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The Hash Table Data

Mugurel Ionu Andreica
Spring 2012

put(key, value)
Inserts the pair (key, value) in the hash table
If a pair (key, value) (with the same key) already
exists, then value is replaced by value
We say that the value value is associated to the key

Returns the value associated to the key key
If no value is associated to key, then an error occurs

Returns 1 if the key key exists in the hash table, and 0


put(3, 7.9)
put(2, 8.3)
get(3) -> returns 7.9
put(3, 10.2)
get(3) -> returns 10.2
get(2) -> returns 8.3
hasKey(5) -> returns 0
hasKey(2) -> returns 1
get(5) -> generates an error

Possible implementation
Maintain an array H[HMAX] of linked lists
The info field of each element of a list consists of a struct containing a key
and a value

Each key is mapped to a value hkey=hash(key), such that

hash(key) is called the hash function

put(k, v)
Searches for the key k in the list H[hkey=hash(k)]
If the key is found, then we replace the value by v
If the key is not found, then we insert the pair (k,v) in H[hkey]

Search for the key k in H[hkey=hash(k)]
If it finds the key, then it returns its associated value; otherwise, an error

Search for the key k in H[hkey=hash(k)]
If it finds the key, then it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0

Possible implementation (cont.)

Class Hashtable
HMAX and hash => arguments in the
The function hash will be passed as an argument
(actually, a pointer to the function will be passed in
Obviously, hash must be defined differently according
to the data type of the keys (see later some examples
for int and char*)
The array H: allocated dynamically in the constructor
& deallocated in the destructor

Hash Table Implementation

#include "linked_list.h"
template<typename Tkey, typename Tvalue> struct elem_info {
Tkey key;
Tvalue value; };
template<typename Tkey, typename Tvalue> class Hashtable {
LinkedList<struct elem_info<Tkey, Tvalue> > *H;
int HMAX;
int (*hash) (Tkey);
Hashtable(int hmax, int (*h) (Tkey)) {
HMAX = hmax;
hash = h;
H = new LinkedList<struct elem_info<Tkey,
Tvalue> > [HMAX]; }

void put(Tkey key, Tvalue value) {

struct list_elem<struct elem_info<Tkey, Tvalue> > *p;
struct elem_info<Tkey, Tvalue> info;
int hkey = hash(key);
p = H[hkey].pfirst;
while (p != NULL) {
/* the == operator must be meaningful when comparing
values of the type Tkey ; otherwise, an equality testing
function should be passed as an argument to the constructor */
if (p->info.key == key)
p = p->next;
if (p != NULL)
p->info.value = value;
else {
info.key = key;
info.value = value;

~Hashtable() {
for (int i = 0; i < HMAX; i++) {
while (!H[i].isEmpty())
delete H;

Hash Table Implementation

(hash_table.h) (cont.)
Tvalue get(Tkey key) {
struct list_elem<struct elem_info<Tkey, Tvalue>
> *p;

int hasKey(Tkey key) {

struct list_elem<struct elem_info<Tkey,
Tvalue> > *p;

int hkey = hash(key);

p = H[hkey].pfirst;

int hkey = hash(key);

p = H[hkey].pfirst;

while (p != NULL) {
if (p->info.key == key) break;
p = p->next;

while (p != NULL) {
if (p->info.key == key)
p = p->next;

if (p != NULL)
return p->info.value;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error 101 - The key does not
exist in the hashtable\n");
Tvalue x;
return x;

if (p != NULL)
return 1;
return 0;

Using the Hash Table - example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include hash_table.h
#define VMAX 17
#define P 13
int hfunc(int key) {
return (P * key) % VMAX;

char *k3 = "Abc";

char *k4 = "abcD";
int main() {
hid.put(3, 7.9);
hid.put(2, 8.3);
printf("%.3lf\n", hid.get(3));
hid.put(3, 10.2);
printf("%.3lf\n", hid.get(3));
printf("%.3lf\n", hid.get(2));
printf("%d\n", hid.hasKey(5));
printf("%d\n", hid.hasKey(2));
printf("%.3lf\n", hid.get(5));

Hashtable<int, double> hid(VMAX, hfunc);

hci.put(k1, 10);
hci.put(k2, 20);
printf("%d\n", hci.get(k1));
hci.put(k1, 30);
printf("%d\n", hci.get(k1));
printf("%d\n", hci.get(k2));
printf("%d\n", hci.hasKey(k3));
printf("%d\n", hci.hasKey(k2));
printf("%d\n", hci.get(k4));

int hfunc2(char* key) {

int hkey = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(key); i++)
hkey = (hkey * P + key[i]) % VMAX;
return hkey;
Hashtable<char*, int> hci(VMAX, hfunc2);

char *k5 = new char[4];

k5[0] = a; k5[1] = b; k5[2] = c; k5[3] = 0;
printf("%d\n", hci.get(k5)); // what happens ?

char *k1 = "abc";

char *k2 = "xyze";

return 0;

Final remarks
The Hash table is a fundamental data structure in
many situations

Packet routing in the Internet

Session management in web servers
Web search (e.g. Google)

Many other implementations exist, besides using

an array of linked lists
For example: Linear probing, Cuckoo hashing, etc.
Many of them are more efficient, but more difficult to

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