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The rice with seafood
El Arroz con Mariscos es uno de los The Rice with Seafood is one of the favorite
platos preferidos por los costeos del Per, dishes by the coastal people of Peru,
irradia ese sabor criollo tpico de las ciudades exudes that flavor creole typical of the cities
baadas por el ocano Pacfico. bathed by the Pacific ocean.
Dada la gran variedad de mariscos (langostinos, Given the wide variety of seafood (prawns,
langostas, cangrejos, pulpo, conchas, adems de lobsters, crabs, octopus, shells, in addition to
los choros o mejillones, caracol, barquillos y the choros, or mussels, snail, waffles and clams
almejas) que abundan nuestro mar es posible that are abundant our sea it is possible to
preparar innumerables delicias. prepare countless delights.
Un buen Arroz con Mariscos es el plato ideal A good Rice with Seafood is the dish ideal
para compartir entre amigos, es por eso que en to share between friends, that is why that in
muchos restaurantes y hogares se sirve en una many restaurants and households to be served in
fuente para que se pueda disfrutar en grupo. a font so that can be enjoy in group.
El Arroz con Mariscos es un plato tpico del The Rice with Seafood is a typical dish of
Per que se elabora con mariscos frescos de la Peru, made with seafood fresh from the
costa del Pacfico y con los ingredientes Pacific coast and with the native
autctonos del Per, como son el aj amarillo y ingredients of Peru, as are the chilli yellow and
el aj colorado. the chili colorado.
Si te gusta el pescado y los mariscos, este If you like fish and seafood, this
plato seria tu mejor opcin. dish gravely your best option.

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