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Formulation: the radical

alternative to psychiatric
Lucy Johnstone
Consultant clinical psychologist
Why is this important?
From a theoretical perspective:

The critique of diagnosis is the critique of psychiatry
(Brown 1990)

Diagnosis is the Holy Grail of psychiatry and the key to
its legitimation (Kovel 1981)

Without schizophrenia there would be no psychiatry
(Holmes 2011)

A reliable and valid classification system is the
foundation of any science. Without this, psychiatrys
claim to be a legitimate branch of medicine is fatally
Psychiatry would become ..something very hard to
justify or defend a medical specialty that does not treat
medical illnesses.
(Breggin, 1993)

Diagnosis provides the foundation for the
biomedical language we use.

illness, patient, treatment, prognosis, remission, symptom,

.which in turn shapes our assumptions about
mental distress and how we deal with it

doctors, nurses, wards, clinics, hospitals, medication etc

From a service user perspective:

The act of diagnosis is the crucial first step in the career of
any psychiatric patient

It turns people with problems into patients with illnesses

Meaning is first and greatest casualty of diagnosis and
biomedical psychiatry (cf Karl Jaspers)

In the final analysis, power is the right to have your definition of
reality prevail over all other peoples definition of reality
(Rowe 1990)

I got a diagnosis of schizophrenia. With this I got the
message that I was a passive victim of pathology. I
wasnt encouraged to do anything to actively help
myself. Therapy meant drug therapy. It was hugely
disempowering and undermining, exacerbating all my
doubts about myself. And the impact was devastating
because it just served to make the voices stronger and
more aggressive because I became so frightened of
them. What started off as experience became a
symptom This all happened in a shockingly short
space of time. I went into that hospital a troubled,
confused, unhappy 18-year-old and I came out a
schizophrenic. And I was a good one. I came to embody
how psychosis should look and feel.
Eleanor Longden (2011)

Clients and the general public are negatively affected by the
continued and continuous medicalisation of their natural and
normal responses to their experiences; responses which
undoubtedly have distressing consequences which demand
helping responses, but which do not reflect illnesses so much
as normal individual variation.
..The putative diagnoses presented in DSM-V are clearly
based largely on social norms, with 'symptoms' that all rely on
subjective judgments, with few confirmatory physical 'signs'
or evidence of biological causation. The criteria are not value-
free, but rather reflect current normative social
[taxonomic] systems such as this are based on
identifying problems as located within individuals. This misses
the relational context of problems and the undeniable social
causation of many such problems.(DCP/BPS consultation response)

The DSM controversy

Society for Humanistic Psychology open letter and petition


Follow the story at:


Worldwide coverage on Feb 10
Lonely? Shy? Sad? Well now youre mentally ill too (The
Independent, 10.2.12).

The proposals in DSM-5 are likely to shrink the pool of normality to a
puddle with more and more people being given a diagnosis of
mental illness (Til Wykes, The Guardian, 10.2.12)

It is hard to avoid the conclusion that DSM-5 will help the interests of
the drug companies and the wrong-headed belief of some mental
health professionals (David Pilgrim, The Financial Times 10.2.12).

Many people who are shy, bereaved, eccentric or have unconventional
romantic lives will suddenly find themselves labelled as mentally ill.
This isnt valid, isnt true, isnt humane (Peter Kinderman, The
Independent, 10.2.12).

DSM 5 will radically and recklessly expand the boundaries
of psychiatry.

Professor Allen Frances, Chair of DSM IV Task Force

The petition is about specific revisions rather than the
whole system.. But have we reached a tipping point?

Schizophrenia Commission


Inquiry into the schizophrenia label

Could we replace psychiatric diagnosis with
All formulations..

Summarise the clients core problems
Show how the clients difficulties relate to
one another, by drawing on psychological
Explain, on the basis of psychological theory,
why the client has developed these
difficulties, at this time and in these situations
Give rise to a plan of intervention
Are drawn up collaboratively with the client
Are open to revision and re-formulation

A formulation is the tool used by clinicians to relate theory
to practiceFormulations can best be understood as
hypotheses to be tested...

..The lynchpin that holds theory and practice together

..at some level it all makes sense (Butler 1998)

Formulation as a different type of explanation from
a process of ongoing collaborative sense-making
(Harper & Moss, 2003)
.a way of summarising meanings, and of negotiating for
shared ways of understanding and communicating about
them (Butler, 1998)
- with no clear boundaries or end-point
broad snapshot summaries of complex evolving
stories (Cole, 2008)
- and for this reason perhaps best understood as a
process not an event
- and best evaluated in terms of usefulness or fit, not truth.

Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: Making
sense of peoples problems

eds L Johnstone and R Dallos, Routledge 2006
Partly because of your early experience of trauma, you
were a quiet and hard-working child without a great deal
of self-confidence. The transition to university was a
shock to you. Unable to work out who you were or how
you wanted to live your life, you felt very unhappy and
confused. The appearance of your first voice seemed to
be triggered by these worries, and many unresolved
feelings came to the surface. Unfortunately, psychiatric
treatment reinforced all your doubts and lack of
confidence by giving you the message that you were
defective, helpless and hopeless in the face of a serious
mental illness. The more afraid you were of your voices,
the more frightening they became. As you became
further entangled in the identity of a mental patient, and
felt increasingly powerless, the voices grew in power and
dominance. Taunts and rejection from other people
increased your sense of alienation and rejection. The
dominant voice took over, and you felt completely in his
We have talked about how you need to start believing in
yourself and taking some control back from the voice,
and questioning other peoples definition of you as a
hopeless schizophrenic. We have begun to understand
that the voice represents the insecure and rejected parts
of yourself, and calls attention to unresolved issues from
the past. There may be things that you can learn from
the voice which will help you on your path to recovery.
You are an intelligent, determined and resourceful
person, and these strengths will help you to find a way

It was the first time that I had been given the
chance to see myself as a person with a life
story, not as a genetically-determined
schizophrenic with aberrant brain chemicals and
biological flaws and deficiencies that were
beyond my power to heal.. Pat Bracken was
so much more humane than that. And he didnt
talk about auditory hallucinations he talked
about hearing voices and unusual beliefs rather
than delusions, anxiety rather than paranoia. He
didnt use this terrible mechanistic, clinical
language, he just couched it in normal language
and normal experience.

Trauma and psychosis
Childhood abuse and neglect is at least as strongly linked to
psychosis as to other psychiatric conditions, and the link appears to
be a causal one

Evidence of a dose-dependent relationship between the severity,
number, and number of types of traumatic episodes, and the
likelihood of psychosis (People abused as children are 9.3 times
more likely to develop psychosis; risk rises to 48 times for the
severest abuse (Janssen et al 2004); people who have experienced 3
kinds of abuse were 18 times more likely to be psychotic; 5 types of
abuse = 193 times more likely (Shevlin et al 2007.)

The link appears to be a causal one; there is a dose-dependent
relationship between the severity, number, and number of types of
abuse and later symptoms. The relationship holds in prospective
studies and after controlling for gender, ethnicity, education,
substance abuse, etc.

The content of delusions is often closely related to actual
experiences of abuse (Read et al 2005)

People who have survived atrocities often tell their
stories in a highly emotional, contradictory, and
fragmented manner which undermines their credibility
and thereby serves the twin imperatives of truth-telling
and secrecy..Witnesses as well as victims are subject
to the dialectic of trauma. It is difficult for an observer to
remain clearheaded and calm, to see more than a few
fragments of the picture at one time, to retain all the
pieces, and to fit them together. It is even more difficult
to find a language that conveys fully and persuasively
what one has seen(Herman 2001)

Lucys all-purpose formulation for long term service users
Service user X has unmet attachment needs and unresolved
trauma from their early life. X tries to meet these through the
psychiatric services, but fails, since services are not set up to
do this. Still needy, but unable to achieve enough emotional
security to move on, X ends up trading symptoms for
whatever psychiatric care is on offer. Staff are initially
sympathetic but become increasingly frustrated at Xs lack of
progress. The resulting dynamic may end up repeating Xs
early experiences of neglect, rejection or abuse. Both parties
become stuck, frustrated and demoralised in this vicious circle.
Service user X has unmet attachment needs and unresolved
trauma from their early life. X tries to meet these through the
psychiatric services

Diagnosis versus formulation
Removes meaning
Removes agency
(sick role)
Removes social contexts
Keeps relationships stuck
Culture blind
Medical consequences
Social consequences

Creates meaning
Promotes agency
Can include social
Includes relationships
Looks at relationship
Culture sensitive
No social consequences
Some pitfalls on the horizon..
Simply replacing one nonsensical term
with another
Cf dopamine dysregulation disorder

Re-drawing the boundaries of the
increasingly discredited diagnosis of
Borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder

Using psychosis as a woolly, more user-
friendly substitute
Cf Read et al; Hammersley et al on trauma in psychosis;
Romme on postraumatic psychosis; Ross on dissociative
Using formulation alongside diagnosis
RCP curriculum
The Specialist Core Training in Psychiatry (Royal
College of Psychiatrists, 2010) requires trainee
psychiatrists to demonstrate the ability to construct
formulations of patients problems that include
appropriate differential diagnoses (p25).

Contrast DCP guidelines
Psychological formulation is not premised on a
functional psychiatric diagnosis (eg schizophrenia,
personality disorder)
Mixed models (diagnosis plus formulation, or biopsychosocial
or vulnerability-stress models) are problematic

Weak sense obviously true in a general sense, but by
explaining everything they explain nothing in particular
(Skrabanek 1984)

Strong sense the bio or vulnerability bit (for which there is
no evidence) seen as primary causal factor

This preserves medical assumptions by reducing
psychological and social factors to the trigger of an
underlying illness
Divests them of their personal meaning

You have a medical illness with primarily biological causes
Your problems are a meaningful and understandable response to
your life circumstances

This is a mixed message about personal responsibility

You have an illness which is not your fault BUT you retain
responsibility for it and must make an effort to get better BUT
you must do it our way because we are the experts in your

.which leads to all the familiar contradictions of
everyday psychiatric practice

Not compliant vs Too dependent

Wont accept theyre ill vs Sick role behaviour

Too demanding of services vs Not engaging with services

These contradictions are inherent in the combining of
two models with fundamentally incompatible core

A more convincing version of a biopsychosocial model
would look at how these various factors interact

Cf recent research looking at the effects of trauma and
deprivation on the developing brain (Gerhardt 2004)

Note: this is NOT an illness model, but a genuinely
integrative one which prioritises social and psychological
causal factors. It does not justify the use of medical
diagnostic terms.

Formulation is not perfectdepends how it is done
Can obscure social contexts; be individualising; remove
responsibility; be pathologising and non-collaborative;
overlook the role of relationships

Dangers of psychological diagnosis eg challenging
behaviour. (Problem is not an objectively identifiable
natural category, and it is often not possible to see any
particular behaviour or experience as inherently
problematic Boyle 2001)
Future directions
There is a need for a revision of the way mental distress
is thought about, starting with recognition of the
overwhelming evidence that it is on a spectrum with
'normal' experience and the fact that strongly evidenced
causal factors include psychosocial factors such as
poverty, unemployment and trauma.

An ideal empirical system for classification would not be
based on past theory but rather would begin from the
bottom up starting with specific experiences, problems
or symptoms or complaints. DCP statement 2011

Eg Hearing Voices research

Formulation-based clustering terms to replace
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc
DSM already contains some of these! Adjustment
disorder, PTSD, bereavement reaction, attachment

For example, Trauma reaction in the context of insecure

Formulation as a radical act
Where diagnosis is about silencing people, formulation is
about giving them a voice


.for service users and staff
Boyle, M (2001) Abandoning diagnosis and (cautiously) adopting formulation. Paper
presented at BPS Centenary Conference, Glasgow.
Bruch M and Bond FW (eds) Beyond diagnosis: case formulation approaches in cognitive
behavioural therapy. Chichester: Wiley
Butler, G (1998) Clinical formulation. In AS Bellack and M Hersen (eds) Comprehensive
clinical psychology. Oxford: Pergamon
Chadwick P, Williams C and Mackenzie J (2003) Impact of case formulation in cognitive
behaviour therapy for psychosis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 14 (6), 671-680
Crellin, C (1998) Origins and social contexts of the term formulation in psychological
case reports. Clinical Psychology Forum, 112, 18-28
Dallos R and Draper R (2005) Introduction to family therapy: systemic theory and
practice. Maidenhead: OUP
Davenport S (2002) Acute wards: problems and solutions. Psychiatric Bulletin 26, 385-
Eells TD (1997) (ed) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation. New York: Guilford
Evans G and Parry J (1996) The impact of reformulation in CAT with difficult-to-help
clients. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 3 (2), 109-117.
Gardner, D (2005) Getting it together: integrative approaches to formulation. Clinical
Psychology Forum 151, 10 15

Harper D and Spellman D (1994) Consultation to a professional network Journal of
Family Therapy, 16, 383-399
Harper, D and Moss D (2003) A different kind of chemistry? Reformulating formulation.
Clinical Psychology, 25, 6-10.
Herman, J (2001) Trauma and recovery. London: Pandora
Holmes, J (2011) Book review, p 79, British Journal of Psychiatry, 198, 1.
Johnstone L and Dallos R (2006) Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: Making
sense of peoples problems. London: Routledge
Kennedy F, Smalley M and Harris T (2003) Clinical psychology for inpatient settings:
principles for development and practice. Clinical Psychology Forum 30, 21-24.
Kinderman, P (2001) The future of clinical psychology training. Clinical Psychology
Forum 8, 6-10.
Lake, N (2008) Developing skills in consultation 2: a team formulation approach. Clinical
Psychology Forum 186, 18-24
Larkin W and Morrison AP (2006) Trauma and psychosis. London: Routledge
Longden, E (2010) Psychosis. Vol 2 no 3, pp 255-259.
Martindale, B (2007) Psychodynamic contributions to early intervention in psychosis.
Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 13, 34-42.
Morberg Pain C, Chadwick P and Abba N (2008) Clients experience of case formulation
in CBT for psychosis. BJ Clinical Psychology 47, 2, 127-138.
Pilgrim, D (2000) Psychiatric diagnosis: more questions than answers. The Psychologist,
13 (6), 302-305.

Read, J van Os J, Morrison AP, Ross CA 2005) Childhood trauma, psychosis
and schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 112, 330 - 350
Romme M and Escher S (2000) Making sense of voices.
Summers, A (2006) Psychological formulations in psychiatric care: staff views
on their impact. Psychiatric Bulletin 30, 341-343
Tarrier, N ((2005) Case formulation in cognitive behaviour therapy: the
treatment of challenging and complex cases. Hove: Brunner-Routledge
Weerasekeera, P (1996) Multiperspective case formulation: a step towards
treatment integration. Malabar, Fl: Krieger
Williams CJ, Ashworth P and Blackburn IM What becomes of cognitive therapy
trainees? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 27, 267-277.

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