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14 Topics:


What are the most humane professions? What
characteristics should a person have to be a qualified
specialist in these professions?
What information about yourself would you give to a
future employer? What would you say about your
qualifications, skills (foreign languages, typing, using a
computer, driving), working experience, interests and
hobbies to convince an employer to hire you?
2. What are some characteristics that make people
popular? Describe any person that you like (behaviour,
personality, interests, some incidents, etc). Do you think it
s better to be popular with everyone or to have just a few
good friends?


What is better to live in a flat or a house?
Describe the positive and negative
aspects of living in both. In your opinion,
what is the future perspective on
accommodation in Lithuania?
Describe the house of your dreams (place,
type of house, number of rooms, furniture,
amenities, etc.). How can you realize your

In your opinion, what jobs are most and least
popular in Lithuania and why? Describe the job
you would like to have after you finish your
education. What company would you like to
work: only mens, only womens or mixed one
and why?
How is work divided in your family who does
what and why. What jobs at home are the least
and most important ones?


1. What special days do you celebrate in your
family? How do you prepare for them? Who else
do you invite to join in celebration and why?
Which kind of mass media TV, radio, or
newspapers / magazines is most popular in
Lithuania and among your family members and
2. Sport in the world and in my life. Its history.
Sportsmen. The Olympic Games.

1. What kind of transport would you choose to travel
inside the country and abroad? What makes traveling
exciting and what are the typical problems a traveller can
Express your opinion on having a car: is it a dream or
reality? What are the advantages and the disadvantages
(including on the environment) of having a car?
2. What is your ideal type of holidays (adventurous,
peaceful, quiet, etc)? What are you looking for when you
go on holiday? Describe a special holiday you have had:
how you travelled, where you stayed, the people you met
and the things you liked most.


1. A lot of people are not happy about their life in
Lithuania nowadays. What makes them feel so? What
changes in political, economical, social, etc. life would
you suggest introducing to help people feel satisfied?
What does the word war mean to you? Can you
imagine the whole world living in peace? Describe it.
2. - Which crimes are most common in Lithuania and
create the most problems? What should the government
do to prevent crime?

- What are the environmental problems in Lithuania?

Suggest some ways how to solve them.


What are the most common diseases in
Lithuania and which of them are fatal?
What are some things people do to stay
healthy? Describe your exercise and
eating habits, and how you reduce stress.
Explain if they are healthy.
What is your opinion about smoking?

1. You are leaving school in a few days. What positive and negative
things will you remember about it? Express your opinion on the ideal
school: subjects, curriculum, teachers, marks, uniforms, textbooks,
school atmosphere, etc. What do you think needs to be changed in
secondary education? What is better: to start working after school, to
study or combine them?
2. Compare the Lithuanian and British educational systems.
1. Why is English so popular in the world? To know a foreign
language means to be able to read, write and speak. Which of these
aspects will be the most or least important in your future life? What
are the possibilities to learn a foreign language well in Lithuania?
2. Why is English called an international language? Why have you
chosen to study it? What other languages are or will become very
When can we say that a person has learnt a foreign language? What
foreign languages can you and your family speak? Describe a
situation where you can use a foreign language.

What kind of shops are near the place
where you live? Which are the most
popular ones and what makes them
popular (service, pleasant surrounding,
reasonable prices, wide choice of goods,
etc.)? How often do you do shopping?
What do you usually buy? What is you
opinion on e-shopping?


1. How do you prepare it? What do you think
about Lithuanian national food and eating
traditions? Describe some of them. Where do
you usually have meals?
2. What is your attitude towards cooking? Who
are better cooks men or women? Explain why.
Compare your food tastes in childhood and now.
How have they changed and why?
Present a menu for your birthday party and give
reasons for your choice.


National parks and reserves in Lithuania.

What is your opinion about animals living in zoos and in freedom in
the wild?
How would you describe the weather in Lithuania? What effect do
you think weather has on nations character; on your mood and
feelings and why. In your opinion, what country is an ideal place to
live in reference to weather conditions? What do you think of
weather forecasts?
It is said that climate on the Earth is changing because of the global
warming/hothouse effect, acid rains, etc. Agree or disagree with this
statement comparing the climate in Lithuania when you were a child
and nowadays. Describe any heat waves, droughts, cold spells,
floods, etc that you remember. Describe todays weather.

Speak about the services (post, bank, telegraph, garage,
hospital, petrol station) in the place where you live. Rank
them in order of importance to your needs. Speak about
the services you use most often and explain why you
need them.
How do you learn what is happening in Lithuania and in
the world? What kind of news is the most popular among
young/older people? Why is it important to keep up to
date about the news? Which publications (newspapers,
magazines) and programmes do you prefer and why?
What is your opinion about the press in general?

1. Describe your town or village. Advertise the place
where you live to make it attractive for tourists to visit
(advertise the location, landscape, historical, cultural,
architectural monuments, churches, castles, museums,
parks, people, services, local traditions and festivals).
2. What places in Lithuania do you like visiting and which
would you show a guest from another country? What
makes Lithuania an attractive / unattractive country to a
foreign visitor? Speak about some of these aspects: flora,
fauna, nature, climate, people, traditions, political and
economical situation in more detail.
What important facts from the history of Lithuania would
you talk about and why?


Are you interested in politics? Why? Why not?
What would influence the way you vote: your
own impressions, your familys or your friends
What do you think of charity helping the poor
by giving money, food, clothes etc? What are the
other ways to help people? Is it important to you?
What do you think about the role of women in our
society? What changes have been in their role
since the beginning of the 20th century?

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