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Facultad de Ingeniera Civil y Ambiental

Escuela Profesional de Ingeniera Ambiental




Dra. Martha Steffany Caldern Ros

PhD en Biociencia y Biotecnologa
Una inundacin es la ocupacin por parte del agua de zonas o regiones que habitualmente se
encuentran secas.
Aportacin inusual y ms o menos repentina de una cantidad de agua superior a la que puede drenar
el propio cauce del ro, aunque no siempre es este el motivo.
Las inundaciones se producen por diversas causas naturales o no .
Vegetacin en las riberas estabiliza la geometra del cauce, protege de la erosin y disminuye el arrastre
de sedimentos.
El agua tiende a pasar por dnde transcurre su camino natural y que por tanto se deben respetar al
mximo los cursos de agua y las formas de los mismos, eliminar meandros puede incrementar el riesgo de
las crecidas.
Los causes tarde o temprano se volvern a llenar de aguas impetuosas que pueden llevarse por delante
todo lo que se encuentren.

Tierra a ambos lados del ro que puede inundarse

Tierra cercana a los ros

Floods are the uncharacteristic covering of land with water.
While bodies of water normally change size, the increased flow is
not considered to be a flood unless there is significant damage.
There are numerous kinds of flood named after the location of the
flood, such as:

1. River, or fluvial, floods rise of water in the river.
2. Coastal floods: is caused by extreme tidal conditions including high tides,
storm surges and tsunamis.
3. Urban flooding - caused by a lack of drainage in cities.
4. Pluvial flooding: rural areas
5. Reservoir flooding: can occur as a result of dam failure. This type is rare.
6. Flash floods: suddenly brim with fast flowing water.


Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural watercourses do
not have the capacity to convey excess water.
However, floods are not always caused by heavy rainfall.
They can result from other phenomena, particularly in coastal areas where
inundation can be caused by a storm surge associated with a tropical cyclone, a
tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher than normal river levels.
Dam failure, triggered for example by an earthquake, will result in flooding of the
downstream area, even in dry weather conditions.
Other factors which may contribute to flooding include:

1. volume, spatial distribution, intensity and duration of rainfall

2. the capacity of the watercourse or stream network to convey runoff
3. catchment and weather conditions prior to a rainfall event
4. ground cover
5. Topography
6. tidal influences


Tipos de inundaciones, indicando sus

causas naturales y los factores que pueden
intensificar sus efectos.
Several key points on flood science, are summarized as follows:

Point 1
Heavy rainfall and snow are a meteorological phenomena, and they're drivers of
They're subject to atmospheric and global driving forces which are very complex.
The science of river flow and water movement on the ground is in fact the science of
Hydrology at large scale is an extremely complex mixture of natural and man-made
water processes, pathways and storages.
Point 2
There will always be another bigger flood somewhere, sometime.
We don't know whether that flood, however, is going to happen next month, next
year, next millennium, but big events, further big events, are going to happen.
Realistically, there is nothing that can be done to prevent flooding everywhere at
all times.
Point 3
Its also true that next flood, if indeed it's a bigger one, or whether it's a slightly
smaller one, it will undoubtedly not have the same characteristics as the floods
that weve just seen before, every flood event is different.
And that's due to the nature, of course, of that complex land surface that we're
dealing with, and the complex meteorological situation.
Point 4
The flood events of course depend on the time of year in which the rainfall occurs,
the flood risk or the flood impact depends upon the peak of the flow, depends upon
the duration of the flow, depends up on the duration of the rainfall, it can depend
upon snowmelt, it depends upon catchment wetness or the antecedent conditions
as we call it.
It also depends on those man-made structures, the flood management
infrastructure, the operation of that flood management infrastructure, random
factors such as whether there's debris in the system where the channels are blocked.
All of these things make an impact on the flood extent and the severity of the flood
Point 5
Realistically we believe there's nothing that can be done to prevent flooding
everywhere at all times.
And that's a rather important point which we believe should be understood.
There's very little published scientific evidence that the recent extreme flooding is
worse due to the impacts of the management of the uplands.
Point 6
We are absolutely convinced that there is weighty scientific evidence that the
recent extreme rainfall has been impacted by climate change.
Again, a subject we can discuss. Absolutely no doubt about the climate impact
on the heavy rainfall and the frequency of the rainfall.
Point 7
There are many things that we believe can be done to mitigate floods, to stop floods
happening or to reduce flood impact.
All of these things, some of them perhaps are manmade or will be manmade, or
perhaps they won't be manmade, some of them potentially are more natural.
La napa fretica en los aos 70 estaba
a 14 metros de profundidad, hoy hay
sectores en donde ha subido a 50

El modelo productivo es la principal

causa de la casi nula capacidad de
absorcin que tiene la tierra en este
territorio exprimido por la soja.
Global Flood Monitoring System, or GFMS:

Maps flood conditions worldwide.

The water is at flood stage, receding, or rising.
GFMS relies on precipitation data from NASAs Earth observing satellites.
GFMS works in cooperation wit Global Precipitation Measurement satellite, or GPM.
Is combined with a land surface model that incorporates vegetation cover, soil type, and terrain to
determine how much water is soaking in--and how much is feeding the streamflow.
Users can view statistics for rainfall, streamflow, water depth, and flooding every 3 hours at each 12 km
gridpoint on a global map.
Forecasts for these parameters go out to 5 days.


Aumento caudal (ENSO): Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, Lima

e Ica.
Cambian de cursos cada ao recuperando llanuras:
Pucallpa, Amazonas, Junn, Loreto y Ucayali
Colapso del sistema de drenaje: Puno, Juliaca

La erosin de laderas en las cuencas superiores:

Mayor cantidad de material slido
Mayor huaicos, aumentando el poder erosivo en los
ros y quebradas secas (efectos en la Panamericana
Norte: carreteras y puentes).
CARTAS DE INUNDACIN POR TSUAMIS Direccin de Hidrografa y Navegacin

Para el diseo y
planificacin de las
vas de evacuacin y
zonas de refugio.

Formulacin de un
plan de evacuacin.


1. Descarga de abundantes caudales en los ros que nacen en las vertientes de la

2. Abundantes lluvias: Fenmeno El Nio o Anomalas climticas.
3. Fuerte erosin en sus mrgenes afectando ciudades, carreteras, terrenos de
cultivo, canales, etc.
4. Deficiencia de drenaje natural (depresiones topogrficas, extensas zonas planas,
etc) afectando grandes urbes.
5. Volumen de las presas son sobrepasados en su capacidad de almacenamiento e
incluso con una mayor sedimentacin de slidos (Represas Gallito Ciego, Tinajani,
Poechos). A su vez disminuye a mediano plazo el ciclo de vidas proyectado para la

1) Construccin de infraestructura de desarrollo

2) Crecimiento urbano en sitios adecuados
3) Construccin de obras de mitigacin (defensas ribereas,
descolmatacin de quebradas, etc.).

Cada regin cuenta con los siguientes mapas para la GRD

(40,000 registros de peligros ):
Inventario de peligros (deslizamientos, huaicos, erosiones
e inundaciones fluviales, etc.)
Susceptibilidad a movimientos en masa (deslizamientos)
Susceptibilidad a inundaciones y erosin fluvial.

Mtodos Estructurales:
Embalses de laminacin.
Modificacin y regulacin de cauces.
Proteccin de cauces, a travs de obras de defensa
riberea: descolmatacin de cauce, diques enrocados,
muros de contencin (gaviones, concreto, etc.), espigones
(de roca, gaviones), caballetes, etc). Encauzamientos.

Mtodos de Gestin:
Conservacin de suelos y reforestacin: tratamientos de
laderas y reforestacin de partes altas y de ribera de ros.
Zonificacin y regulaciones legales: difusin de normas de
faja marginal, etc.
Instalacin de sistemas de alarma y previsin.
Sistema de Observacin de Inundaciones del SENAMHI (SONICS), es estimado en base a datos de umbrales de
precipitacin para acumulados de 1 da, 5 das y 10 das.
Basados en lecturas de lluvia en tiempo casi real del satlite GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement).
Como Actuar Antes, Durante y Despus de una Inundacin
Como Actuar Antes, Durante y Despus de una Inundacin
Como Actuar Antes, Durante y Despus de una Inundacin

Hacer un resumen grupal de lo que han entendido (mx. 1 hoja).

Enviar al correo: martha.calderon@untrm.edu.pe
En Asunto poner el GRUPO

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