taking a Reservation

Front Desk Receptionist

Enterprise Hotels, Lise speaking. How can I
help you?
What date are you looking for?
How long will you be staying?
How many adults will be in the room?
I'm afraid we are booked that weekend.
There are only a few vacancies left.
We advise that you book in advance during
peak season.
Will two double beds be enough?
Do you want a smoking or non-smoking
The dining room is open from 4 pm until
10 pm.
We have an indoor swimming pool and
We serve a continental breakfast.
Cable television is included, but the movie
channel is extra.
Take Exit 8 off the highway and you'll see
us a few kilometers up on the left hand
The rate I can give you is 99.54 with tax.
We require a credit card number for a


I'd like to make a reservation for next
Is it necessary to book ahead?
Do you charge extra for two beds?
How much is it for a cot?
Do you offer free breakfast?
Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
Do the rooms have refrigerators?
Do you do group bookings?
Is there an outdoor pool?
Do you have any cheaper rooms?
When is it considered off- season?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Conversation
Receptionist:Thanks for calling Quality Inn. Morine speaking.
Caller:Hello. I'm interested in booking a room for the September long weekend.
Receptionist:I'm afraid we're totally booked for that weekend. There's a convention
in town and we're the closest hotel to the convention centre.
Caller:Oh, I didn't realize. Well what about the weekend after that?
Receptionist:So... Friday the seventeenth?
Caller:Yes. Friday and Saturday.
Receptionist:It looks like we have a few vacancies left. We recommend that you
make a reservation, though. It's still considered peak season then.
Caller:Okay. Do you have any rooms with two double beds? We're a family of four.
Receptionist:Yes, all of our rooms have two double beds. The rate for that weekend
is $129 dollars a night.
Caller:That's reasonable. And do you have cots? One of my daughters might be
bringing a friend.
Receptionist:We do, but we also charge an extra ten dollars per person for any
family with over four people. The cot is free.
Caller:Okay, but I'm not positive if she is coming. Can we pay when we arrive?
Receptionist:Yes, but we do require a fifty dollar credit card deposit to hold the
room. You can cancel up to five days in advance and we will refund your deposit.
Caller:Great, I'll call you right back. I have to find my husband's credit card.
Receptionist:Okay. Oh, and just to let you know...our outdoor pool will be closed,
but our indoor pool is open.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Checking Guests In and Out
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Check In

Front Desk Receptionist

What name is the reservation under?
How long will you be staying?
Are you planning on checking out
I'm afraid you can't check in until after
4:00 pm.
What type of vehicle are you driving?
Do you know the license plate number
of your vehicle?
Complimentary breakfast is served in
the lobby between 8 and 10 am.
I'll give you two room keys.
The dining room is on the main floor at
the end of the hall.
The weight room and sauna are on the
top floor.
Just call the front desk if you need any
extra towels or pillows.


We have a reservation under Jill
Do you have any vacancies?
Is the hotel booked, or can we get a
room for tonight?
How do we get to our room from here?
Is it okay to park out front?
What time is the pool open until?
What time is breakfast served at?
Is it too early to check in?
Can we get a wake-up call?
When is check out time?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Check Out

Front Desk Receptionist

Are you ready to check out?
What room were you in?
How was your stay?
Was everything satisfactory?
Will you be putting this on your card?
And how will you be paying for this?
Would you like to speak to the hotel
manager on duty?
I'll just need your room keys, please.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Have a safe trip home.


We're checking out of room 401.
Sorry we're a bit late checking-out.
I'm afraid we overslept/slept in.
We really enjoyed our stay.
We have a few complaints.
We'll be back next time we're in town.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample Conversation
Listen and practice

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Receptionist:Hi there. Are you checking out
Guest:Yes, sorry. I know we're a few minutes
Receptionist:That's no problem. It's always
really busy at check out time anyway.
Guest:Oh, really. The last hotel we stayed in
charged us for a late check out.
Receptionist:The hotel isn't booked this week,
so it's not a problem. How was everything?
Guest:The room was great. The beds were
really comfortable, and we weren't expecting
our own fridge.
Receptionist:I'm glad you liked it.
Guest:The kids were disappointed that the pool
wasn't open this morning, though.
Receptionist:I apologize for that. We can't get
a cleaner in any earlier than 10 am.
Guest:Well we had a nice swim last night
Receptionist:Will you be putting this on your
credit card?
Guest:No. I'll pay cash.
Receptionist:OK. So the total comes to
$123.67, including tax.
Guest:I thought it was $115 even. That's what
they said yesterday when we checked in.
Receptionist:Yes, but there is an extra room
charge on your bill.
Guest:Oh, I forgot. My husband ordered a plate
of nachos. Sorry.
Receptionist:No problem. So...from $140,
here's your change. Now, I'll just need to ask
you for your room keys.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
English for Taxi Drivers
Phrases that taxi drivers can use with
English-speaking passengers.

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Hi / Hello
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
How are you today?
Hi. I can take 4 passengers.


Where can I take you?
Where are you going?
What's your destination?
I don't know that place. Do you have a map?
Can you show me on this map?
Are you in a hurry?
It is very close.
It is pretty far away.
It will take about 15 minutes.
It takes about one hour to get there.
It is faster to take the expressway but you
have to pay the toll.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Understanding the passenger

Speak slowly, please.
Sorry, I don't understand.
Yes, I understand. I'll take you there.
Please ask someone to write it in Thai /
Chinese / etc.
No problem.

Special instructions / requests

I'll put your luggage in the boot / trunk.
Put on your seat belt, please.
Is it okay if I open a window?
Is the air-conditioning okay?
Please don't eat in the car.
No smoking, please.
Do you want me to wait?
I have to get some gas.

Traffic conditions

It's rush hour.
There's a traffic jam.
The traffic is bad over there. You'll
get there faster if you walk from
I think there's been an accident.
I'll try a different way.

Fare and fees

The total price is $10.
Thank you for the tip.
Do you have smaller notes/bills?
I don't have any change.
The customer pays for the expressway,
You in a hurry? Take the expressway?
There is a toll way fee. You pay the fee,

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Watch out for motorcycles before getting
Don't forget your things.
Thank you for your business.
Hope to see you again.
It's been nice chatting with you.
Enjoy your stay in Thailand / China / etc.
You're welcome.

No service
Sorry, that is out of my boundaries.
I can't go there. I would have to come back
without a fare.
Sorry, I don't go to the airport.
I'm all done for the day / night.
I have to return the car on time.
My car needs servicing.
I'm sorry. Have a nice day.
I can call another driver / company for you.

Small talk
Have you been here before?
Are you from around here?
How do you like Bangkok / Beijing / etc?
Are you here on business?
Are you staying long?
Good weather, huh? Not too hot, not too
I hope the weather gets better for you.

Things a passenger could say
Can I get a ride?
How many people can you fit?
How long will it take?
Please wait for me.
You can keep the meter running.
Do you have a flat fee to the airport?
I'm in a bit of a rush.
Can we get there by 10 o'clock / noon / 4pm
/ etc?
Could you slow down, please?
Is this the quickest way?
Do you take credit cards?
Do you have change?
Keep the change.
Thanks for the ride / lift.

Ana Paula Lomonaco

passenger: person travelling in car, bus, train (not the driver)
destination: place where you want to go
map: diagram or picture showing streets and roads
in a hurry: rushed; need to go fast
expressway / motorway: fast road
tollway: fast road with fee
toll: charge; fee
boot / trunk: box at back of car for luggage, cases etc
seat belt: strap to hold somebody in their seat in a car or airplane
accident: crash; a car hitting another car or a person
fee: price; charge
note/bill: paper money
boundaries: limits
fare: price for taxi; passenger
flat fee: fixed price
in a rush: in a hurrry; late; want to go fast

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Sample conversation
Taxi driver Hi. Where are you going?
PassengerTo the train station, please.
Taxi driverShall I put your bag in the trunk?
PassengerNo thanks. I'll keep it with me. How long will it take to the station?
Taxi driverAbout 30 minutes. Are you in a hurry?
PassengerYes, I'm a bit late.
Taxi driverWe can take the expressway. There's an extra charge, okay?
PassengerThat's okay, thanks.
Taxi driverFasten your seatbelt, please.
Taxi driverHere's the expressway. Can I have $3 for the fee?
PassengerHere you are.
Taxi driverAre you catching a train at the station?
PassengerYes, I'm going to the beach to meet some friends.
Taxi driverOkay. Here is the station.
PassengerThank you. How much is it?
Taxi driver$55.
PassengerHere's $60. Keep the change.
Taxi driverThanks. Don't forget your things.
PassengerOkay. Bye. Have a good day!
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Grammar Corner
Ana Paula Lomonaco
When to Use Any or Some
By Kenneth Beare
Some and any are used with both countable and
uncountable nouns to ask about, confirm and respond
negatively about an indefinite amount. Some and any
are used with singular and plural verb forms. Here are
some examples followed by the rules: Do you have any
salt? There are some chairs in that room. She doesn't
have any money.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
In / On / To / At
By Kenneth Beare

Use 'in' with spaces:
in a room / in a building
in a garden / in a park
Use 'in' with bodies of water:
in the water
in the sea
in a river
Use 'in' with lines:
in a row / in a line
in a queue

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Use 'at' with places:
at the bus-stop
at the door
at the cinema
at the end of the street

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Use 'on' with surfaces:
on the ceiling / on the wall / on the floor
on the table

Use 'on' with small islands:
I stayed on Maui.

Use 'on' with directions:
on the left
on the right
straight on

Ana Paula Lomonaco

Use 'to' with movement from one place to another:
I went to school.
Did you go to work?
Let's go to the shopping mall.
DO NOT Use 'to' with 'home'

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Prepositions of Time - In / At /
Use 'in' months and years and periods of time:
in January
in 1978
in the twenties
Use 'in' a period of time in the future:
in a few weeks
in a couple of days

Use 'at' with precise time:
at six o'clock
at 10.30
at two p.m.

Use 'on' with days of the week:
on Monday
on Fridays
Use 'on' with specific calendar days:
on Christmas day
on October 22nd

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Articles - The / A / An
By Kenneth Beare
a = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a
number of the same objects) with consonants
She has a dog.
I work in a factory.
an = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a
number of the same objects) with vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
Can I have an apple?
She is an English teacher.
the = definite article (a specific object that both the
person speaking and the listener know)
The car over there is fast.
The teacher is very good, isn't he?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Uses of 'Like'
'Like' can be used as a verb or as a preposition. There
are a number of common questions with 'like' that are
easy to confuse.
What's he like? - 'What like?' is used to ask about a
person's or object's character and is general in nature.
What does he like? - This use of the verb 'like' is for
general preferences. 'Like' as a verb is generally
followed by the 'ing' form of the verb (I like playing
What does she look like? - 'Like' is used as a
preposition to express physical appearance. In this
case, 'like' can also mean 'similar to' if you are making
a comparison to other people.
What would you like to drink? - Another common
use of 'like' is in 'would like' to express wishes. Note
that 'would like' is followed by the infinite form of the
verb NOT the '-ing' form.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Verbs Followed by the Gerund
or the Infinitive
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Verb + 'ing' OR Verb +
When two verbs are used together, the second verb is
often in the gerund form (-ing) or the infinitive. There
are no specific rules concerning which verbs take
which form. Like irregular verbs, you will need to learn
which form a verb takes.
Common Verbs + 'ing'
can't stand

They go jogging on Saturdays.
I don't mind helping you.
They can't stand driving in traffic jams.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Common Verbs + Infinitive

I promised to help him.
Alice needs to start that task.
He decided to quit his job.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Subject Pronouns - I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
function as the subject of a sentence:
I live in New York.
Do you like playing tennis?
He doesn't want to come this evening.
She works in London.
It won't be easy.
We are studying pronouns at the moment.
You went to Paris last year, didn't you?
They bought a new car last month.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Object Pronouns - me, you, him, her, it, us, you,
them serve as the object of a verb.
Give me the book.
He told you to come tonight.
She asked him to help.
They visited her when they came to New York.
She bought it at the store.
He picked us up at the airport.
The teacher asked you to finish your homework.
I invited them to a party.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Possessive Pronouns - mine, yours, his, hers, its,
ours, yours, theirs show that something belongs to
That house is mine.
This is yours.
I'm sorry, that's his.
Those books are hers.
Those students are ours.
Look over there, those seats are yours.
Theirs will be green.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Demonstrative Pronouns - this, that, these, those
refer to things. 'this' and 'these' refer to something that
is near. 'that' and 'those' refer to things that are farther

This is my house.
That is our car over there.
These are my colleagues in this room.
Those are beautiful flowers in the next field.

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Possessive adjectives - my, your, his, her, its, our,
your, their are often confused with possessive
pronouns. The possessive adjective modifies the noun
following it in order to show possession.

I'll get my books.
Is that your car over there?
That is his teacher, Mr Jones.
I want to go to her store.
Its color is red.
Can we bring our children?
You are welcome to invite your husbands.
Ana Paula Lomonaco
Present Simple
Use the present simple to talk about activities or
routines which take place on a regular basis.

Positive Sentences Subject + present conjugation of
verb + objects
I / You drive to work every day.
She / He / It drives to work every day.
You / We / They drive to work every day.

Negative Sentences
Subject + do not + base form of verb + objects
I / You don't (do not) use a computer every day.
She / He / It doesn't ( does not) use a computer at
work. It
You / We / They don't (do not) use a typewriter at

Question Form
Wh? + do + subject + base form of verb ?
When do I / you arrive at work?
What does he / she / it use at work?
Where do we / you / they keep the paper?

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Modal Verbs

Modals are verbs that modify other verbs. The
most common modals are:
Note that all subjects take the same form of the

Subject + Modal + Base Form of Verb + Objects
He can play the piano.
I must leave soon.

Subject + Modal + Not + Base Form of Verb +
They can't visit next week.
You shouldn't go to that film.

Modal + Subject + Base Form of Verb + Objects
Can you help me?
What should I do?

Giving Advice with Should

'Should' is used when asking for or giving advice. It
is also used when asking for suggestions.

I think you should see a doctor.
What type of job should I get?

Expressing Ability with Can
'Can' is used to speak abilities.
He can speak Japanese.
Can you play golf?

Asking for Permission with May
'May' is used to ask for permission.
May I help you?
May I visit you this afternoon?
NOTE: In spoken English, 'Can I ...?' is often used
instead of 'May I ...?'

Ana Paula Lomonaco
Ana Paula Lomonaco

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