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- Verbos j terminados em E apenas ganham o

D: dance = danced
- Verbos terminados em consoante + y,
perdem o Y e ganham IED: study = studied.
- Verbos terminados em vogal+y, apenas
ganham ED: play = played.
- Verbos terminados em vogal + consoante,
dobram a ltima consoante e ganham ED:
stop = stopped

Subject + verb + ed or irregular verb +


I saw a girl yesterday
I loved my ex-girlfriend
She told my mom.
Subject + did + not ( didnt) + verb in infinitive +


You didnt see a girl yesterday
we did not like your ex-girlfriend
She didnt tell my mom
Did + subject + verb in infinitive + complement
+ ?


Did he see a girl yesterday?
Did you love your ex-girlfriend?
Did they tell my mom?
Use will + infinitivo sem to (will go, will study, will
meet, will rain) para:
expressar o futuro:

expressar uma deciso ou inteno, geralmente
feita no momento da fala;
expressar prontido, boa vontade, disposio
para fazer algo ou ajudar algum.
No use will para coisas que j foram planejadas,
marcadas, organizadas, com antecedncia.
Nesses casos, use be + going to.

Tomorrow amanh
The day after tomorrow depois de
Next week prxima semana
Next weekend prximo final de semana
Next month prximo ms
Next year prximo ano

Subject + will + verb in infinitive + complement


You will go home later
He will buy a new car
Tomorrow I will eat a hamburger
Pessoa Will
I will travel Eu viajarei
She will arrive Ela chegar
Subject + will not (wont) + verb in infinitive +


You wont go home later
He will not buy a new car
Tomorrow I wont eat a hamburger
Negativa Forma Abreviada Negativa Traduo

I will not travel

I wont travel

Eu no viajarei
You will not travel You wont travel Voc no viajar
He will not travel He wont travel Ele no viajar
She will not travel She wont travel Ela no viajar
It will not travel It wont travel
Ele/Ela no viajar
(para objetos)
We will not travel We wont travel Ns no viajaremos
You will not travel You wont travel Vocs no viajaro
They will not travel

They wont travel

Eles/Elas no viajaro

Will + subject + verb in infinitive + complement
+ ?


Will you go home later?
Will he buy a new car?
Tomorrow will you eat a hamburger?
I ______ Debbie yesterday.
Did you _________ TV last week?
He _______ his car outside yesterday.
She ______ use her coat. (neg)
Last year, I ________ to Los Angeles.
___ they buy a new car?
I ____ to drink a lot.
I ____ travel tomorrow.
____ he have a lunch?
They ____ use my computer. (neg)
Next year, she ____ buy a new apartment.
We ____ ___ heat all of our food
____ you fight against the crime?
Leonardo ____ eat 30 hamburgers on the
Next week, Ana ____ have her baby.

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