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1. Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia is administered via injections to numb

the tooth to be treated and the surrounding tissues.

2. Tooth isolation
A dental dam or cotton rolls will be placed to

isolate the tooth. This allows the root canal

treatment to be carried out in a sterile
environment free from contamination by bacteria.

3. Access cavity
Trepanation at the

election point using the

sferical drill
Widening the cavity entirely removing the pulp
chamber ceiling using the
spherical or cylindrical drill
Checking the cavity

Root canal access cavity




IC, IL the center of the

palatal surface, above
the cingulum.
C the middle 1/3 of
the palatal surface
PM - the middle of the
oclusal surface
M1, M2 the mesial
of of the oclusal surface
M3 - the middle of the
oclusal surface

IC, IL, C - the middle of the

lingual surface
PM - the middle of the
oclusal surface
M1, M2 - the middle of the
oclusal surface
M3 - the mesial 1/3 of the
oclusal surface

4. The removal of the pulp

chamber content
5. Spotting the root canals
opening entry using Kerr files
6. The removal of the root canals
content using Broaches or Kerr files

7. Irrigation

Hydrogen Peroxide recommended for the vital

Sodium Hypochlorite recommended in gangrene
and necrosis

8. Working length determination

Clinical methods (tactile method)
Radiographic methods
Electronic apex locators

9. Root canal instrumentation

Widening the root canal to reach the shape which will allow them to

receive root canal fillings and sealers. The canals are washed and
cleaned again to remove root canal debris prior to sealing them.
The shaping of the root canal using one of the tehniques: StepBack, Step-Down, Crown-down.

10. Dry the root canals

Using standardized paper

10. Obturation
The root canal is filled with a rubber-like

material called gutta-percha.The guttapercha is placed with an adhesive

cement to ensure complete sealing of the
root canals.

Lateral condesation tehnique

-Place the main gutta-percha cone

-The spreader pushes aside the gutta-percha placed

previously, so as to make space for a second auxiliary
cone, and so on, until one obtains a dense, welladapted filling.
-The excess of gutta-percha is removed with a heated

A temporary filling material will then be

placed to seal the access hole that was
made to treat the root canals.

A permanent restoration a filling or a

crown will be placed after a while to
replace lost tooth structure, and provide a
complete seal to the top of the tooth.

Tracking pacient (6 months, 1 year,

2 years)

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