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Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Internet Programming And Java


Object Oriented Programming

Preetinder Singh Brar GJ-IMT 1

Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

OOP Model
• Organization is centered around objects
rather than actions
• Central design of programs is based on
how data is defined and how it can be
manipulated rather than the sequential
logic of the program
• Java embraces this model as the core of
its design

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• Everything in Java is a class (basically)
• A class defines a new data type and all of the properties
that an object of that type contains
– Fields (data members, instance variables, …)
– Methods (procedures to possibly manipulate the fields or provide
some other functionality)
• Each instance of a class has a copy of all non-static
fields and methods defined for that class
– Actually the method code is shared among all instances but
conceptually this is not important
• Only one copy of static fields and methods exists for
each class

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1. What are Classes, Objects?

• A class is a factory for objects.

– e.g. a Car class is a factory for Car objects

• A Car class is not a Car object

– e.g. a Car factory is not the Cars it makes

Car objects
• A class consists of data and methods.

• Each object gets a copy of the class' data.

• An object uses the methods stored in the c

– the class is a kind of method library for all of its
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Revisiting static
• static class members
– can be accessed from outside of its class through the use of the
class name
– can be accessed from inside any member class method with or
without the class name
• static methods
– Do not have access to non-static methods or fields (you will get
a compiler error if you try this)
– Makes sense since static members are not associated with any
particular object and exist even before any object of the class is

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Initializing data
• Three ways to initialize class member variables
– Right in the class body during variable declaration
class MyClass {
String myVariable = “foo”;
int a = 10;

– Initialization blocks (can also be static)

class MyClass {
int myArray[];
myArray = new int[10];
for(int i = 0; myArray.length < i++)
myArray[i] = i;

– Constructors
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• A constructor is a special method used to initialize class
members with custom specified data during instantiation
• Declared with no return type and a name which is the
same as the class name
class MyClass {
//initialize data here

• If you do not create a constructor, Java automatically

provides one that takes no arguments and does nothing
• If you create any constructor at all (including one with
arguments), the default constructor will not be created
for you
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Method Overloading

• Methods with the same name in one class

can be created as long as they have
different parameters
• You can overload constructors just as you
can other methods
• You can call one constructor from another
constructor using the this keyword

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• No such thing!
• Java has a garbage collector that
automatically cleans up objects that are no
longer referenced in your program
• Each class also has a finalize() method
that is called when the object is garbage
• You probably don’t want to do anything
with it

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• Java has an additional level of support for organizing
your classes called packages
• You can put a class in a package by declaring the
package at the type of the file

package myPackage;
class MyClass {
//initialize data here

• Note: Java is strict with its file and directory naming

conventions and organization. All classes that you put
into a package must reside in a directory with that
package name
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• Java has access attributes similar to C++
– No modifier
• Can be accessed by any class in the same package
– public
• Accessible by anyone
– private
• Can be accessed by any methods within the class. Note that this
includes a separate instantiation of the same class
– protected
• Can be accessed by any class in the same package and any
subclass in any package

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2.1. What is Inheritance?

• Derive a new class (subclass) from an ex

isting class (base class or superclass).

• Inheritance creates a hierarchy of related

classes (types) which share code and int
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

• Sometimes when designing classes we run into the
following relationship
– Class1 is a more specialized form of Class2
• In this situation we do not want to duplicate all of the
functionality and attributes in Class1
• Instead we create Class2 as a subclass of Class1
• Class2 inherits all of the fields and methods provided in
Class1 and can also define additional functionality for its
specialized features

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• We declare a class as a subclass of another through the
use of the extends keyword
class SubClass extends BaseClass{


• A class can be a subclass of only one other class

• All fields and methods of the base class are inherited by
the subclass
– Private data members of the base class do exist in the subclass
but they are not accessible directly by any method of the
– Static data members of the base class are also inherited
meaning that the sub class and base class share one copy of
the static members
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2.2. Students Example

• Develop a base class called Studen


• Use it to define a subclass called G

The Class Hierarchy

student_id, toString()
year, name year_group()

inherits (extends)

dept, toString()
Objects as Pictures

s1 gs1
student_id 100 student_id 200
year 1 year 4
name “Jane Doe” name “John Smith”

dept “Pharmacy”

thesis “Retail Thesis”

2.3. Superclass References

• It is possible for a superclass reference

(e.g. a Student variable) to be assigned
a subclass object (e.g. a GradStudent obj
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Subclass Constructors
• Constructors of a subclass should always call one of the
constructors of the base class first
• This can be done with the super keyword
class SubClass extends BaseClass{
SubClass() {

• If you do not call a constructor of the base class, Java

will automatically call the default constructor of the base
class at the beginning of your constructor
• If the base class does not have a default constructor, this
will generate an error

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Objects as Pictures

student_id 200
year 4
name “John Smith”

dept “Pharmacy”

thesis “Retail Thesis”

stud and gs1 refer to the same object.

2.4. Extends and Private
• Studenthas three private variables (studen
t_id, name, year) which are inherited by Grad
– what does this mean?

• Private variables in a superclass cannot b

e directly seen or changed by a subclass.

• This means that methods in the GradStud
ent class cannot directly see or change
student_id, name, or year
– how can they be seen/changed?
• A better object diagram:
student_id 200

year 4
name “John Smith”

dept “Pharmacy”
thesis “Retail Thesis”

2.5. Protected Variables

• The protected variables of a superclass ca

n be accessed by methods in subclasses
– (and by other classes in the package)
– but they are private to clients/users of the clas

– this level of visibility is between public and pr

Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Method Overriding
• You can override any method of the base class by
declaring the method in your subclass with the same
signature (same return type, method name, and
parameter list)
• If you have overridden a base class method and wish to
access the base class version of it, you can again use
the super keyword
class SubClass extends BaseClass{

public String baseMethod() {
return super.baseMethod() + “\n”;

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The Object class

• Every class in Java extends one and only one class
(except for one)
• If you don’t specify a base class, your class
automatically extends the Object class
– Every class in Java contains the basic functionality methods
defined in the Object class
– Refer to the Java API for a complete spec on the Object class
• The net result of this design is that Java classes make
up one giant hierarchy with the Object class at the top

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• The power of OOP programming is realized through
• Say we wish to work with a list of user accounts in the
RPI CS department
• We have defined a class called UserAccount with two
– StudentUserAccount
– ProfessorUserAccount
• Polymorphism allows us work with a list of UserAccounts
without knowing or caring what type of accounts they are

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• In Java we can assign a variable of a certain class type
an instance of that particular class or an instance of any
subclass of that class
UserAccount myAccount = new StudentUserAccount();

• Now the myAccount variable looks like a UserAccount

object and can be treated exactly like one but under the
hood it is actually a StudentUserAccount object
• We can typecast it back to a StudentUserAccount type if
we ever need the specialized functionality of the
StudentUserAccount class
StudentUserAccount myStudentAccount =

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Dynamic Type Checking!

• Java has support for dynamic type checking which is the
true power of polymorphism
• Example:
– UserAccount has a method named privileges() which returns a
list of privileges associated with that account
– StudentUserAccount and ProfessorUserAccount each have
overridden the privileges() method with their own specialized
– A UserAccount variable instantiated with a StudentUserAccount
object calls the privileges() method
– At run-time, Java checks the type of this object and sees that it
is a StudentUserAccount and therefore calls the
StudentUserAccount version of the privileges() method instead
of the UserAccount version

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3.1. Dynamic Binding

• There are several computer-related

meanings of polymorphism. The on
e we are using is:
– dynamic binding
– it says that the method used by an obj
ect call ( e.g. stud.toString() ) is de
cided at run time
Dynamic Binding Example

Student stud;
GradStudent g;
PostGradStudent p;
stud = new Student();
stud.toString(); // which toString()?

val = // some input number

if (val == 1)
stud = g;
stud = p;
stud.toString(); // which toString()?
• The toString() method used by stud will va
ry over time
– initially it will be the one in Student
– later, depending on the value of val, it will be t
he method in GradStudent or PostGradStuden
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Abstract classes
• You can declare a class abstract with the abstract
public abstract class Animal {
public abstract void sound();
public Animal(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String toString() {
return “This is a “ + type;
private String type;

• Abstract classes provide a prototype but not an

implementation for some of its methods because the
context of the implementation is only important in

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Abstract classes

• Are intended to be base classes

• Cannot be instantiated
• You can declare variables of an abstract
class type but they can only be assigned
instantiations of a subclass of the abstract

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3.2. Abstract Classes

• An abstract class may be missing impleme

ntations for some of its methods
• they must be implemented by the subclasses

• The abstract class specifies the method int

erfaces (the names, argument types), and
leaves subclasses to implement them
– it is an interface guide
3.3. Employees Example



Boss Hourly
• Employee is an abstract class
– it contains no implementation for its ear
nings() function
– each subclass must implement it

• Later in Test.java, an Employee referen

ce will be used to manipulate Boss, Co
mmissionWorker, PieceWorker, and Hourl
yWorker objects.
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

3.4. Nested Classes

• An nested class is a class that is defined

inside another class.
• To this point we have only studied top-
level classes.
– at most one public per file
– arbitrarily man package-scope per file
– either package or public ONLY
• Nested classes introduced in jdk1.1

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Why use nested classes?

• Simplifies many coding tasks
– can define small classes on the fly near the
objects created from them + concise syntax
– can access outer classes iv’s automatically –
no need to pass a this pointer to the
constructor of separate outer class
– can be hidden from other classes in the same
• However, price to pay in terms of
complexity, number of gotchas, etc.

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Pre jdk1.1
• In jdk1.0, the clean and simple class rules were
ballyhooed as a major improvement over C++
• Addition of inner classes complicates things
• However, they do make certain code much less
awkard to write, particularly when writing GUIs
• Still, you do not have to use them, but they can
be quite cool and I do recommend it in

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Types of nested classes

• Inner classes
– local
• anonymous or named
– non-local
• named only
• Static nested classes
– non-local named only

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Non-local inner classes

• Simply a nested class that does not have the
static attribute and is not defined within a class
• Can be private, public, package, protected,
abstract, etc. just like any class member.
• Think of outer class as owning inner class – inner
class can only be instantiated via outer class
reference (including this)
• Inner class has access to all outer class iv’s,
private or otherwise!

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Simple non-local inner class

class Outer{
private int x1;
Outer(int x1){
this.x1 = x1;
public void foo(){ System.out.println(“fooing”);}
public class Inner{
private int x1 = 0;
void foo(){
System.out.println(“Outer value of x1: “ + Outer.this.x1);
System.out.println(“Inner value of x1: “ + this.x1);
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Simple example, cont -- driver

• Rules for instantiation a little funny

public class TestDrive{

public static void main(String[] args){
Outer outer = new Outer(); // can create in regular way
Inner inner = outer.new Inner(); //must call new through
//outer object handle
// note that this can only be done if inner is visible
// according to the regular scoping rules
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When to use non-local inner classes

• Most typically used when inner class is
instatiated from outer class.
• If classes naturally “belong together”, it is
cumbersome to pass a this pointer to a separate
outer class just so second class can access first
class’s properties/methods.
• Note that inner class can access outer class’s
private data, making them even more powerful
than mechanism implied above!

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Local inner classes

• Inner classes may also be defined within class
• These are called local inner classes.
• Principle advantage is scoping: such classes are
completely inaccessible anywhere but the method
itself where they are defined.
• Thus, they have no visibility attribute (public, etc.)
• Also, can NOT access local variables other than
those declared with final attribute.

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Local anonymous inner classes

• Local inner classes can be taken a step
further – it is not required to give them an
explicit name.
• This is very convenient when you want to
use a class only once and the code that it
contains is succinct.
• Great example is defining Swing callback

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Anonymous class example

new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(actionEvent ae){
//do work here

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3.5. Polymorphic Data Structure
• Normal data structures (e.g. int a[]) can on
ly hold one type of thing (e.g integers).

• A polymorphic data structure can hold differ

ent types of objects
– the coding technique is to build the data structur
e using a superclass type
– it can then hold objects of the subclass types
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

• Takes the abstraction one step further
• Only defines a set of methods that represent the class
interface but does not provide an implementation
• Can also define constants
public interface Shape {
double PI = 3.14;
int Area();
String name();

• All methods of an interface are automatically public and

abstract so you do not need to explicitly specify this

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• Java provides support for pseudo-multiple-inheritance
through the use of interfaces
– Classes can extend one and only one class
– However, classes can implement any number of interfaces

public class Circle implements Shape {

• A class that implements an interface must provide an
implementation for each method defined in the interface
• If a class implements more than one interface that have
identical methods, one implementation of the method is
sufficient as long as the return type is the same in both
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• Polymorphism can be used with interfaces

• Example
– From the previous slide we can create a
variable of type Shape
– We can then assign this variable an
instantiation of the Circle class
• Interfaces cannot be instantiated (clearly)

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• Employee is an abstract class
– it contains no implementation for its ear
nings() function
– each subclass must implement it

• Later in Test.java, an Employee referen

ce will be used to manipulate Boss, Co
mmissionWorker, PieceWorker, and Hourl
yWorker objects.
4. Interfaces

• An interface is a class containing no variab

les and no method implementations.

• An interface normally only contains metho

d declarations:
public interface Shape {
public abstract double area();
public abstract double volume();
public abstract String getName();

• A class implements an interface by implem

enting all of its methods.

public class Point implements Shape {

protected int x, y;

public Point() { x = 0; y = 0; }
// various methods

Multiple Implements

• A class can implement several interfaces, t

o get a simple form of multiple inheritance:
public class nokia
implements phone, browser {

• Java does not have multiple inheritance
using extends, so interfaces are used in

• An interface is a guide
– it says what methods a subclass should im
plement in order to conform to the supercla
Internet Programming And Java MCA-502(N2) MCA-Semester III

Factory Creation Pattern

• Problem:
– You want to write an application that supports the native look
and feel of multiple GUI systems such as Windows and Mac
– You don’t want to rewrite your code for each system
• Solution:
– Define a common interface for using either interfaces or abstract
classes for each GUI element that you wish to use
– Define a concrete subclass of each GUI element for each
windowing system that you wish to support
– Your application works directly with the abstract class interface
and does not know or care what type of object it is using

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Factory Creation Pattern

Button Application works directly

with the abstract classes
MacButton WindowsButton

Objects are instantiated using

the concrete subclasses.

MacMenu WindowsMenu

Question: How can we work only with the abstract classes if we must
instantiate them using one of the concrete subclasses?

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public interface WidgetFactory {
Answer: Factories Button newButtonInstance();
Menu newMenuInstance();

public class WindowsWidgetFactory implements WidgetFactory {

public Button newButtonInstance()
return new WindowsButton();
public Menu newMenuInstance()
return new WindowsMenu();

public class MacWidgetFactory implements WidgetFactory {

public Button newButtonInstance()
return new MacButton();
public Menu newMenuInstance()
return new MacMenu();

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Factory Creation Pattern

• Using the factories, you can instantiate your objects without even
knowing which subclass of the abstract class you’re instantiating!

public class FactoryTest {

public static void main(String[] args)
WidgetFactory factory = new WindowsWidgetFactory();
//WidgetFactory factory = new MacWidgetFactory();

Button myButton = factory.newButtonInstance();

Menu myMenu = factory.newMenuInstance();

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