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Les gusta? Qu es un graffiti?

En espaol podemos usar doble negacin

No saba qu ponerme y me puse feliz

No le digas a nadie que estoy aqu.

En espaol son comunes las oraciones indefinidas

Te extrao como nunca y no te tengo

como siempre.

Algn da soaremos en la misma


Algn problema?

5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

In Spanish, double negatives are perfectly acceptable, and

required in certain constructions. Most negative statements
use the pattern no + [verb] + [negative word]. When the
negative word precedes the verb, no is omitted.

No lo extrao nunca. Nunca lo extrao.

I never miss him. I never miss him.
Su opinin no le importa a nadie. A nadie le importa su opinin.
His opinion doesnt matter Nobody cares about his opinion.
to anyone.

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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

In English, once one negative word appears in a sentence,

no other negative word may be used. In Spanish, however,
once a negative word is used, all other elements must be
expressed in the negative, if possible.

No le digas nada a nadie. No quiero ni pasta ni pizza.

Dont say anything to anyone. I dont want pasta or pizza.
Yo nunca hablo de poltica tampoco. No he conocido a ningn activista.
I never talk about politics either. I havent met any activists.

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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

The personal a is used before negative, affirmative, and

indefinite words that are the direct object of the verb when
these words refer to people.
Nadie me comprende. Porque t no comprendes
Por qu ser? a nadie.
No one understands me. Because you dont
Why is that? understand anybody.

Algunos polticos son corruptos. Pues, yo no conozco a

Some politicians are corrupt. ninguno que no lo sea.
Well, I dont know any who
are not.

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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions


Cualquiera can be used to mean any, anyone, whoever,

whatever or whichever. When used before a singular noun
(masculine or feminine), the -a is dropped.
Cualquiera hara lo mismo.
Anyone would do the same.
Llegarn en cualquier momento.
They will arrive at any moment.

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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

Before a masculine singular noun, alguno and ninguno

are shortened to algn and ningn.
Han sufrido algn dao?
Have they suffered any harm?
No confiamos en ningn abogado.
We dont trust any lawyers.

Tampoco means neither or not either. It is the opposite of

No quieren hacer un esfuerzo para solucionar la crisis? Pues yo tampoco.
They dont want to make an effort to resolve the crisis? Well, I dont either.
Mi hermano es un activista, y yo tambin.
My brother is an activist, and so am I.
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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

The conjunction o... o (either... or) is used when there is a

choice to be made between two options. Ni... ni (neither...
nor) is used to negate both options.
Debo hablar o con el gerente o con la duea.
I have to speak with either the manager or the owner.
No me interesa ni la poltica ni la economa.
Im not interested in politics or economics.

Y eso no lo queremos ni t
ni yo, a que no?
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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

In the conjunction o... o, the first o can be omitted.
Debo hablar con el gerente o con la duea.
In the conjunction ni... ni, the first ni can be omitted when it
comes after the verb.
No me interesa la poltica ni la economa.
However, when the first ni goes before the verb, no... ni can be
used instead of ni... ni.
La inmigracin no/ni ha subido ni ha bajado.

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5.3 Negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions

The conjunction ni siquiera (not even) is used to add

Ni siquiera se despidieron antes de salir.
They didnt even say goodbye before they left.
Nada pudo lograr que se solucionara el conflicto, ni siquiera la visita
del ministro.
Nothing could lead them to settle the conflict, not even the visit from
the minister.

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Take a minute to read following information

I would like to remind to register as soon as possible for summer courses.

The sooner students register and courses reach the minimum, we will be
able to open the other sections. When students attempt
to register for these "on hold" sections, they get a "request for approval" message.

There is no approval required for summer courses. That message simply

means you are attempting to register for a class that is on hold. Try a
different CRN (one without the word "view" under Section Restrictions,
second column from the right) and you should have no problem registering.

Thank you for your help. If we all work together, we can offer more
sections this summer and that means good news for all of us.

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