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Art History Presentation

By Hannah Clark

Eugne Delacroix
Eugne Delacroix (born 26th
of April 1798 and died 13th of
August 1863) was a French
artist who was known as a
huge influence during the
time of the Romanticism
movement. He not only
shaped the work of many
Impressionistic artists at the
time with his use of
expressive brush strokes and
the study of optical effects of
colours, but his artwork also
clarifies historical events
during that time period.

Eugne Delacroix French

One of Delacroixs most famous paintings was
Liberty Leading the People which illustrates the
proceedings of the second French Revolution in
1830 also known as July Revolution. The image
shows a woman personifying the idea of Liberty and
free will representing the Goddess of Liberty,
holding a flag of the French Revolution and towering
above fallen bodies. The representation of dead
bodies in this piece emphasises the importance that
without lives being lost, the victory of the French
Revolution wouldnt have been achieved.

Eugne Delacroix
French Revolution
Another influential detail about this work of art is
that it can be analysed via a pyramid structure with
Liberty being shown at the top of the triangle and
the dead soldiers at the bottom. This cleaver
composition depicts the importance that Liberty
was seen as at the time and how seemingly
unimportant the bodies of many fallen soldiers
were, really putting across to the viewer how awful
this event was as a whole.

Delacroix gave an
entirely different
meaning to colour

I agree with this statement as it has been proved

that Delacroix developed the idea of colour theory
and the acknowledgement that colour can be
produced by mixing complimentary primary colours.
Somebody who was disagreeing with this
declaration could suggest that other artists such as
Turner that were also extremely influential during
the Romantic movement made just as significant
use of colour by expressing it in a new and
interesting way.

Both Turner and Delacroix made large influences in the

Art movement however they used colour in very
different ways.
Delacroix used colour to suggest a political idea and
used it for effect within his artwork. This is shown in
Liberty Leading the People in which he used red,
white and blue to represent the colours of the French
On the other hand Turner used his colour in more of an
expressive way in comparison to Delacroix. Turners
paintings often suggested that there was a hidden idea
that was being covered by his expressive and broad
use of colour.

Gerry Judah
Born 30 July 1951, Gerry Judah is a
British artist who has created
settings for theatre, film,
spaces. Some of Judahs most
famous pieces are settings that were
commissions from public museums
and institutions.
Judah created a large model of the
selection ramp in Auschwitz for the
Holocaust Exhibition opened by
Queen Elizabeth II. After numerous
visits to Auschwitz, he was able to
develop scenes that affected
audiences emotionally and put into
perspective just how traumatic it

My beginning,
middle and end is

Gerry Judah
Judah is very serious about the idea of a sculpture being
the most successful medium in generating the largest
impact for the viewer and the amount of emotion it
causes them to feel.
Somebody could challenge his view that the sculpture is
the most impacting medium, (especially in his model
creation of Auschwitz) by saying it was awful enough
without having to experience it in more depth.
However, I personally believe that Judah feels this way
due to a sculpture being able to capture a lot more than
a flat photograph ever could. This therefore could make
more people aware of the sheer horror these events
were, so that it wont happen again.

It could also be argued that another extremely

effective media that some may say is above the
effectiveness of sculpture is film.
Sculpture is great at opening up this event and
giving the audience more depth. However, it is
missing the element of movement. There isnt a
lot that could be more powerful for a viewer than
to actually watch these raw, original video clips of
the event taking place. The element of actually
seeing this footage ultimately brings it to life and
puts it in to perspective.

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