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How to protect the earth?

Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo actual

Trabalho realizado por:

Nria Dejanira
Multimdia 3
Formadora :
Ivone Palhais

Let's start, shall we?

As we know, our planet is
changing and we need, or we must
help it change for the better!
There are a lot of things that
affect earth in a bad way but the
good news is that everyone can
help to reduce them and do their
bit for the environment.
There are a list of small things
that we can do everyday to protect
the environment, so we will see six
of them.

Use less electricity

Ok, ok, I know you heard it a thousand times!

Once more wont hurt anyone, and only because
this can be a big deal. I mean, think about it, if
everyone turns off the lights even if they're only
going out of the room for a few minutes, it will
make a big difference!

If you are asking yourself why

Coal and natural gas are the most common
sources of energy that get turned into electricity.
The burning of these substances is a major factor
in world air pollution. Reducing your reliance on
electricity is a great way to play a part in saving
the planet.


your garbage

And again its not a new subject for us.

You dont have to separate glass, paper,
plastic, aluminum, wood, organic matter,
natural fabrics, synthetic fabrics, and
rubber. They ask us to separate glass, paper
and plastic, thats it.

How trash hurts earth?

Everything you throw in the garbage, tie
up and take out to be collected is going to
end up in a landfill. Plus, all that trash plastic, paper, metal, and whatnot - was
likely manufactured using unsustainable
practices that hurt the health of the earth's


Use less water

Im not saying dont drink water ok? Im

trying to make you realize that are other ways
to save water, like in the shower, turn it off
when you are putting your shampoo, and when
you are brushing your teeth. Just try not to
waste it.

World doesnt have enough

Its not difficult to see that water is needed
for many things and that there is less water
than what we think. In 2% of fresh water, we
have 1% that isnt frozen or underground. And
as we want to take a shower, or go to the pool,
or water our flowers, the people in the
droughts countries need to survive.

Use fewer chemicals

Once again Im not telling you to stop using

your favourite perfume or freshener. Im telling
you to try to reduce in something that doesnt
bother you. Like green or natural house
cleaners, or maybe dont let your window open
so you dont have to use pesticides, just

If you dont realize it...

Chemicals used to wash our bodies, homes,
cars and everything else will eventually end up
in the water supply. Since most people use
heavy-duty chemicals for all sorts of things,
chemicals are doing real damage to waterways
and aquatic life. The chemicals aren't good for
humans, either, so do your best to cut back on

Plant trees, dont cut them

I admit that is a complicated thing try to

save trees. I mean, we cant just stare in
front of the machines that cut them down.
But we can try to use less paper for
example, so they dont have to cut so many.
Read a book on your tablet/mobile phone or
use both sides of paper for your prints.

Why trees?
Trees protect land from getting eroded,
and they're an integral part of the
ecosystem. In saving trees you'll be
protecting not only land, but water and air,
too. If you have room in your yard, consider
planting a few trees to invest in the future of
your neighborhood.

Step by step

If your school is some blocks away from

your house, or you need some stuff from
the market, then walk there, or maybe buy
a bike. Theres no need to use the car when
you just have to take two steps.

How cars can pollute the air?

Cars and trucks produce air pollution
.Additional emissions are associated with
the refining and distribution of vehicle fuel.
Air pollution from cars and trucks is split
into primary and secondary pollution.
Primary pollution is emitted directly into the
atmosphere and secondary pollution results
from chemical reactions between pollutants
in the atmosphere.

The end.

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