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Thermodynamic Properties....6
Types of Thermodynamic Processes....12
Speed of Sound.16
Mach Number22
When is a Flow
Shock Wave27
Normal Shock Wave.29
Governing Equations for Normal Shock Wave.32
Special Forms of Energy Equations..35


Calculation of Normal Shock Wave Properties.38

Measurement of Velocity in a Compressible Flow...45


Fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the action of tangential stresses. Fluid

mechanics is the branch of applied mechanics in which the behaviour of fluid is studied under the
action of forces. It is classified into three categories namely as fluid statics, fluid kinematics and
fluid dynamics. If the fluid is at rest, its study is said to be fluid statics. If the fluid is in motion, it is
known as fluid kinematics. In the above mentioned types, external forces (body and surface forces)
are not considered. If these forces are considered, then fluid is said to be fluid dynamics. Fluid
dynamics is further classified into two categories, namely as hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. In
hydrodynamics, effects of water are studied in different channels, while in aerodynamics, effects of
air studied over the solid bodies.
Aerodynamics is an applied science with many practical application in engineering. The flow of
air over objects is of fundamental interest to aeronautical and space engineers in the design of air
crafts, missiles and rockets. The knowledge of fluid mechanics is used to maximize lift and
minimize drag on these bodies. The engineers of aerodynamics are always interested to increase
the velocity of objects (jets, rockets, etc.).

Fluid may also be classified into two categories, namely, compressible and incompressible fluid.

The fluid with variable density is known as compressible, however, if the density remains constant,
it is said to be incompressible fluid. Mostly, compressible flows are discussed in aerodynamics.
Flows are further categorized with the help of Mach number. Flow is subsonic if, flow is sonic if,
flow is supersonic if and hypersonic if. The recent research, in this field, is mostly concentrated
about supersonic and hypersonic flows. The significant topic for research, in these flows, is the
shock waves. It usually appear in supersonic flows and is just like a boundary layer of thickness
about cm. The topic of our concentration in this work is the study of shock waves in supersonic
flow. The shock waves are classified as normal shock waves and oblique shock waves. A normal
shock wave is created by a blunt body in supersonic flows while an oblique shock wave is a sharp
edge shock wave that is formed when supersonic flow is turned on itself. Here we will only discuss
about the normal shock wave, its governing equations and the calculation of its properties. Finally,
we shall conclude that how the velocity of a normal shock wave can be determined from these

We have studied the flows for which all quantities (velocity, pressure, density, etc.)
change continuously. Flows are also possible for which these quantities vary discontinuously.
Such discontinuities occur in explosions, detonations, supersonic movements, powerful
electric discharge and other phenomenas that create an extreme change in pressure. These
discontinuities occur when large pressure change in a small volume is produced, the resulting
pressure wave moves at a velocity much higher than the velocity of sound. This pressure
wave is known a shock wave that causes an abrupt change in pressure, density, temperature,
As there occurs extreme changes in thermodynamic properties (temperature, pressure,
etc.) of the fluid. So, before starting our brief discussion on the normal shove wave, Let us
take a little glance on these properties. After this discussion, we will also take the knowledge
about the speed of sound.


Thermodynamics is defined as study of the relationship between the heat and

other forms of energy. It plays an important role in the flow of gas, particularly
for high speed flow i.e. flow around high speed flight of aircrafts and missiles.

Ideal Gas
A gas in which intermolecular forces are neglected is known as an ideal gas.
It is also known as a perfect gas. The equation of an ideal gas is given as

Where is the specific gas constant. It has different values for different gases.
It is sometime convenient to define the values of thermodynamic properties per
unit mass; such values are distinguished by the word specific.

Specific Volume

It is defined as the volume occupied by a unit mass of the fluid

and is denoted by

Specific Weight
It is defined as the weight (force due gravity) per unit volume and is defined as

Where is the weight per unit volume.

Specific Internal Energy

It defined as the energy per unit mass of the fluid due to molecular activity and is
denoted by.

Specific Enthalpy
It is defined as the total heat introduced per unit mass of the fluid and is denoted by

Specific Heat
It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of
fluid by one degree and is denoted by

Specific Heat At Constant Volume

It is denoted and defined as

Where is the specific internal energy of the gas.

Specific Heat At Constant Pressure

It is denoted and defined as

Where is the specific enthalpy of the gas.

Ratio of Specific Heats

It is defined as a measure of the relative internal complexity of the molecules of the
fluid and is denoted by

For air, .


When gases are expanded or compressed, the relationship between the pressure,
temperature, and density depends on the nature of the process. The types of
thermodynamic processes are discussed below:

Reversible Process
The process in which no dissipative phenomena occur i.e. the process occurs in such a
manner that it can be returned to its original state.

Irreversible process
The process that is not reversible is known as irreversible process.

Isobaric Process
It is defined as the process in which the pressure of a gas is kept constant during its
expansion or compression.

Isothermal Process
It is defined as the process in which the temperature is kept of a gas constant during
its expansion or compression

Isometric Process
It is defined as the process in which the volume is kept of a gas constant.

Adiabatic Process
A process in which no heat is added to or taken away from a gas during expansion or
compression. In this case

Isentropic Process
A process which is reversible and adiabatic is said to be Isentropic Process.

First Law of Thermodynamics

It states that the heat added and work done on gas cause a change in energy of a
gas. Its mathematical form is

Second Law of Thermodynamics

It states that the entropy change is greater than the heat transferred to the system
divided by the temperature.

For an adiabatic process, , then

Common experience shows that sound travel through air at some finite velocity. The
physical mechanism of sound propagation in a gas is based on the molecular motion.
For instance, imagine that you are sitting in a room and suppose that a firecracker
detonates in a corner. When it detonates, chemical energy (in the form of heat) is
transferred to the air molecules adjacent to the firecracker. These energized molecules
move about in a random fashion. They ultimately collide with their neighbouring
molecules and transfer their energy in the process. In turn, these molecules collide with
their neighbours and transfer their energy. In this fashion, the energy released by the
firecracker is transferred through the air by molecular collisions. Finally, as this energy
wave from the cracker passes over our eardrums, we hear the slight pressure changes
in the wave. This is sound, and the propagation of the energy wave is actually the
propagation of a sound wave through the gas.

Now, let us derive an equation for the speed of sound in a gas. In our above

discussion, note that the propagation of sound wave is due to the molecular collisions of
the gas. This is the microscopic view of our analysis and we will not use it for the
derivation of the result. We take benefit of the fact that the macroscopic properties
changes across the wave and use our macroscopic equations of continuity, momentum
and energy to analyse these changes.
Consider a sound wave propagating through a gas with velocity, where the local
pressure, temperature and density are ,

as shown in figure 3. These are the gas

properties in front of the sound wave. Behind the wave, the gas properties pressure,
temperature and density are slightly different and given by, respectively. The changes
are very small-infinitesimal. Assume that flow is one dimensional, and isentropic (i.e.
adiabatic and reversible). The flow can be made steady by considering an observer
moving along with the sound wave. For such an observer, it seem to be stationary. Let us
apply the

governing equations to obtain our result.

Applying the continuity equation (conservation of mass) for the flow, we have

The L.H.S of the above equation is the mass inflow while the R.H.S shows the mass
outflow. The product can be neglected because and are infinitesimal. Hence, solving
above equation for, we have

Now consider the momentum equation (conservation of momentum) for the above
mentioned flow, we have

Ignoring the products of differentials, the above equation becomes

Solving equation for we have

Solving equations

Rewrite the above equation, we have

The above equation is the fundamental equation for the speed of sound in a gas.
Assume that gas is calorically perfect, then the isentropic relation for such a gas is given

Differentiating above equation and then solving for, we obtain

The above result is the equation for the speed of sound in a calorically perfect gas. From
the equation of an ideal gas, , the above equation becomes

Which is the final expression for the speed of sound: it states that the speed of sound in
a calorically perfect gas is a function of temperature only. The value of speed of sound at
standard sea level is


It is a dimensionless number and is defined as the ratio of the velocity of fluid to the

local velocity of sound in the same medium. It is used to measure the compressibility in
a fluid. It is denoted by with the mathematical expression


Consider a fluid particle of gas initially at rest with density . Assume flow is

isentropic and moves with velocity and Mach number . As the velocity of fluid particle
increases, the other flow properties will change according to the basic governing
equations. The density

of the fluid particle will change according to the following


The above equation states that only the value of dictates the ratio .
For an isentropic process, the ratios for total to static pressure and density are given

For = 1.4, the variation of is plotted as a function of from zero to sonic flow, shown
in the figure 4. Examine that at low subsonic Mach numbers, the variation is relatively
very flat. In fact, for the value of deviates from by less than 5 percent, and for all
practical purposes the flow can be treated as incompressible. However, for , the
variation in is larger than 5 percent, and its variation becomes more pronounced as
increases. As a result, many aerodynamicists have adopted the rule of thumb that
density variation should be accounted for at Mach numbers above : i.e. flow should be
treated as compressible.

5 % variation


,variation in
is less than

Figure 4: isentropic variation of density with Mach number

In the above discussion, we have talked about some aspects of thermodynamic
properties, and speed of sound as well. The condition for which the fluid becomes
compressible, is also come under discussion. We are now in situation to start a brief
discussion about a normal shock wave.

As discussed earlier, a shock wave is classified into two categories namely as oblique
shock wave and normal shock wave. If the shock wave makes a certain angle in the
direction of flow stream, it is said to be an oblique shock wave. It occurs over a wedge
shaped bodies or a concave corner, as shown in figure 5. The creation of normal shock
wave will be discussed briefly in our next discussion.

Figure 5: oblique shock wave over a wedge.


If a shock wave occurs normal to the direction of flow, it is said to be normal shock
wave. Note that it is the special case of oblique shock wave i.e. if a shock wave makes an
angle of 90 with the flow direction, it becomes a normal shock wave. It may occur in any
supersonic flow. For example, it may occur through constant area nozzle or a diverging
duct, or in front of a blunt-nosed body. Two examples are given in this regard. In the first
one, shown in figure 1, Supersonic flow is established through a nozzle which can be a
supersonic wind tunnel.

Figure 1: Normal shock through nozzle.

In the second example, shown in figure 2, a supersonic flow over a blunt-nosed
body which can be the front face of a fighter jet. A strong shock wave exists in front of
the body. Although the shock wave is curved but the region of the shock wave closest
to the nose is essentially normal to the flow direction.

Figure 2: Normal shock wave in a blunt body.

There are many other examples in which this phenomena may occur. In the next
section, we will obtain the basic normal shock equations.



Consider the normal shock wave shown in figure 3. Assume that flow is steady, one

dimensional and adiabatic with no body forces. The area is assumed to be constant
throughout the normal shock wave. The region in front of the upstream shock is a uniform
flow, and the region behind the downstream shock is a different uniform flow. The velocity,
temperature, pressure, density, Mach number, total pressure, total temperature, total
enthalpy, and entropy in front of the shock are and . The corresponding quantities behind
the shock are and.
The continuity equation for an inviscid, compressible flow under the above assumptions
is obtained as

The above equation is the continuity equation for normal shock waves. It states that volume
flow across the shock wave is constant.
The momentum equation for an inviscid, compressible flow under the above
assumptions is obtained as

Which is the momentum equation for normal shock waves.

Now the energy equation for the above mentioned flow is given by

Which is the energy equation for normal shock waves. It states that enthalpy is
constant across the normal shock wave.

Note the above equations closely. The quantities upstream of the shock wave, etc.
are known. We have a system of three algebraic equations with four unknowns and. If
we add the following thermodynamics relations


Now we have five equations with five unknowns, namely, and. The above equations
can explicitly be solved to obtain the values of unknowns.


The energy equation for an inviscid, steady, one dimensional and adiabatic flow is
given as
= +
For a calorically perfect gas, the ratio of total temperature to static temperature is a
function of Mach number only. Its relation is given as
The above equation states that only the value of dictates the ratio .

For an isentropic process, the ratios for total to static pressure and density are

given as


Note that the above ratios are the functions of . From these ratios, the quantities
can be calculated from the actual conditions.
Consider the case when flow is exactly sonic i.e. . The static temperature, pressure,
and density, at sonic condition, are denoted by

and . Then the above relations

From the definition of Mach number, , where is the speed of sound. Let us introduce a
characteristic Mach number defined as

Where is the speed of sound at sonic condition. The relationship between the actual
Mach number and the characteristic Mach number is given as



Let us move to drive the relations which are helpful in the calculation of changes of

flow properties across a normal shock wave. We know the relations of continuity,
momentum, and energy for an inviscid, steady, one dimensional, and isentropic flow



For a calorically perfect gas, we know that


These are five equations with five unknowns, namely, and. Hence, these equations are
sufficient to find the properties behind a normal shock wave in a calorically perfect gas.
Let us proceed to obtain different relations.
First, solving equations (), () and (), after doing some algebraic calculations, we

The relation is known as the Prandtl relation.

By the definition of characteristic Mach number, , we have from Prandtl relation

Using the value of and after some algebraic simplification, we get a result

The above result is first major result for a normal shock wave. It states that is the only
function of . We now derive the relations for the ratios of the thermodynamics
properties , , and across a normal shock wave.

To obtain the density ratio, solve equations () and (), then using the value of ,
We get

To obtain the pressure ratio, solve equations () and (), after simplification, we obtain

To obtain the temperature ratio, we proceed as follow:

From the equation of state , we have

Using equations () and () in the above relation, and from the equation ,
We get

From the above results, note that the Mach number is the determining parameter for
changes across a normal shock wave in a calorically perfect gas.
As discussed earlier, shock wave occurs in supersonic flows () i.e. it does not occur
in subsonic flows (). Note that in equations (), (), (), and (), . However, these equations
are also solvable for (on mathematical basis). This issue can be resolved with the help
of second law of thermodynamics. Apply the second law to the flow across a normal
shock wave.

The relation of the entropy change across a normal shock wave is given as

Using equations () and (), we get

Note that entropy change across the shock is a function of only. The second law states

In the above equation, if we have


If , we have

Both of the above results obey second law of thermodynamics. If , we have

Which disobey the second law. Hence, in nature, normal shock wave occurs only in
supersonic flows ().


The velocity of a low speed, incompressible flow can be measured by pitot tube. In

this measurement, the total pressure is measured by pitot tube, and the static
pressure is measured from a static pressure orifice. In this section, we assume
compressible flow, both subsonic and supersonic. Here we will consider Mach number
rather than the velocity. Let us proceed:

Subsonic Compressible Flow

Consider a subsonic, compressible flow. A pitot tube is inserted in this flow to measure
the Mach value. The total pressure is of the freestream is denoted by and the static
pressure of the freestream is denoted by , then Mach number can be obtained from the


In the above equation, total pressure and static pressure help to find the value of Mach


Consider a pitot tube is inserted in a compressible, supersonic flow. Because of

supersonic flow, there will be a strong bow shock wave in front of the tube as shown in
figure. In this case, the total pressure is behind the normal shock wave, . The Mach
value can be obtained by using the total pressure and static pressure as follows:

Where is the ratio of the total to static pressure behind the shock and is the static
pressure ratio across the shock.
From equation (), (), and ()


Solving above three equation, we obtain

The equation is known as the Rayleigh Pitot tube formula. It gives the Mach value for
the known value of .


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