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Day 1 - Getting Unstuck Leads to Fulfillment

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of
habit by originality, overcomes everything. George Lois
Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Getting Unstuck: Creating a
Limitless Life. We are excited to have you joining us on this illuminating
journey to learn how to get our lives unstuck. Together we will learn that
getting unstuck means removing the limitations we experience in the areas
of life that frustrate us. Whether it is work, relationships, or finances, our old
patterns of behavior condition our perceptions and so we believe our choices
are limited for experiencing the life we want.
In todays meditation, we discover that to get unstuck, all we need to do is
expand our awareness. In that awareness the limitations on our perceptions
dissolve, our options or choices increase, and we find the inner fulfillment
that is our true self. Over the next few weeks, we will learn ways to get
unstuck and discover our inherent fulfillment in mind, body, and spirit.

Day 2 - Why Do We Get Stuck?

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, let
the mind remain in the present moment. Buddha
Todays meditation shows us that the root of getting
stuck is awareness leaving the present moment and
attaching to the past or the future. But present
awareness is never stuck or limited it flows effortlessly
in the now. In order to release the blockages and
frustration that occur when our attention attaches to
the past or future, we must learn to recognize the
presence of our true self in each present moment.

Day 3 - Finding the Key to Your Creativity

Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment

we are timeless. Julia Cameron
Creativity is a natural quality of life itself. It is not
limited to artistic expression. Living from your creative
core means you respond to every moment from a place
of possibility and openness. This is how every cell of our
body knows to respond to every changing circumstance
with adaptability and creativity to maintain its health
and balance.
In todays meditation, we learn that our awareness is
designed to meet each moment with freshness,
receptivity, and creativity.

Day 4 - How to Be Renewed Every Day

I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new

life for me each and every day. Stanley Kunitz
Todays meditation teaches us that when we rely
upon familiar repetition to guide us through life
instead of stepping into the ever-new possibilities
of the present moment we remain in a stale,
stuck pattern of living. When we learn to fully
embrace the limitless potential in the now, we
are continuously renewed and liberated from the
stuckness of powerlessness and blame. Living in

Day 5 - Rising Above Your Old Conditioning

We first make our habits, and then our habits make

us. John Dryden
In todays meditation, we learn that our old conditioning
isnt just mental, its also physical and shows itself as
unconscious brain responses. If we let our conditioned
brains be in charge, we remain stuck in old, predictable
patterns. We become biological robots. To break free of
this habitual behavior we need to cultivate selfawareness. In meditation we recognize our true self to
be ever-present awareness, and in this self-knowing, we
become free from the conditioned responses of our
minds and bodies.

Day 6 - You Deserve More Than

Second-Hand Experiences
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment. Henry David Thoreau
Todays meditation is about learning to live authentically from
your real self. That means your thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors arise from within the silence of your own awareness.
This is in contrast to experience and behavior that is driven by
others beliefs, expectations, and demands. That is secondhand experience: the mode of living that is responsible for
pressure, frustration, and feeling stuck in life. First-hand
experience is living from our true self, where you direct your
life from within, and find love, beauty, and joy in every
experience you have.

Day 7 - Opening the Doors of Perception

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing
would appear to man as it is, Infinite. William Blake
If we want our life to flow instead of being stuck, we
need to first change the way we perceive the world
around us. Because the experience of stuckness is the
perception of limited choices, if we change our
perception, we change our experience of life in the
moment. In todays meditation, we explore how our selfawareness transforms our perception, clearing away old
conditioning, beliefs, and patterns so that we
experience our self and our world in its true light.

Day 8 - Let Your Awareness Do the Work

Because everything happens in the moment of Now we

also happen in the moment of Now: continually,
effortlessly, truly. Joseph Rain
Society teaches us that we need to struggle and strive
to overcome obstacles, that to get unstuck we need to
push and fight our way through. But struggling never
solves the root problem of limited awareness.
In todays meditation, we learn that our higher self is
not only unlimited, it is also creative, powerful, and
intelligent. If we learn to abide in our essential being, its
organizing power will effortlessly find choices and
solutions for us.

Day 9 - Your Creative Self Is Already Here

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect
but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. Carl Jung
You dont have to do anything new to become your creative self that
is already your essential nature you only need to give it the outlet it
always seeks in the present moment. Letting go of our resistance to
being creative and spontaneous often comes down to releasing our
self-limiting beliefs and attitudes of low expectations. Such beliefs
could be that you are not a creative person, or that you dont deserve
love, joy, and fulfillment.
Today we discover that as we gain contact with our creative self in
meditation, these self-limiting beliefs begin to dissolve, allowing the
natural expression of our joy, love and creativity to blossom in our

Day 10 - Learn to Be Here Now

The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If

you are attentive, you will see it. Thch Nht Hnh
Feeling stuck is often a product of the limits we put on
ourselves through fear and doubt we have accumulated
from the past. Instead of opening up to the possibilities
available in the present moment, we shrink and
contract. Today we learn that the expansion of
awareness that is cultivated in meditation overcomes
these limitations and opens us up to the creative
possibilities in the present without fear or doubt.

Day 11 - Awareness Is a Skill You Can Master

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being
with an independent will. Charlotte Bront
Self-awareness is not just something you either have or you dont
its a skill you can improve upon. In todays meditation, we learn
that we improve our awareness skills with three basic practices.
First, we learn to pay attention to what is happening in our
environment. Second, the skill of focusing attention allows us to
explore our experiences with clarity and without judgment. And
finally, by learning the skill of stillness, or wholeness, we allow
awareness to encompass the entirety of our experience as our own
self. All these skills together as one mode of knowingness gives us
the creative awareness that prevents life from getting stuck.

Day 12 - Welcoming Change Is Natural

Being fully present is being awake to the movement

and creation of life, being alive to the process of life
itself. Pema Chodron
Even if we feel our lives are stuck in a rut, the truth is
that life is still constantly changing. This element of
change is what makes life interesting, creative, and
new. We resist change because we mistakenly look for
security in the past. Todays meditation is about letting
go of this resistance to the flow of life and finding
wisdom and security in living in the ever-present now,
which is our essential nature.

Day 13 - The Joy of Finding Self-Worth

We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we

have first proven acceptable to ourselves. Malcolm X
Our true self is at one with the entire cosmos. Therefore
our worth is always infinite it is only a matter of
recognizing it as our essential nature. This selfknowledge has nothing to do with our ego or
personality; it is about our true being and the unique
and vital role that only we can contribute to the cosmos.
Todays meditation shows us that spiritual self-worth is
natural, joyful, and self-affirming.

Day 14 - Finding Your Creative Path

All great acts are ruled by intention. What you mean is

what you get. Brenna Yovanoff
Our creative path isnt something we need to figure out
intellectually; it is the spontaneous expression of our
innermost desires and intention. That is the wise and
creative energy already operating at the heart of our
awareness. In todays meditation, we learn that this
power of intention already directs our lifes journey
behind the scenes. When we expand awareness in
meditation, we fully align our intentions for our
individual mind with the unlimited power and creativity
of the universal mind. This is how we find our creative

Day 15 - Bringing Your Creativity into the World

Self-expression must pass into communication for its

fulfillment. Pearl S. Buck
Creating a limitless life means we participate in the
world with an open, joyful, and collaborative awareness.
It is not a solo journey; it is a journey that intimately
involves us with the people and the environment we are
in. Todays meditation shows us that when we
experience life from our limitless creative source, we
naturally foster creative solutions for everyone around

Day 16 - How to Make Your Environment Creative

"Accept what is in front of you, without wanting the

situation to be other than it is. Nature provides
everything, without requiring thanks and provides for
all. Lao Tzu
To make a creative space we need to encourage
appreciation, openness, and acceptance. If we are too
rigid, closeminded, and judgmental, then the flow of
creativity is restricted and blocked. Todays meditation
teaches us to listen to and respect everyones
contributions. When we can show gratitude and
appreciation for all the gifts that are offered in the
present moment, we will have an environment where

Day 17 - Reaching the Creative Solution

When wisdom overrides, our heart produces immense

ideas with solutions. Adedayo Olabamiji
Todays meditation is about learning to access the
creative solution to any challenge you may face. This
begins with the recognition that the solution can never
be found at the level of the problem. We must expand
awareness beyond the conditioned perspectives,
opposition, and confusion of our limited minds. By
opening awareness through meditation, we come to
know our essential self to be the source of all creative

Day 18 - Expanding Other Peoples Awareness

The best teachers show you where to look, but dont

tell you what to see. Alexandra K. Trenfor
As we experience greater joy and ease in our lives, it is
natural to want to share this experience of expanded
awareness with others. But even well-intentioned
sharing can feel intrusive and unwelcome if it doesnt
build on the other persons own curiosity and interest.
Todays meditation shows us that the best way to share
the gift of expanded awareness is to simply let your
awareness speak for itself, and then respond to other
peoples curiosity and interest accordingly.

Day 19 - Getting to Yes the Creative Way

Deep listening is miraculous for both listener and speaker. When
someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely
interested listening, our spirits expand. Sue Patton Thoele
Along the road to finding creative solutions, it is inevitable that
there will be some challenges that cross your path. To address
these obstacles that arise from other people, it is important to
always maintain an attentive and respectful awareness.
Todays meditation shows us that creative solutions overcome
difficulties through listening, respecting, and opening up to a
broader perspective that incorporates and supports both points
of view. This is what it means to get to yes in a creative way.

Day 20 - Becoming the Ideal Co-Creator

The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of
your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just
who is doing the creating. Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Every day, whether we consciously realize it or not, we are growing
into a more complete and fulfilled self. To develop our self-awareness
most effectively requires our deepest creativity. With our creative self,
we participate in the shaping of our experiential reality. We are not
mere spectators in an objective world; we are co-creators involved in
forming not only what we experience, but also how we experience it.
Todays meditation shows us that the skill of this creative contribution
comes through the expanded and heightened awareness of

Day 21 - The Highest Vision: Creative Evolution

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river

moving in you, a joy. Rumi
Todays meditation shows us a vision of life beyond the
freedom of getting unstuck. This is the vision of a life of
creative evolution where our spiritual growth is not
directed from outside forces, or even our internal beliefs
and ideas. When the evolution of our awareness is
directed from our higher self, we experience a limitless
life, a life filled with joy, love, beauty, and peace. This is
the life you were always meant to live.

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