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The Generations



Current Population


Prior to 1946

75 Million

Baby Boomers

1946 1964

80 Million

Generation X

1965 1979

60 Million


1980 - 2000

80 Million

The Demographic Shift:

By 2020 half the American workforce will be comprised of
By 2025 75% of the global workforce will be comprised of
Millennials are predicted to spend $2.45 trillion in 2015

Influences and Traits





May have lived through the great

depression, WWII, the Cold War,
and Pearl Harbor

Patriotic; Loyal; Hard working;

Wants to leave a legacy; Faith in
institutions; Job-hopping viewed
as disloyal

Baby Boomers

Economic prosperity;
Vietnam War a time of great
change and uncertainty;
Women and Civil rights
Sex, drugs & rock-n-roll;
Known as the me generation;
Birth control pill gave women
more freedom to pursue careers

Loyalty is to the team, not the

organization or manager;
Competitive; Workaholics;
Optimistic; Identity closely
aligned to their professions; Unrest of the 1960s gave many a
sense of social responsibility as
they fought the establishment

Generation X

Sesame Street; MTV; Personal

Computers; AIDS; Grew up in
homes where both parents
worked; Divorce increased;
Missing children on milk cartons;
Crack and cocaine; Parents felt
children were the most important
thing in their life

Eclectic; Resourceful; Self-reliant;

Skeptical of Institutions; Adapt
well; Independent; Dont like
authority figures; Perfectly happy
to toil away individually


Expansion of technology and the

media; Mixed economy; Children
steered toward summer
activities rather than jobs;
Terrorism; Violence; Global
climate change; Parents felt their
children are the only thing in

Diverse; Media savvy; Cyberliterate; Realistic;

Environmentally conscious;
Collaborative; Many times their
first job is after graduating
college; Will work 60 hours a
week but want to do it on their

Personal Characteristics

What they

Communicatio Deal with




Rotary Phones;
In person

Save it;
Pay Cash

Baby Boomers

Optimism; Being
Health; Being

phones; Call me

Buy now and pay


Generation X


Cell phone;
Dont call me
after work

Save it


Being real;
Confidence; Being
social; Integrity;

Social Media

Earn to spend

Work Characteristics

Work Ethic




Hard work; Respect Direct;

Command and
Sacrifice; Adhere to control

Link learning with

Baby Boomers

Crusade causes;
Question authority


Group Learning
Need time to
Learning adds value

Generation X

Self-reliant; Wants
structure &
direction; Skeptical

Everyone is the
same; Challenge
Ask why

Fluid, using
Learn by doing get
Make learning fun


Whats next;


Teamwork and

This generation possess an intuitive sense in understanding technology due to the
environment in which theyve grown up capitalize on it.
They bring a much more creative and innovative approach to solving problems than
any previous generation listen to what they have to say.
They prefer learning through on-line courses and using technology to gain their
information provide them with the tools from which they will learn.
They find direct communication less necessary and prefer email or texting so let
They work very well in a team environment allow them the space to be the best
they can be.
They celebrate diversity we all should.

The following pages will offer you some guidance and insight into
managing and motivating these enthusiastic, confident,
innovative, multi-tasking, goal-oriented individuals

How best to Coach,

Manage and Motivate Millennials

Provide Structure

Provide Leadership and Guidance

Millennials want in on the whole picture they want to know the scoop
They want to look up to you, learn from you, and receive daily feedback
Plan to spend a lot of time teaching and coaching them they will positively respond to it
They deserve and expect your best investment of time in their success

Encourage the Millennials self-assuredness, can-do attitude, and positive

self image

Jobs should have fairly regular hours but offer flexibility when possible
Goals should be clearly stated and progress should be measured and assessed
Define assignments and what success looks like
Meetings should have agendas and minutes taken for reference

They are ready to take on the world help them

Their parents told them they can do it and they can so let them
Encourage, dont squash them or contain them if they fail, its okay they will try again
Help them be the best they can be

Take advantage of the Millennials comfort level with a team

Encourage them to join they will keep you informed and have more to offer in their role
They believe a team can accomplish more with a better outcome
Mentor, coach and train the millennials not only individually but also as a team

How best to Coach,

Manage and Motivate Millennials

Listen to the Millennial

Millennials are up for the challenge

This is a way of life for them

Without multi-tasking, they will be bored and remember, boring is bad!

Take advantage of their Electronic capabilities

Boring is bad!
Dont bore them, ignore them, or trivialize their contribution
Whats happening next is their mantra so let them know whats next

Millennials are multi-taskers on a scale never seen before

These young adults have ideas and opinions and dont take kindly to having their thoughts
Remember, they had the best listening, most child-centric audience in history their parents

Their abilities are amazing in this area capitalize on it

Ask them to use the technology theyre used to for communicating where you might have
sent a memo, let them text the individual. Its what theyre most comfortable with and the
communication is instantaneous

Make the most of the Millennials affinity for networking

They want to network around the world electronically let them

They are sought after employees who are loyal
They will always have opinions they want to share hear them out

How best to Coach,

Manage and Motivate Millennials

Provide a work/life balanced workplace

Millennials are used to cramming their lives with multiple activities encourage it
They work hard but are not into the traditional 60 hour work weeks defined by other
Spending time at home, with family, and with friends are priorities and they should be
Balance and multiple activities are important to them pay attention to their expectations

Provide a fun, employee-centered workplace

Millennials want to enjoy their work and their workplace

They want to make friends at work
You want them to be laughing, going out with work friends and helping plan the next team
event if they arent you may need to worry
Help other generational employees make time for the Millennials

Develop the workplace of your future create a structured yet fun

environment and you will be building the foundation for a superior
Remember, not all Millennials may fall into these general characterizations
so be flexible in your approach pay attention to your audience!

Learning Strategies for Athletes

Suggestions to Support Attention, Engagement, and Organization
of Information
Give the athlete something to work with (stress ball; ball to squeeze / bounce; football;
pen to play with; gum to chew; etc.) while information is being presented.
Create standing desks where athletes are able to stand while absorbing information.
Be clear about what is critical information and what is less important.Highlight / write
down materials that are essential versus materials that are supplementary.
Involve the athlete as much as possible in active learning:
Call on the athlete (or let the athlete know that they will be called on to answer the
Dont set the athlete up to try to catch them not paying attention; rather, let the
individual know that they will called upon to participate on the third example.This will
get them to pay attention to the first two examples.
Ask the athlete to present a problem
As the athlete to debrief the material
Hand out essential notes.
Rather than asking athletes to take notes, give them the notes required.
This will allow athletes to focus on what you are saying, rather than taking notes while you
are taking.

In Presentations
Suggestions to Organize Approach to New Information
Be incredibly intentional with time:
Outline what the time commitment will be for each information session.
Honor that time commitment:
For example, tell the athletes that you have three videos to watch for about
fifteen minutes, then we will break for five minutes with a question for you to
think about, then we will regroup to debrief for a half hour. I have notes for
you for the second half: you just watch the videos. Does anyone need paper
or pen for notes? Great, lets start.
Offer pre-assessments and short reviews to create study guides / review guides
The moment a group walks into class, have aSOCRATIVE.COMroom in which
athletes can engage in essential points for today. They wont be able to
answer many questions because they havent been exposed to the material,
but it introduced your main concepts immediately.
Then introduce concepts, hand out notes, practice, etc..
Use theSOCRATIVE.COMexit ticket notes to create the following days preassessment and review assessment.

Reflect How the Athletes Learn

As much as possible, reflect back to the
group what is working and what isnt
When a non-traditional effort creates a
learning moment for an athlete,
highlight that, share it with them directly
and (when applicable and appropriate)
share it with the entire group.

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