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Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Jakarta

Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya

Manusia KP
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Madidihang 03
Merupakan Kapal Latih dan Riset Perikanan
Multi Purposes
Madidihang 03
Is a Multi Purposes Fisheries Training and
Research Vessel

Madidihang 03
Merupakan Hasil Kerja sama Pemerintah
Indonesia dengan Pemerintah Kerajaan
Maidihang 03
Is a joint cooperation between the
Government of Republic Indonesia and The
Government of The Kingdom Spain.

Madidihang 03
Dibangun oleh Galangan Kapal Astilleros
Gondan S.A tahun 2009 dan sampai di
indonesia pada bulan mei 2010.
Maidihang 03
Was Build by Astilleros Gondan S.A in 2009
and arrived in indonesia on may 2010.

Dimensi/Main Particulars
Panjang Kapal Keseluruhan 50 meter
Length Overall 50 meter
Lebar kapal terbesar 9,8 meter
Breadth Moulded 9,8 meter
Tinggi Kapal Keseluruhan 6,7 meter
Depth to upper deck 6,7 meter

Dimensi/Main Particulars
Mesin Utama/Main Engine ;

MAN ALPHA 6L28/32A 1.470 KW

Kecepatan Maksimal 14 Knot
Max Speed 14 Knot
Ketahanan Berlayar 40 hari
Endurance 40 hari
Gross Tonnage 753 GT
Akomodasi 23 crew & 50 Trainers/Researcher


Officer Room

Mess Room

Kamar Tidur/Room

Toilet & Changing Room

Class Room


1. Simrad EK 60 ; For fish accoustic
Split beem accoustic, frequency 38 KHz.
2. Simrad EA 600 ; For bathymetry accoustic
Single beem acoustic, frequency 12 KHz.
3. ADCP = Accoustic Doppler Curent Profiler
For current measuring ; frequency 75 KHz.

4. Meteo = To measure air parameter :

Wind sped.
Wind direction.
Air temperature.
relative humidity
atsmosphare pressure
sun radiation
Sea surface temperature (Survace reference for CTD transmitter)
nb : All of the meteorology equipment are connected to the computer in dry
laboratory, that can be used in meteorology research.

5. Multipar CTD (SBE 911 plus et aux)
1 set STD Winch (Real-t CTD winch system, 6600 m & mechanical
10 Nansel bottles
6. TSGF = Termo Salinograf and Fluorometer.
Termo salinograf to measure conductivity and temperature.
Fluorometer to measure Klorofil-a (particular filter can be used to
measure other parameters)
To measure salinity.
7. Seapat tipe 20, hight acuracy GPS, to gives the accurate position of
data sampling.
8. Under water equipment for underwater surveying.
4 pack diving equipment.
Under water camera.
Under water videor.
1 diving compressor (compressor for diving tanks)

9. Grab = to grab the substance at the bottom of the sea.
10. 2 sets plankton nets.
11. 1 set EQ SIMRAD portable echosounder
12. 1 set Doppler current meter system (Transducer installed)
13. 1 set Wavemeter unit

- All controls are integrated in the same console except for windlass, cork and

brailing winches

Pressure setting to
65 bar (940 PSI) for
Main Purse Winch
and Power block
controls and reduced
to 45 bar (650 PSI)
for all other controls

LINE 100:
- Main topping
- Starboard cargo

LINE 101:
- Port vang
- Port auxiliary topping
- Inhaul

LINE 102:
- Port cargo
- Double

LINE 103:
- Starboard vang
- Starboard auxiliary topping

LINE 104:
- Chocker
- Brailing



Independent hydraulic clutches and brakes for each drum (pressure brakes
spring releases)

Independent pneumatic brakes in each drum to control speed during net wire

Two (2) speeds in each direction (pay out & haul in)

Haul In: Series (100% speed and 50% torque) & Parallel (50% speed and
100% torque) pull

Haul In: Fine control


max. pressure

Parallel gear train


Working Boat for Support

Oparating of TRBM
(trawl resistant bottom


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