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The history of rock and roll

The history of rock has been going
on since the 1950s. Its been a hit ever
since and the bands involved are the
most popular and long going bands.
The music is based on drums, guitar
and a singer with the set rhyme and
1950 S
The rhyme and blues charts featured African-American artist which played in front
of that audience, in the urban centres and the south. Cleveland, Ohio radio Disc Jockey
Alan Freed where he spins up-tempo rhythm and blues but aimed it beyond African-
American audience. He finally names this style of music and influences- electric blues,
boggie, jazz, gospel, R&B vocal groups and country, this lend him to call the music
Rock & Roll. The solid electric guitar because popular and easy to buy and Freed
adapted it for his kind of music. In 1953 Bill Haley and Comets hits the pop charts for
the very first time. In 1955 rock and roll music had its very first no.1 hit as Bill Haley
became to top of the pop charts. However in 1959 a plane crashes taking the live of the
rock and roll artists Buddy Holly, The big Bopper and Ritchie Valens.
1960 S
Rock music becomes popular and dominates the popular music charts. In the UK
bands that where the top of the charts were the Beatles and The Rolling Stone and more
artist in American where joining them. Garage bands started to emerge that where
inspired by the British. Songs such as love and popular statements where going away and
bubblegum music was created which had friendly songs and friendly pop singles. This is
when albums come important and hard rock music released and shows the seeds of
heavy metal. TV becomes a major force in rock music as they try to bring in the younger
audience. 1967s Monterey Pop festivals attacit 55,000 fans per day. By 1969 Woodstock
Music and Art fair brings in 500,000 people.
1970 S
The Beatles broke up in the 1970s but still have an impact onto the
worlds music. The touring bands move form playing in pubs/clubs and
theaters to play in sports stadiums. Many of the rock bands that wear
form in the 60s round around in jets to over parts of the country to play
in out door stadiums. Live music becomes very popular with their
audiences, puck rock and garage band rock comes out more as an
reaction to arena rock, progressive rock and disco. Elves Presley dies in
1980 S
In the 1980s were music hit TV. In the 1983 MTV came into action
over 2000 cable systems, and then VH1 was launched in the 1984 which
had a more classic rock act too it. Music videos became available 24/7,
which help bring out new bands and music styles into mainstream. These
would include heavy metal, the emergence of synthpop, new wave, rap
and hip hop. The reflection of the artists to see how successful they were
came out in their singles and albums that people brought to show how
they were getting on.
1990 S
The 1990s were a watershed decade when it came to rock and roll
music. It was a period of time that saw the established musical order
turned on its ear and then beaten until it was a shadow of its former self.
Those who had performed the thrashing would soon find themselves co-
opted into an even more powerful musical machine which would then
commoditize their rebellion and package it into neat, easy to digest parcels
that were quickly devoured by a ravenous teen populace.
2000 S
In the early and mid 2000s British Indie rock groups witnessed
commercial and chart success that has not be seen from guitar music
sense Britpop in the 1990s. This time pop music is know more and
more people go towards it and has been know more and more news
has come out about it. However rock music been still their bit most
people dont listen to as much as other people. But rock music is still
at large and still popular today old and new bands and artists.

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