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From Vergleichender Musikwissenschaft to

Etnomusikology (the rise of theories)

Adler, Guido (1885): ... die vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, die sich zur Aufgabe macht,
die Tonproducte, insbesondere die Volksgesnge verschiediner Vlker,
Lnder und Territorien behufs ethnographischer Zwecke zu vergleichen
und nach der Verschiedenheit ihrer Beschaffenheit
zu gruppiren und sondern.

Hornbostel, Erich Moritz (1905):

Die Gefahr ist gro, da die rapide Ausbreitung
der europischen Kultur auch die letzten Spuren fremden
Singens und Sagen vertilgt. Wir mssen retten, was zu retten ist...

Lachmann, Robert (1935): Aussereuropische Musik wird ohne das Mittel der Schrift berliefert;
ihre Untersuchung erfordert daher andere Methoden
als die der abendlndischen Kunstmusik.

Sachs, Curt (1943): comparative musicology... (is)... the primitive and

Oriental branch of music history.

Kunst, Jaap (1950): To the question: what is the study-object of comparative musicology,
the answer must be: mainly the music and the musical instruments
of all non-European peoples, including both the so-called primitive
peoples and the civilized Eastern nations.
Nettl, Bruno (1956): The study of primitive music falls within the
scope of comparative musicology, or, it is often termed,
the science that deals with the music of peoples
outside of Western civilization.

Hood, Mantle (1957):(Ethno) musicology is a field of knowledge, having as its

object the investigation of the art of music as a physical,
psychological, aesthetic, and cultural phenomenon.
The (ethno) musicologist is a research scholar, and
he aims primarily at knowledge about music.

Merriam, Alan P. (1960): ... the study of music in culture.

Nketia, J.H. Kwabena (1962): The study of music as a universal aspect of

human behaviour is becoming increasingly
recognized as the focus of Ethnomusicology.

Nettl, Bruno (1965): The field that provides research in ... (folk/non-Western music)
.. is now known as ethnomusicology. Before about 1950 it
was commonly called comparative musicology, and it is a
sort of borderline area between musicology
(the study of all aspects of music in a scholarly fashion) and
anthropology (the study of man, his culture, and especially
the cultures outside the investigator's own background).
Hood, Mantle (1969): Ethnomusicology is an approach to the study of any music,
not only in terms of itself but also in relation to its
cultural context.

Nettl, Bruno (1975): Ethnomusicology is the comparative study of musical cultures,

particularly as total systems including sound and behaviour
with the use of field research.
discourses between 1880's-1980's

- collecting, securing, classifications Kulturkreislehre/Evolution

- primitiv/cultures withour writing systems
- from so-called primitive to primitive
- Non-Europea/ outside of western civilizations
- music? in-/outside of culture
- alterity music, me and the outside

dann: jede Art von Musik / u.a. Entstehung der Zeitschrift The world of music
in den 70ziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts
1980's Dilemma in Anthropology cultural realtivism/
cultural studies/ cross-cultural studie
Steven Fields Sound and Sentiment (1982)
Anthony Seegers why suya sing (1987)
cultural specific taxonomy and axionomy (Menezes Bastos)

since 1990's Postcolonial studies Ethnomusikology as political not correct

rassism, colonialsm (Stuart Hall)
keyword: EthnoMusicLogik (Ismaiel-Wendt 2011)
postmodern discourses, gender studies

since 2000's specifications ICTM Study groups

music and politics, music and nature,
music sociology
symbolic anthropology as paradigm (Geertz)

since 2010's individual eclectic theorizing

neocolonial paradigm; competence before content
sound ecology/ sound ontology (e.g.: Lewy, Brabec de Mori, Stoichita
Die Berliner Schule Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft 1900-2000

Guido Adler 1855-1941

- sterreichischer Musikwissenschaftler

- Vierteljahrsschrift fr Musikwissenschaft

- 1885 erstmaliger Erwhnung einer

Carl Stumpf (1848-1936)

- Grnder des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs

- Tonpsychologie

- Anfnge der Musik 1911

Erich Moritz von Hornbostel (1875-1935)

- Grnder des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs

- Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft

(vergleicht nicht mehr und nicht weniger als andere

Wissenschaften auch...)

- Systematik der Musikinstrumente (mit Curt Sachs)

Curt Sachs (1881-1959)

- Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft/Musik der


(.sie beginnt geschichtlich zu scheiden und die

Hauptzge einer Entwicklung blozulegen, die von
den rohen Anfngen bis zu der Ebene steigt, auf der
sich das Hochgebirge der modernen europischen
Tonkunst aufbaut..)

- Systematik der Musikinstrumente (mit Erich Moritz

von Hornbostel)

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