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: “Erduan

!” the operation against the ships – slaughter

Turkish Soldiers and civilians watching their victims – the Armenians

During an extreme speech in the Turkish Parliament Turkish prime minister,

Erduan attacked the Israeli operation against the ships to Gaza and a call to
International forces to interfere. “Israel cannot clean the blood from its hand using
excuses” – said Erduan
Erduan said that the use by the Israeli Government to
lie, cheat, kill and bloodshed of innocents is a far
greater danger to the Israeli citizens

Heads of dead Armenians are exhibited in Turkey

Later, Erduan claimed that since Israel became a state it created instability in the
region and called for international involvement. “Israel cannot clean its hands by
excuses” said Erduan and added: “this operation is not anymore a problem
”between 2 countries but the problem of the whole world

Armenian intellectuals hanged in the streets while Turkish soldiers and civilians watching
Armenian intellectuals hanged in the streets while Turkish soldiers and civilians watching

!”the operation against the ships – slaughter“
: “Erduan
!”the operation against the ships – slaughter

Mother and son starving to death in the streets

Children who died of starvation

Armenian starved and orphan
as was found near his house

Armenian Mother and son watching another son body who starved to death
: “Erduan
!”the operation against the ships – slaughter

Slaughter – Turkish style

Slaughter II – Turkish style
Armenians deported from their land
Armenian refugees who managed to escape from the Turkish slaughter
Armenian refugees
On Pessach eve 1917, the
Turkish commander ordered
deportation of all the Jewish
citizens of Tel-Aviv and Jaffa

The deported Jews could not find any place to settle

under the rule of the Ottoman empire. Many of them
didn’t survive this struggle for life and died of hunger,
diseases, dysentery, typhus and cholera. Over 1500
women, men and children died during these 18 months
of deportation
The Kurds are minority which consist of 20% of the total population of Turkey, and they have a will
to establish their own state and to be independent. In 1925 the Kurds made an uprising against the
Turkish rule and that uprising was cruelly put down. The second Kurdish uprising was in 1938/9 and
again they were cruelly crushed by the Turks who used poison gas which killed thousands of the
Kurds. During the 70’s the Kurds established the PKK party, a Kurdish labour party headed by
Abdullah Achulu. This party declare that its goal is to establish a Social Kurdish state on the historical
.lands of Kurdistan
During the 90’s the Kurds made their 3rd uprising against the Turkish rule and started vast terror
operation around Turkey which brought to death of over 37,000 people. The uprising was crushed
after the leader Achulu was captured in 1999, brought to court and sentenced to death. After the
west’s intervention, the execution was not carried out and he was give a life sentence – all because the
.Turk's’ wish to join the European Union
Mustapha Kamal Ataturk, the establisher of the Turkish Republic and its 1st president, had
been known as the greatest leader of Turkey of the 20 century and before. Very few leaders
had managed to achieve so much in such a short time , to change the way of life of his nation
from one side to the another inspired the whole world. As a president in his 15 years till his
death in 1938, Ataturk created deep changes in the political, social, economic and cultural life
.that only few countries can compete

Ataturk’s legacy is still present in the Turkish army which presents itself as
.the keeper of Turkish Nationalism and the secular system
During 1960’s and 1980’s “Kamalist” officers acted against Turkish
??governments which tor donw the ideas of Ataturk. Is that real
During the 2nd World war, about 770 Jewish refugees who managed to escape Fascist Romania
found themselves on an old broken ship: “Struma”. The refugees hoped to get visas to be able
to enter the land of Israel which was mandated at that time by the British. Nobody gave them
.these visas and nobody care for the ship and the people on it
These “passengers” were kept on the ship without permission to go down (except 8 of them).
The rest managed to survive thanks to food which was brought to them by the Istanbulian
Jewish community. After short time this food was finished and nobody was allowed to supply
anymore. The people on the ship was starving to death and started to get sickness such as
On the End the Turks decided to get rid of “the problem”. On February 23rd 1942 “Struma: was
towed (because its engines didn’t work, and it had no anchors) to the sea – out of the
territorial water of Turkey (in the international water) and was left there without water, food or
.ability to move
The “End” of the story is: that “Struma” was torpedoed (probably by Russian submarine) and
.all the refugees on it – except 1 – were drowned
Armenian boy starved to death in 1915

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