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Drowning: Aust Resus Council

Victim rolled to side during initial checking,
airway clearance and initial breathing check
Begin EAR in water if immediate exit not
If hypothermic, attempt resuscitation even
after possibly prolonged immersion

Last updated Feb 2005

Drowning: ERC 2010 Update
More research comparing OHCA due to drowning with
primary cardiac OHCA needed
In-water EAR if victim unresponsive, 10-15 breaths in 1
minute then decide based on est time to shore
< 5 mins continue EAR while towing
> 5 mins give 1 more minute EAR then head off uninterrupted
Early intubation with cuffed ETT, not LMA or Guedel
Use ECG, ET CO2 or echo to confirm arrest. Be wary to
discontinue resus efforts in the field
Core temp < 30C : limit defib to x3 and withold drugs till
core temp > 30C
Recommends rewarming hypothermic patient to 32-34C
and avoid temps >37C during subsequent intensive care
Drowning: AHA / ILCOR 2010
Mouth to nose EAR by swimmer while retrieving
When ALS commenced traditional A-B-C sequence used
In hypothermic patient value of deferring subsequent defib
attempts or resuscitation drugs controversial and
reasonable to consider. according to standard
algorithmconcurrent with rewarming strategies
Use ETCO2 to monitor effectiveness, ROSC and avoid
32-34C may be considered for children who remain
comatose after ROSC
Avoid rewarming faster than 0.5C per 2 hours and treat
fever (>38C) aggressively with antipyretics and cooling

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