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Fbulas do Esopo
todas as fbulas


Two friends were walking through the forest when suddenly there was a huge hungry bear. One of
the friends ran immediately climbed a tree and stayed there just looking at what would happen to
his traveling companion.

The other, knowing that bears do not attack anyone is dead, lay down and stood quietly and
without breathing. The bear approached him and smelled it everywhere, especially his head; then
quietly went out and disappeared into the woods.

O amigo medroso, ao perceber que o perigo havia passado, desceu da rvore e foi ter com
o fingido que ainda estava deitado. Aproximou-se e lhe perguntou:

- O que foi que o urso estavacochichando no seu ouvido. E este lhe respondeu:

- Ele me disse que nunca se deve andar com falsos amigos que nos abandonam
nos momentos mais difceis.

Moral da histria.

O verdadeiro amigo sempre solidrio, principalmente nas horas mais difceis.

Nicas Romeo Zanchett



(Nicas Romeo Zanchett)

There was an old hunting dog that had worked hard for many years; He was old, tired
and sick. But its owner insisted on taking him to hunt.
It happened that during an exhaustive hunt in the mountains, the old dog could
catch a large deer; He grabbed him by the legs, but your teeth already old and damaged
could not hold the animal agile.
In desperation, the owner became angry and started hitting with whip the poor
dog. The faithful animal said to him sadly:
- Lord, have mercy! do not hit your old servant; I willingly continue to serve you
as before, but I am old and missing me strength. If today I am not very helpful,
remember the good times they watched it all the requested services.
Today many people despise the old for its weakness and lack of energy. It is not fair
to forget the good times devoted to work for the benefit of the family and society.

Wolf And the kid


day a wolf saw a young goat who played running through the fields away from the home of their
parents. Without any delay started running to catch it. But the kid, scared and too afraid,
desperately ran to save themselves. After a lot of running, tired, decided to talk to the wolf so that it
desist from devouring it. He stopped and said:
- Wait Mr Wolf; I have realized that I can not escape his clutches, but before being
devoured want to ask you one last request.
- Okay - said the wolf - if possible will answer your request. What you want?
- Is that I love music and I always bring with me one mouth organ; like that before
devouring me, joyful my last moments playing the harmonica for me to dance.
- That's right. Give me that such a harmonica that will touch. Get on with it because I'm
The wolf began to play and the kid danced happily, coming and going in all directions.
The little goat knew that nearby there was a house with sheepdogs. Before long, the
brave animals arrived and put the wolf to run desperately.
The young goat returned home safe and thinking, "If I had heard my mother's advice
would not have gotten myself into trouble I'm never going to sneak out.".
---------------------Moral of the story
The advice of our parents should be followed because they always want the best for us.
Niceas Romeo Zanchett

Wolf And the kid

One day a wolf saw a young goat who played running through the fields away from
the home of their parents. Without any delay started running to catch it. But the kid,
scared and too afraid, desperately ran to save themselves. After a lot of running, tired,
decided to talk to the wolf so that it desist from devouring it. He stopped and said:

- Wait Mr Wolf; I have realized that I can not escape his clutches, but
before being devoured want to ask you one last request.

- Okay - said the wolf - if possible will answer your request. What you

- Is that I love music and I always bring with me one mouth organ; like
that before devouring me, joyful my last moments playing the harmonica for me to

- That's right. Give me that such a harmonica that will touch. Get on with
it because I'm hungry.

The wolf began to play and the kid danced happily, coming and going in
all directions.

The little goat knew that nearby there was a house with sheepdogs.
Before long, the brave animals arrived and put the wolf to run desperately.


The fox was always very smart. One day wanted to prove he was better
than the lion and went to him discuss the matter.

- Sir Leo - I've been thinking and I realized I'm better than
you; the last time he had begotten three beautiful puppies and, for all I
know, you are the father of only a young lion.

- Yes, he replied the lion, but my son is a prince and one

day will inherit my place and be the king of the forest; while their young
will never have the power.

Moral of the story: Many consider themselves superior only to have some
important post.

The Fox and the Stork

The fox and the stork were on good terms and seemed sincere friends. One day the fox invited the
stork to dinner and, as a joke, put on the table only a shallow dish containing some soup. For her, it
was all very easy, but the stork could only wet the nozzle tip and went away hungry.

- I'm sorry, said the fox, it seems you did not like the soup.

- Do not think about it, said the stork. I hope that, in return for this visit, you will soon have dinner
with me.

The next day, the fox was paying a visit. When they seated at the table, which had for dinner was
contained in a tall pitcher, long and narrow mouth neck, where the fox could not enter the nose. All
she could do was lick the outside of the jar.

- I will not ask excuses for dinner, said the stork, so you feel the very stomach what I felt yesterday.

(Who hurts with iron, iron will be hurt)

The fox and the grapes

Dead of starvation, a fox went to a vineyard knowing I'd find a lot of

grapes. The crop had been excellent. Seeing the vine laden with huge
bunches, the fox licked his lips. But his joy was short-lived: try as he
might, he could not reach the grapes. Finally, tired of so many useless
efforts, he decided to leave, saying:

- For me, who want these grapes can take. Are green, are sour, they do
not serve me. If someone gave me these grapes I would not eat

The farmer, his son and the


"A farmer and his son traveled to the market, taking a donkey on the road, they
found protruding girls, who laughed and mocked them.:

- Have you seen that silly? Walking the walk, when to ride on the donkey?

The farmer then ordered his son;

- Mount in the ass, because we should not look ridiculous.

The son did so.

After a while, they passed through a village. At the door of an inn were some old
who commented:

- Here is an example of the modern generation: the young man, very well lolling in
the animal, while the old man walks with their tired legs.

- Maybe they are right, my son, the father said. It would be better if I rode and you
were walking.

Then they swapped positions.

Dog and Meat Loaf

"One day, a dog, carrying a piece of meat in his mouth, was crossing a
bridge. Looking down, he saw his own reflection in the water. Thinking
see another dog, lusted after him soon the meat loaf which he had in his
mouth , and began to bark. Evil, however, opened his mouth, his own
meat loaf fell into the water and was lost forever. "

The Wind and the Sun

"The wind and the sun were disputing which of them was the strongest.
Suddenly they saw a traveler who was walking.
- I know how to decide our case. One who coseguir make the traveler take
off his coat, will be the strongest. You get proposed the sun, retreating
behind a cloud.
The wind began to blow with full force. The more blew, the more the man fit
the jacket to the body. Desperate, then the wind went away.
The sun came out of hiding and shone with all the splendor of the man, who
soon Setiu heat and stripped off his jacket. "

The Goose that He put Golden


"A man had a goose that every morning, put a golden egg. Selling these
precious eggs, he was amassing a great fortune. The richer was,
however, more avaricious became. He began to think that an egg just by
day was little.

"Why not put two eggs, four or five?" he thought. "Probably, if I open the
belly of the bird, I'll find a hundred eggs and live like a nabob." So
thinking, he killed the goose opened her belly and, of course, found
nothing. "

The Girl and the Canister milk

"A girl went to the market balancing on the head, the bowl of milk. On the
way, began to calculate the profit that would have to sell it.
- With this money, I buy eggs too. Of course, not all will be good, but at
least three-quarters of them will come out chicks. I will take some to sell
in the market. With the money you earn, will increase the stock of eggs.
Will I put them to hatch and soon I will have a good breeding farm.
Getting rich men, asking me will in marriage. I will choose, of course, the
strongest, the richest and most beautiful. How I envy her friends! I buy a
beautiful silk dress for the wedding and also a beautiful veil. Everyone will
say I am the most elegant bride's city.
So thinking, he shook his head contentedly. A bowl of milk fell to the
ground, milk spread up the road and nothing left to sell in the market. "

The Lion in Love

Once a lion fell in love with the daughter of a woodcutter and was asking
for her hand in marriage. The woodcutter was not too excited about the
idea of seeing her daughter with a husband that dangerous and said the
lion was an honor, but thank you, did not. The lion was angry; feeling the
danger, the man was smart and pretended to agree:

- It's an honor, sir. What big teeth you have! That long claws! Any girl
would be afraid. If you want to marry my daughter, you will have to start
cutting teeth and claws.

Passionate lion was running to do what the other had commanded; then
he returned to the girl's father's house and repeated his request for
marriage. But the woodcutter, who no longer felt afraid of that meek and
unarmed lion, grabbed a stick and touched the lion out of the house.

The Man and the Lion

A man and a lion arguing about which of them was the strongest,
and decided to check there mesmo.?O man took the lion to a grave,
where there was a dead painting killing a lion The lion replied: _
What you me showed was painted by a man. If I had known paint,
he portrays a lion killing a man. We will not show anything, it is
better we measure our strength against each other. After killing the
man, the lion said: _ A painted test is not enough. He now found
that I was stronger.

The City Mouse and the Country

"A mouse that lived in the city was once, visiting a cousin who lived in
the country. This was a bit arrogant and appropriately alert, but wanted
very well to the cousin, so that the received with great satisfaction. She
offered him what had best: beans, bacon, bread and cheese.
The city mouse sniffed and said,

- I can not understand, cousin, how you can live with these poor foods.
Of course, here in the country, it's hard to get anything better. Come
with me and I'll show you how to live in the city. After going there a
week, you will be amazed to have supported life in the field.

The two pusseram It is then the way. Late at night, they came to the
house of the city mouse.

- Surely you like to have a drink after this hike, he said politely to his

It led him to the dining room, where they found the remains of a big

Quem esopo?

Esopo foi um fabulista grego, nascido na Trcia (regio da sia Menor), do sculo VI
a.C.. Personagem quase mtico, sabe-se que foi um escravo libertado pelo seu ltimo
senhor, o filsofo Janto (Xanto).

Considerado o maior representante do estilo literrio "Fbulas", possua o dom da

palavra e a habilidade de contar histrias curtas retratando animais e a natureza e
que invariavelmente terminavam com tiradas morais. As suas fbulas inspiraram
Jean de La Fontaine e foram objeto de milhares de citaes atravs da histria
(Herdoto, Aristfanes, Plato, alm de diversos filsofos e autores gregos).

As primeiras verses escritas das fbulas de Esopo datam do sc. III d. C. Muitas
tradues foram feitas para vrias lnguas, no existindo uma verso que se possa
afirmar ser mais prxima da original. Destaca-se, entre os estudiosos da obra
esopiana, mile Chambry, profundo conhecedor da lngua e da cultura gregas. Em
1925 o escrito Chambry publicou, Aesopi - Fabulae (Fbulas de Esopo), contendo 358
fbulas atribuidas ao grande mestre das fbulas.

A Raposa e as Uvas um exemplo dos mais conhecidos entre as centenas de fbulas

que produziu.

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