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Como escrever uma

Curso Metodologia da Pesquisa

Tudo comea com uma folha em


Aprofundamento progressivo: preciso

mergulhar cada vez mais fundo, sem

As evidncias so preocupantes

A barreira do idioma
Estudo sugere correlao entre
produtividade dos
pesquisadores e sua
competncia em escrever em
difcil encontrar boa cincia
em artigos mal escritos
Joan W. Bennett
Todos os artigos escritos emingls ruim so rejeitados no
processo de peerreviewporque o conhecimento no pode
ser compreendido no nvel requerido para a publicao.
Robert McMeeking (editor, Journal of Applied Mechanics)

Escrever bem em Ingls no


Sou editor de revista cientfica. comum

receber artigos escritos por pesquisadores que
no souberam planejar suas pesquisas nem
executar os experimentos e pecaram na adoo
de uma metodologia. O fato de no saberem
tambm escrever em ingls um detalhe numa
cadeia de problemas.
Benedito Barraviera (Ass Bras Edit
Cientficos )

Qual o problema dos artigos

Um exerccio que sempre proponho aos meus
alunos detectar a pergunta do artigo. Muitos
no conseguem fazer isso. O problema, com
certa frequncia, que o trabalho cientfico
est apenas repetindo algo que j foi feito.
Falta domnio da linguagem cientfica.

Faltam conhecimento e treinamento nos pesquisadores brasileiros para

compreender o que um artigo cientfico e o tipo de abordagem talhado
para publicao em revistas internacionais
Mrcia Triunfol (ex-editora assistente da Science)

Use o mtodo cientfico para

escrever a tese


Resultados e



Organizao proposta de Teses em


Introduo: Problema
Reviso Bibliogrfica
Hiptese proposta
Contribuio da tese


Experimento (estudo de
Descrio da rea de Estudo
Materiais (imagens, etc...)




Resultados e

Concluses e Estudos

Separar a pergunta e a hiptese (que

so gerais) do experimento (que usa

Organizao de Teses em Computao

ou Modelagem




Introduo: Problema
Reviso Bibliogrfica
Idia proposta
Experimento (estudo de caso)
Descrio do prottipo
Dados de teste
Porque o novo produto
Concluses e Estudos Futuros



Resultados e

Uma idia diferente gera um produto novo

que resolve melhor um problema

Organizao de Proposta de Tese

1. Introduo: Qual o
problema cientfico?
2. Metodologia

Reviso Bibliogrfica
Hiptese proposta
Contribuio da tese

3. Proposta de Experimento
(estudo de caso)

Descrio da rea de Estudo

Materiais (imagens, etc...)

4. Resultados esperados

Definir o problema cientfico o

essencial na proposta de tese

O comeo deve ter impacto no

Numa certa manh, aps uma noite de
sono intranqilo, Gregor Samsa acorda e
se v transformado num monstruoso
inseto. (Metamorfose, Kafka).

(...) que no sou propriamente um autor

defunto, mas um defunto autor." (Memrias
Pstumas, Machado).

O comeo deve ter impacto no

Tudo comea com sua
proposio central: ela deve
estar bem escrita e bem
destacada na introduo

This paper develops a spatial statistical analysis of the determinants

associated to land-use change in Amazonia. We use a spatially explicit
database with 25km25km regular cells covering the forest area,
including 50 environmental and socio-economic variables to support a
spatially explicit statistical analysis.

O comeo deve ter impacto no

Tudo comea com sua
proposio central: ela deve
estar bem escrita e bem
destacada na introduo

This paper examines the driving forces behind land change in

Amazonia. We performed a spatial statistical analysis, using 50
environmental and socio-economic variables in a database of
25km25km cells covering the forest area.

Exemplo de proposio central

Despite over 30 years of experience in data gathering, processing and analysis
and the widespread nature of remote sensing imagery, the ontological status of
images remains an open issue. It is surprisingly difficult to provide a
straightforward answer to a basic question, Whats in an image?

1. Introduo
Qual o seu problema cientfico?
Qual a motivao da tese?
De onde vem o problema?
Quem tratou disto antes?
O que eu vou fazer?

2. Metodologia
Quem j estudou este assunto e o que foi
Citar outros autores...
Quais so os temas em aberto?
Descrever o seu mtodo...qual ser sua
Abordagem top-down....
- Descrio detalhada (pode ser outra

3. Experimentos (estudos de caso)

...materiais... Imagens ....ambiente de
...todo experimento deve ser
replicvel...descrever em termos gerais...
...evitar histria de guerra
...no caso de software: descrio de alto

4. Concluses
...rever o problema...dizer o que voc
conseguiu mostrar...
...qual a contribuio para o avano do
...qual o poder de generalidade do resultado?
...problemas novos? Caminhos abertos pelo
seu trabalho....sugestes para trabalhos

Desenvolvimento da Tese

Submeta artigos
cientficos com
resultados o mais
rpido possvel

Componha a tese
partir dos artigos

Escrever cortar palavras:


A mulher que amei, se transforma em fantasma. Eu sou o lugar das aparies

(Jos Arreola)
Quando acordou, o dinossauro ainda estava l (Augusto Monterroso)
Vende-se: sapatos de beb, sem uso (Ernst Hemingway).

As dicas de George Orwell

Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech
which you are used to seeing in print.
Never use a long word where a short one will do.
If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
Never use the passive where you can use the active.
Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon
word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Break any of these rules sooner than say anything
outright barbarous.

Abuse dos verbos e modere nos

Nominalizaes: substantivos derivados de

Evite as nominalizaes. Use
sempre os
verbos originais.

Verbos e palavras simples onde


This demonstrates an understanding of the

history, diversity and commonality of the
peoples of the nation, the reality of human
interdependence, the need for global
cooperation, and a multicultural

This shows that we understand the history,

diversity and common attributes of the
nations peoples,

Verbos e palavras simples onde


This demonstrates an understanding of the

history, diversity and commonality of the
peoples of the nation, the reality of human
interdependence, the need for global
cooperation, and a multicultural perspective.

This shows we understand why history and

common beliefs in each nation matter. Across
the world, people need to work together and
respect their different cultural backgrounds.

Verbos e palavras simples onde


Our request is that on your

return, you conduct a review of
the data and provide an
immediate report.
After your return, please review
the data and write a report right
The presence of extensive
rust damage to exterior
surfaces prevented immediate
repairs to the hull.

Verbos e palavras simples onde


Our request is that on your

return, you conduct a review of
the data and provide an
immediate report.

We request that when you return,

you review the data and report
The presence of extensive
rust damage to exterior
surfaces prevented immediate
repairs to the hull.
Because rust had extensively
damaged the exterior surfaces,

Voz passiva ou voz ativa?

Most writers know that copying anothers work word for word without giving the author credit is
considered plagiarism. But it is often assumed that this practice is considered cheating only
when long paragraphs are involved paragraphs or whole pages. An honest paraphrase,
however, is one in which the ideas of the source are stated in the writers own words.

To write an honest paraphrase, a writer should present the ideas of the source in
his own words

Voz passiva ou voz ativa?

Most writers know that copying anothers work word for word without giving the author credit is
considered plagiarism. But it is often assumed that this practice is considered cheating only
when long paragraphs are involved paragraphs or whole pages. An honest paraphrase,
however, is one in which the ideas of the source are stated in the writers own words.

An honest paraphrase, however, is one in which the ideas of the source are stated
in the writers own words.
In an honest paraphrase, the writer states the ideas of the source in his own words.

Voz passiva ou voz ativa?

Most writers know that copying anothers work word for word without giving the author credit is
considered plagiarism. But it is often assumed that this practice is considered cheating only
when long paragraphs are involved paragraphs or whole pages. An honest paraphrase,
however, is one in which the ideas of the source are stated in the writers own words.

Most writers know that duplicating anothers work word for word without
giving the author credit is plagiarism. But they think cheating occurs only
when copying long paragraphs or whole pages. An honest paraphrase is one
written in the writers own words.

Evite pargrafos longos e com

At first, Einstein faced great opposition when
he came up with his radical new theory
because the previous laws of classical
mechanics proposed by Galileo and expanded
upon by Newton had remained valid for over
two hundred years. By mathematically
manipulating these previous laws of motion,
physicists in the nineteenth century were able
to explain such phenomena as the flow of the
ocean, the orbits of planets around the sun, the
fall of rocks, and the random behavior of
molecules in gases. However, it would not be
long before the cement in the foundation of
Newtonian and Galilean physics would begin
to crumble, given critical experiments.

Evite pargrafos longos e com

At first, Einstein faced great opposition when he came up with his radical new
theory because the previous laws of classical mechanics proposed by Galileo
and expanded upon by Newton had remained valid for over two hundred years.
By mathematically manipulating these previous laws of motion, physicists in
the nineteenth century were able to explain such phenomena as the flow of the
ocean, the orbits of planets around the sun, the fall of rocks, and the random
behavior of molecules in gases. However, it would not be long before the
cement in the foundation of Newtonian and Galilean physics would begin to
crumble, given critical experiments.
Einstein faced great opposition with his theory. Using classical mechanics,
nineteenth-century physicists explained the flow of the ocean, the orbits of
planets around the sun, the fall of rocks, and the random behavior of molecules
in gases. These laws of motion, proposed by Galileo and expanded by Newton,
had remained valid for over two hundred years. However, Newtonian and
Galilean physics would not survive critical experiments.

O problema do sujeito indefinido

No tenha medo de ser o
sujeito do paper!
We examine the adoption of GIS
in Brazil since 1984, using Rogers
diffusion of innovations model
(Rogers, 1995). We identify a set
of leading institutions which have
played an important role in
pioneering GIS technologies in
This paper examines the adoption of GIS in Brazil
since 1984, using Rogers diffusion of innovations
model (Rogers, 1995). A set of leading institutions
which have played an important role in pioneering
GIS and SDI technologies in Brazil are identified.

s vezes a voz passiva soa


The starting point of the method is a

sequence of LANDSAT-class images.
These images are then classified by a
detects the changes that have
occurred between two consecutive
images. The result is a set of land
change maps. Each polygon in the
maps is then labelled to a land cover

The method starts with a sequence of LANDSAT-class

images. The analyst classifies them by a segmentation
procedure, which detects the changes that have occurred
between two consecutive images. The result is a set of
land change maps. Then, the user labels each polygon to
a land cover class.

Escrever por pargrafos

O pargrafo a unidade bsica do
texto cientfico. Cada pargrafo
deve conter uma nica idia.

apresenta o assunto

material de suporte

desenvolve as idias


completa o

Pargrafo: o antigo antes do


Tpico (antigo)
liga com pargrafos anteriores

material de suporte
(faz sequncia lgica)

concluso (novo)
contm frase mais importante
liga com prximo pargrafo

Pargrafo: o antigo antes do


Nos estudos anteriores, Fulano et al (1999)

abordaram o problema de excluso social sob o
ponto de vista de ....Seus resultados no incluem tal
viso.... Em nosso trabalho, a abordagem adotada
Como vimos anteriormente, a caracterizao da
ocupao da Amaznia feita considerando....No
entanto, possvel incluir com os dados de
sensoriamento remoto uma nova perspectiva...

Pargrafos consistentes fazem a

This paper proposes a methodology for mining patterns of change that supports the
extraction of spatial configurations from remote sensing image databases. This
methodology addresses the problem of describing land use change based on remote
sensing image classification. The results show that pattern classification techniques
associated to remote sensing image interpretation are a step forwards in the
understanding and modeling of land use change. It also helps a more effective use of the
large remote sensing image databases available in agencies such as USGS, ESA and
INPE. Using satellite images and concepts of landscape ecology, the methodology
provides a way to identify deforestation patterns in a complex domain such as Amazon
tropical forest.

Pargrafos consistentes fazem a

This paper proposes a methodology for mining patterns of change that supports the
extraction of spatial configurations from remote sensing image databases. This
methodology addresses the problem of describing land use change based on remote
sensing image classification. The results show that pattern classification techniques
associated to remote sensing image interpretation are a step forwards in the
understanding and modeling of land use change. It also helps a more effective use of the
large remote sensing image databases available in agencies such as USGS, ESA and
INPE. Using satellite images and concepts of landscape ecology, the methodology
provides a way to identify deforestation patterns in a complex domain such as Amazon
tropical forest.
This paper proposes a method for discriminating land change patches extracted from
remote sensing image databases and hence describing agents of land use change. The
method combines techniques from digital image processing, landscape ecology and data
mining. After each image is classified, we measure land change patches using landscape
ecology metrics, and then use data mining to label them. We successfully applied the
technique for identifying patterns of change in the Amazon tropical forest. The results
show that the proposed method is useful for extracting information from large land
remote sensing image databases.

No seja um mosquito: no pique

o leitor!

Models of Aedes aegypti population

dynamics can be classified as
deterministic [Ferreira and Yang
2003] or stochastic [Otero et al.
2006; Focks et al. 1993a]. To
understand the spatial-temporal
dynamics of these populations, this
work proposes a new approach to
couple Aedes aegypti population
dynamic models with local scale
spatially-explicit models, which are
integrated with geographical
databases. This way, at each
simulation time step, the variation in
population size calculated by the
dynamic models are allocated in a
grid of rectangular and regular cells
used to represent the Geographical

No seja um mosquito: no pique

o leitor!
of Aedes aegypti population dynamics can be classified
as deterministic [Ferreira and Yang 2003] or stochastic [Otero et
al. 2006; Focks et al. 1993a]. To understand the spatial-temporal
dynamics of these populations, this work proposes a new
approach to couple Aedes aegypti population dynamic models
with local scale spatially-explicit models, which are integrated
with geographical databases. This way, at each simulation time
step, the variation in population size calculated by the dynamic
models are allocated in a grid of rectangular and regular cells
used to represent the Geographical Space. (Style Writer =
Studying the Aedes aegypti mosquito is important for public
health, as the mosquito causes dengue fever. There are
deterministic or statistical models of Aedes aegypti population
growth in the literature [Ferreira and Yang 2003; Otero et al.
2006; Focks et al. 1993a]. However, these models do not
capture how the diseases changes in space. To understand how
Aedes aegypti might spread a disease, this work proposes a

No seja um mosquito: no pique

o leitor!
computational models are capable to
simulate Aedes aegypti population spatialtemporal patterns. Otero et al. (2008)
proposed a stochastic spatially-explicit model
in which changes are modelled considering
cells as occupied by autonomous mosquito
populations interconnected by flows of flying
individuals. A similar approach was used by
Magori et al. (2009). However, more realistic
simulations of Aedes aegypti life cycle can be
achieved when, population dynamic models
[Focks et al. 1993a] considers the spatial
distribution of breeding sites and the
dynamics of the aquatic stage of the
mosquitoes (larvae and pupae). The breeding
site density per house and the house density
per area are model parameters. However, in
both studies the simulation experiments were

No seja um mosquito: no pique

o leitor!
To make realistic simulations of Aedes
aegypti life cycle, we need to consider
where their breeding sites are and how
their larvae and pupae grow in the water
[Focks et al. 1993a]. Otero et al. (2008)
propose a grid cell model where
mosquitos can fly between cells,
depending on breeding site density and
house density. The authors use artificial
spaces with synthetic data and did not
check their model with real data.
(StyleWriter = Good)

O que h de errado com este


Land use changes are the result of the complex interaction

between human and biophysical driving forces, which act
over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. The scale
on which the process is studied affects the explanation of
the phenomenon. Relationships between the land use and
the forces driven in local studies cannot be inferred directly
for regional scales, due to properties as non linearity,
emergence and collective behavior. In different scales,
different processes can have dominant influence on the land
use system. Regional dynamics impact and are impacted by
local conditions in interactions top-down and bottom-up.
According to Becker (2005): it is impossible today, more
than ever, to understand what happens in one place, and
consequently, to conceive and implement adequate public
policies, without considering the interests and conflicting
actions at different geographical scales.

h de errado com este
use changes are the result of the complex interaction
between human and biophysical driving forces, which act

over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. The scale

on which the process is studied affects the explanation of
the phenomenon. Relationships between the land use and
the forces driven in local studies cannot be inferred directly
for regional scales, due to properties as non linearity,
emergence and collective behavior. In different scales,
different processes can have dominant influence on the land
use system. Regional dynamics impact and are impacted by
local conditions in interactions top-down and bottom-up.
According to Becker (2005): it is impossible today, more
than ever, to understand what happens in one place, and
consequently, to conceive and implement adequate public
policies, without considering the interests and conflicting
actions at different geographical scales.
Uso da voz passiva
Falta de sequncia lgica dos argumentos
Concluso no conclui
Pargrafo no respira!

Land change models are useful to foresee trajectories of
land use that might result from alternative decisions and
policies. Building models is hard, since we need to capture
how humans interact with nature. We can look at the problem
at different temporal and spatial scales. At each scale, there
are different causes of land change, since models of human
decision-making depend on the level of social organization.
Whether we consider society as households, communities,
nations, or global companies makes a difference on what we
model. Regional dynamics impact and are impacted by local
conditions in top-down and bottom-up interactions. Thus, to
build land change scenarios and support proper public
policies, we need to consider driving forces and conflicts at
different geographic scales (Becker 2005).
Primeira frase contm o tpico
Argumentos seguem lgica
Concluso contm a msg principal

Facilite, no complique...
O espao intra-urbano, apesar das
inmeras subjetividades a ele
inerentes, uma realidade
objetiva, dotado de diversas
variveis quantitativas e
qualitativas cuja representao
pode auxiliar a suprir esta
crescente demanda por uma
melhor compreenso dos
diferentes territrios que
compem a estrutura urbana.

Para analisar objetivamente o espao intra-urbano,

necessrio construir uma representao computacional
que capture a parte mensurvel de suas dimenses,
atravs de variveis quantitativas.

Retire os narizes de cra de seu

Apesar da predominncia de produo e
anlise de dados urbanos voltados para a
totalidade da cidade, sem apreciar as
diferenciaes intra-urbanas, a partir de
meados da dcada de 90 comeam a surgir
experincias de construo de indicadores
intra-urbanos como alternativa para um novo
modo de apreender a dinmica das cidades
brasileiras, formalizando e representando

A partir de meados da dcada de 90, diversos pesquisadores

comearam a usar indicadores intra-urbanos para capturar as
diferenas que existem no interior das cidades brasileiras.

A questo do plgio
In the scientific community, the
idea that landscape and urban
models must be spatially explicit
is common sense, so that they
can reproduce and analyze spatial
patterns found in geographical
reality. Any spatial process has an
inherent scale, and attempts to
model that process at levels of
resolution coarser than the
inherent scale will inevitably fail
(Parker, 2002).

Este texto est timo, mas foi feito com cut-and-paste

Reescreva, no faa plgio

In the scientific community, the idea that
landscape and urban models must be spatially
explicit is common sense, so that they can
reproduce and analyze spatial patterns found
in geographical reality. Any spatial process has
an inherent scale, and attempts to model that
process at levels of resolution coarser than the
inherent scale will inevitably fail (Parker, 2002).

Spatially-explicit modeling has great benefits for

understanding geographical reality. The location of each
change allows a better analysis of the underlying forces that
cause change. However, all spatially-explicit models require
an adequate choice of the spatial resolution. This resolution
depends on the inherent scale of the spatial process being
modeled. If we model the process at an inappropriate scale,
the model will not be realistic (Parker, 2002)

Voc pode se plagiar?

Reuso de at 30% de um artigo cientfico anterior

o limite mximo aceitvel para um novo artigo
Artigo em conferncia pode ser aproveitado para
Partes de um artigo cientfico podem tambm ser
reusadas para um artigo de divulgao
(Pamela Samuelson, Self-Plagiarism or Fair Use,
Communications of the ACM, August 1994)

Escrita em espiral
Gerao da primeira verso
Revises tcnicas
Revises de estilo (clareza
e legibilidade)
Revises por colegas e

O contedo da tese fssil:


O contedo da tese fssil:


Temos apenas um pequeno achado

(nossos dados e nossa teoria), e
precisamos mostrar como ele faz parte de
uma construo coletiva (o

O contedo da tese fssil:

preciso reconstruir um
todo coerente a partir de
evidncias incompletas

A forma da tese uma escultura:

Se desenvolver uma
tese como reconstruir
um fssil...

Ento escrever uma tese

como fazer uma

Uma escultura um exerccio de


forma da
pedra dura

Writing is not like painting where you add. Writing is

more like asculpturewhere you remove, you eliminate in
order to make the work visible. (Elie Wiesel)

Escultura: coeso e clareza

A esttua est
escondida em um
bloco de mrmore ou
de madeira; o escultor
apenas remove o

O que voc deve buscar?

"Em tudo na vida a perfeio

finalmente atingida, no quando
nada mais existe para
acrescentar, mas quando no h
mais nada para retirar." (Antoine
de Saint-Exupry)

O texto deve ter trs virtudes: clareza, clareza e

(Anatole France)

Escrever tem de ser difcil?

Para mim, o ato de escrever muito
difcil e penoso, tenho sempre de
corrigir e reescrever vrias vezes.
Basta dizer, como exemplo, que escrevi
1100 pginas datilografadas para fazer
um romance no qual aproveitei pouco
mais de 300. (Fernando Sabino)

"Que ningum se engane, s

consigo a simplicidade atravs de
muito trabalho.

(Clarisse Lispector)

Lies de Joo Cabral de Melo


"Minha luta tentar botar

coisas complexas numa

As palavras pedra ou faca ou ma, palavras

concretas, so bem mais fortes, poeticamente,
do que tristeza, melancolia ou saudade.

A educao pela pedra

Uma educao pela pedra: por
para aprender da pedra, freqentla;
captar sua voz inenftica, impessoal
(pela de dico ela comea as
A lio de moral, sua resistncia fria
ao que flui e a fluir, a ser maleada;
a de economia, seu adensar-se
lies de pedra (de fora para dentro,
cartilha muda), para quem soletr-la.
Outra educao pela pedra: no
(de dentro para fora, e pr-didtica).
No Serto a pedra no sabe lecionar,

Catar Feijo
Catar feijo se limita com escrever:
jogam-se os gros na gua do alguidar
e as palavras na folha de papel;
e depois, joga-se fora o que boiar.
Certo, toda palavra boiar no papel,
gua congelada, por chumbo seu verbo:
pois para catar esse feijo, soprar nele,
e jogar fora o leve e oco, palha e eco.
Ora, nesse catar feijo entra um risco:
o de que entre os gros pesados entre
um gro qualquer, pedra ou indigesto,
um gro imastigvel, de quebra dente.
Certo no, quando ao catar palavras:
a pedra d frase seu gro mais vivo:
obstrui a leitura fluviante, flutual,
aula a ateno, isca-a com risco....
(Joo Cabral)

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