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Theory, Principle and Technique

of Translation
By I Made Joni Jatmika

What is the meaning of:
Everyday is Translating and Interpreting

What is translation ?
Translation is the communication of the
meaning of a source-language text by means
of an equivalent target-language text.

Translation Theory
(Linguists approach)

Peter Newmark
Translation is a craft consisting
in the attempt to replace a
written message and/or
statement in one language by
the same message and/or
statement in another language
(Newmark, 1981:7)
Terjemahan yaitu suatu keahlian yang meliputi usaha mengganti
pesan atau pernyataan tertulis dalam suatu bahasa dengan pesan atau
pernyataan yang sama dalam bahasa lain.
Newmark, Peter (1981) Approach to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon
Press, Ltd.

J.C Catford
Translation is the replacement of
textual material in one language (SL)
by equivalent textual material in
another language (TL). (Catford,
Terjemahan adalah penggantian
materi tekstual dalam suatu bahasa
(bahasa sumber) dengan padanan
materi tekstual dalalm bahasa lain
(bahasa sasaran).
John.C Ian Catford (1965) A Linguistics
Theory of Translation, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

Bell, Roger Thomas

Roger T. Bell (1993:5), translating the definition
of translation according to Dubois, states that
Translation is the expression in another language
(or target language) of what has been expressed
in another, source language, preserving semantic
and stylistic equivalences.

Bell (1993:5), menerjemahkan pengertian

terjemahan menurut Dubois, menyatakan bahwa
terjemahan adalah ekspresi dari bahasa sumber
dari apa yang diekspresikan dari bahasa sasaran,
dengan mempertahankan padanan semantic dan
Bell, Roger T., (1993). Translation and Translating :
Theory and Practice, London: Longman, 2ed.

Mildred L. Larson: Translation is a process

based on the theory that it is possible to
abstract the meaning of a text from its
forms and reproduce that meaning with
the very different forms of a second
The ideal translation should be
Accurate: reproducing as exactly as possible
the meaning of the source text.
Natural: using natural forms of the receptor
language in a way that is appropriate to the
kind of text being translated.
Communicative: expressing all aspects of the
meaning in a way that is readily
understandable to the intended audience.
Book: Meaning-based Translation

Eugene A. Nida: Translation in

Dynamic and formal

Dynamic equivalence (also known as functional

equivalence) attempts to convey the thought
expressed in a source text (if necessary, at the
expense of literalness, original word order, the
source text's grammatical voice, etc.)
Formal equivalence attempts to render the text
word-for-word (if necessary, at the expense of
natural expression in the target language).

Book: The Translation Studies Reader

Eugene. A. Nida and Charles R. Taber (1969), The
Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J Brill.

Tujuan Penerjemahan
Menurut Peter Newmark (1991:57-58), seorang professor yang
sudah lama buku-bukunya diajarkan di berbagai Universitas di dunia,
termasuk Indonesia ini, menjelaskan tentang lima tujuan penerjemahan
1. Untuk memberikan sumbangsih tentang pengetahuan dan keserasian
antar komunitas dan grup berbahasa.
2. Untuk mempromosikan informasi dan teknologi, khususnya bagi Negara
ketiga dan keempat (maksudnya Negara yang bahasanya tidak serumpun)
3. Untuk menjelaskan budaya etnis dan perbedaan-perbedaanya agar tidak
4. Untuk menjadikan karya-karya tentang nilai-nilai religious yang suci, nilai
artistic dalam dunia seni dan kemanusiaan, seperti halnya karya ilmiah,
agar bisa terjangkau di seluruh penjuru dunia.
5. Untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran bahasa asing.

The Principles of Translation

Prinsip Penerjemahan
1. The translation should reflect accurately the
meaning of the original text. Nothing should be
arbitrarily added or removed, though sometimes part
of the meaning can be transposed. The following
questions may be very helpful:
Terjemahan harus merefleksikan makna teks aslinya
dengan akurat.Tidak boleh ada yang ditambahkan atau
dihilangkan dengan seenaknya saja, meski kadang ada
bagian makna yang bisa dimodifikasi (ditambahkan
atau dihilangkan). Pertanyaan berikut ini mungkin bisa
sangat membantu:

a. Is the meaning of the original text clear? If not, where does the
uncertainty lie?
Apakah makna bahasa aslinya jelas?Jika tidak dimana letak yang
tidak jelas itu berada?
b. Are any words loaded, that is, are there any underlying
Apakah ada kata tambahan yang dimuat, (kata tambahan) yaitu,
apakah ada bagian untuk menjelaskan sesuatu karena tidak adanya
c. Is the dictionary meaning of a particular word the most suitable
Apakah makna kata dalam kamus (yang anda gunakan) itu adalah
kata yang paling sesuai?
d. Does anything in the translation sound unnatural or forced?
Apakah ada hasil dalam terjemahan yang terdengar tidak alami
atau dipaksakan?

2. The ordering of the words and ideas should match the

original as closely as possible. This is particularly
important in translating legal documents, guarantees,
contracts, etc. However, differences in the language
structure often require changes in the form and order of
words. When in doubt, underline in the original text the
words on which the main stress falls.

Penyusunan kata dan ide dalam terjemahan harus sesuai

dengan teks aslinya sedekat mungkin.hal ini penting dalam
menerjemahkan dokumen, surat jaminan, surat kontrak
dan lain-lain. Akan tetapi perbedaan-perbedaan dalam
struktur bahasa sering membutuhkan perubahan dalam
bentuk dan susunan kata.Jika ragu, garis bawahi teks
bahasa aslinya dimana letak utama kata yang paling
penting itu berada.

3. Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a

given context, for example in the business letter. To resolve these
differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and
fixed expression, and personal expression in which the writer or
speaker sets the tone. It is also necessary to consider:
Bahasa sering memiliki perbedaan yang sangat besar pada tingkat
formalitasnya di dalam konteks yang ada, misalnya surat bisnis.
Untuk mengatasinya, penerjemah harus membedakan antara
ungkapan formal, ungkapan baku dan ungkapan pribadi yang
dipakai oleh penulis bahasa asli ungkapkan. Penting juga
mempertimbangkan hal berikut:
a. Would any expression in the original sound too formal/informal,
cold/warm, personal/impersonal, if translated literally?
Apakah ada ungkapan pada bahasa asli yang terlalu
formal/informal, dingin/bersahabat, pribadi/impersonal jika
diterjemahkan secara harfiah?
b. What is the intention of the speaker or writer? To persuade, to
apologize, to criticize?
Apa maksud penutur atau penulisnya? Untuk membujuk, meminta
maaf, atau mengkritik?

4. One of the frequent criticisms of translation is that it

does not sound natural. This is because the translators
thoughts and choice of words are too strongly molded by
the original text. A good way to avoid the influence of the
source language is to set the text aside and translate a few
sentences aloud from memory. This will suggest natural
patterns of thought in the first language which may not
come to mind when the eye is fixed on the SL text.
Salah satu kritik terjemahan yang sering muncul yaitu
tentang terjemahan yang tidak alami.Hal ini terjadi karena
ide dan pemilihan kata seorang penerjemah terlalu terpaku
pada bahasa aslinya.Cara yang baik untuk menghindari
pengaruh bahasa sumber adalah dengan meletakkan
terjemahan disamping teks bahasa aslinya dan lalu baca
terjemahan tersebut dengan suara keras. Hal ini akan
membantu membentuk pola pikiran alami yang mungkin
tidak terpikirkan saat mata terpaku pada teks bahasa

5. It will be better if the translator does not

change the style of the original. But if it is
needed, for example because the text is full
of repetitions or mistakes in writing, the
translator may change it.
Sebaiknya penerjemah tidak mengubah gaya
bahasa teks aslinya. Tapi jika memang
dibutuhkan, misalkan karena teks bahasa
aslinya terdapat banyak pengulangan atau
banyaknya tulisan yang salah, penerjemah
boleh mengubahnya.

6. Idiomatic expressions including similes,

metaphors, proverbs, and saying, jargon, slang,
and colloquialisms and phrasal verbs are often
untranslatable. To solve these problems, there
are some hints one can use. They are:
Ungkapan idiom seperti simile, metaphor,
pribahasa, tutur, jargon, slang, koloqiual dan
frase kata kerja seringkali tidak bisa
diterjemahkan. Untuk mengatasinya, ada
beberapa petunjuk yang bisa diterapkan, antara

a. Keep the original word in inverted commas,

for example: yuppie
Biarkan kata aslinya dengan memberikan tanda
petik, contoh: yuppie
b. Keep the original expression, with a literal
explanation in the bracket.
Biarkan ungkapan aslinya, dengan diberi
penjelasan harfiah di dalam kurung.

c. Use a non idiomatic expression.

Gunakan ungkapan yang tidak idiomatik.

Method and Technique of Translation

Based on Molina and Albir (2002: 509-511), defies
that translation method is a process through which
translation is made based on the translators goal.
Basically, the translation method which will be
applied is firstly determined by the translators before
they translate.

Peter Newmark (1988:45) introduced a diagram

referred to as V diagram to show two differences
poles of translation method.

V Diagram
SL Emphasis
Word-for-word translation
Literal translation
Faithful translation
Semantic translation

TL Emphasis
Free translation
Idiomatic translation
Communicative translation

*V Diagram of Translation method (Newmark, 1988:45)*

The left pole pays attention to the SL system and culture, while the
right pole highly appreciates the TL system and culture.

A. SL Emphasis
1. Word-for-word Translation
The SL word order is preserved and the words
translated singly *(one by one) by their most
common meanings, out of context. Cultural
words are translated literally.
The main use of word-for-word translation is either
to understand the mechanics of the source
language or to construe (menafsirkan) a difficult
text as a pre-translation process

2. Literal Translation
The SL grammatical are converted to their
nearest TL equivalent but the lexical words are
again translated singly out of context.

3. Faithful Translation
This method attempts to reproduce the precise
contextual meaning of the original within the
constraints of the TL grammatical structure.
It transfers cultural words and preserves the
degree of grammatical and lexical
abnormality in the translation.

4. Semantic Translation
It is different with faithful translation as it must
take more account of the aesthetic value of the
SL text compromising on meaning.
The difference between both is that the faithful
translation is uncompromising and dogmatic,
while the semantic translation is more flexible,
admits the creative exception to 100% fidelity
and allows for the translators intuitive empathy
with the original.

B. TL Emphasis
1. Adaptation
This is a freest form of translation. It is used
mainly for plays *(comedy) and poetry; the
themes, characters, plots are usually
preserved, the SL culture is converted to the
TL culture and the text rewritten.

2. Free translation
This reproduces the matter without manner, or
the content without the form of the original. It
is usually a paraphrase that is much longer
than the original a so-called intralingual
translation, and not translation at all.

3. Idiomatic translation
Idiomatic translation reproduces the message
of the original but tends to distort nuances of
meaning by referring colloquialism and idioms
where do not exist in the original, it is also
known as lively or natural translation
(Seleskovitch and Stuart Gilbert).

4. Communicative Translation
This attempts to render the exact contextual
meaning of the original in such a way that
both content and language are readily
acceptable and comprehensible to the

Try this words

Idiomatic words Broken heart
SL: Patah Jantung
TL: Patah hati, hancur hatinya
Nasi sudah menjadi bubur
SL: The rice has changed to porridge
TL: No use crying over spilt milk
To walk on egg shell
SL: Berjalan di atas cangkang telur
TL: Sedia payung sebelum hujan

Translation Techiques
SL Emphasis: Borrowing, calque, and literal
TL Emphasis: Transposition, Adaptation,
Established Equivalence, Generalization,
Particularization, Modulation, Reduction,
Deletion, Addition, Description, and Variation.

1. Literal translation: a rendering which

preserves surface aspects of the message both
semantically and syntactically, adhering close
to source text mode of expression. (Hatim and
Munday, 2004: 344)
Example: I read a novel (SL).
Saya membaca sebuah novel (TL).

2. Transference/borrowing (or loan words): the

process of transferring SL word to TL text.
(Newmark, 1988: 81)
We are learning how to make flowchart in
computer class (SL).
Kami sedang belajar membuat flowchart di
kelas komputer (TL)

3. Transposition (or shift): a translation

technique that involves a change in grammar
from SL to TL. (Newmark, 1988: 85)
Do you have a pair of scissors I can borrow? (SL)
Guntingnya bisa saya pinjam? (TL)

4. Calque: the process whereby the individual

elements of SL item are translated literally to
produce TL equivalent. (Hatim and Munday,
2004: 335)

He was the vice president for two years (SL).
Dia menjabat sebagai wakil presiden selama
dua tahun (TL).

5. Modulation: a variation through a change of

viewpoint, of perspective and very often of
category of thought. (Vinay and Darbelnet in
Newmark, 1988: 88)
Example: (Machali, 2000: 69)
The problem is hard to solve (SL).
Masalah itu sukar (untuk) dipecahkan (TL).

6. Equivalence: the translation of fixed

expressions such as idioms with an equivalent
that is very different in form. (Vinay and
Darbelnet in Hatim and Munday, 2004: 339)

They are like two peas in a pod (SL).
Mereka bagai pinang dibelah dua (TL).

7. Adaptation: a translation technique that

involves modifying a cultural reference for the
target text readership (Vinay and Darbelnet in
Hatim and Munday, 2004: 334)

Example: Dear sir...( SL),

Dengan hormat...( TL)


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