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Remax Battery company

Communication Pvt. Ltd.

Anupam Industries Ltd.

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What is communication
 The lubricant of organizations
 Conveying & receiving information
 Between individuals /groups
 With a purpose in mind

Importance of communication
 Control

 Motivation

 Emotional Expression
 Information

Manufacturing units -
 LucasTVS - Remax Battery co. ltd.
 Anupam Industries ltd.
Person details

 For RemaxBattery Company Ltd:

Mr.Tapan Nath;MD

 For Anupam Industries Pvt Ltd.

Mr. Sandeep Kumar Bose;GM Operations
 Language Barriers
 Distance Problem

 Hierarchical Structure

 Trade Union(Barrier in direct

 Rumors

 Medium problem

 Feedback problem
Communication barriers
 Internalcommunication
 External communication

 Interpersonal communication
internal Communication barriers
 Noise

 Poor feedback
 Selection of inappropriate medium

 A wrong mental attitude

 Delay in message transmittal

 Physical separation of the sender and


 Noise is any random or persistent
disturbance that obscures, reduces, or
confuses the clarity or quality of the
message being transmitted.
Poor feedback
 Feedback is reaction, Without it, the
sender of the message cannot know
whether the recipient has received the
entire message or grasped its intent.

Selection of inappropriate medium
 In any given situation the medium, or media,
for communication must be selected. One
medium may work better than another.
However, in many cases a combination of
media may be used for the communication
process to function effectively.

A wrong mental attitude
 Oneprincipal barrier to effective
communication is mental. It consists of
noise in the mind of the sender or
Physical separation of the sender and receiver

 Both time and space (the physical separation

between the sender and the receiver) may
serve as barriers to effective

Empathy and Other Relationships

 Lack of empathy can create a barrier between

the sender and receiver. Empathy, as
defined in the Dictionary, is "understanding
so intimate that the feelings, thoughts, and
motives of one are readily comprehended by
another." You can transmit a better message
if you can put yourself in the receiver's
place and analyze the message from his
viewpoint. The same holds true for the
External communication
 Delay in message transmittal
 No feedback

 Status difference

Delay in message trasmittal

 Generally, managers make more frequent use

of oral, rather than written, communication.
However, the media one selects for
communication in a particular situation
should correlate with the feedback
requirements. A communication failure or
partial failure could occur if the media you
select for transmittal of a message is
inappropriate and necessary feedback is not
No feedback
 The need for feedback should be clearly
understood. Feedback is the return of
a portion of the message to the sender
with new information. It regulates both
the transmission and reception.
Status difference
T h e re ca n b e d iffe re n ce in tw o p e rso n s
sta tu s w h ich m a y le a d to
co m m u n ica tio n b a rrie rs
Interpersonal communication
 Selectiveperception
 Grapevine and rumors
Selective perception
Grapevine and rumors
 The grapevine is an informal
communication network within an
 Research reflects that about 75 % of the
communication in the grapevine is
 Rumors have no basis in accuracy

 Tryto improve feedback system
 Should go for “I am OK ,U are OK”

 Should go for both way communication

in organization
 Noise reduction through better
interpersonal relationship

 We have examined the principal barriers to effective
communication . We have seen all around us the
problems resulting from the inability of people in today's
working environment to penetrate these barriers.
 Can we let the barriers to effective communication in the
organization continue to block the path to effective
 What are we going to do about it?
 Try to reduce these barriers, some of them may be
eliminated. As a result, management of your
organization will be enhanced. Why not take such action

 Globsyn Business School

 Deboprasad Chattapadhya sir,

 Debojyoti Majumdar sir

 Ipshita mam

 Classmates

 Anupam industries.com
 Wikipedia

 Authorstream.com

 Scribd.com

Thank you

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