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Integrating Technology

into the Curriculum for

Young Children
By Kathleen Trousdale
Title/Captions: None

Narration: Do your young children operate technology

devices without problems, where some of our older
generation struggle?

Images/Video Clips:

Music: None


Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: None

Narration: The picture depicts how technology has

changed over time. Things like the telephone, camera and
typewriter are being used less and less during this day and
age. We no longer even use address books anymore because
everything can be found on their smartphones.
Technology is developing at a rapid rate and more and more
children are being exposed at a really early age. Some
students come to school as young as preschool knowing how
to manipulate these devices.

Images: https://www.tibco.com/blog/wp-

Music: Undecided

Notes: Use animation to show picture.

Evolution of Technology
Title/Captions: none

Narration: These are some examples of what devices

our children are being exposed to before they come to our
classrooms. How can we as educators use our students
interests in technology to provide an educational foundation
to enhance their love of learning?
Images: https://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-


Music: Theme Song for Mario Bros

Notes: Theme song will begin once the console pic pops up.

Title/Captions: none

Narration: These devices can be incorporated into the

learning school day by adding various apps that support
education and the development of basic concepts. Our
children feel comfortable using technology and why not use
this as a strength to enhance their learning capability and

Images: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/global-

Music: None

Emotional Content
Title/Captions: none

Narration: There are many programs that can be utilized to

ensure students are getting what they need from the technology
providing the aid. These apps can be utilized by young children.

Images: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fKRhgnio2g

Music: Example Video

Notes: Start video after narration

Emotional Content
Title/Captions: none

Narration: ABCya, ABC Mouse, Tellagami, and a multitude of many more apps
that can be utilized. There are also apps that can be used with the parents to keep
them up to date on what is going on with their childs education. Class Dojo is a
prime example of this. Parents, teachers, and students are all connected. Each can
see the progress that is taking place and what needs to be worked on. Collaborative
conversations can take place and various notes and praises also can be completed in
this app.




Music: None
Integration into Curriculum
Title/Captions: none

Narration: Kahoot and Plickers are two apps that can be

incorporated into the curriculum that allow teachers to test their
students knowledge through other forms of testing rather than just using
pen and paper.

Images: http://i0.kym-


Music: None

Integration into Curriculum

Title/Captions: none

Narration: Technology is only growing and developing as time

goes on. Using this technique as a teaching tactic will only enhance
the delivery of the content being taught. If we start our students early
using these devices for education then students are more likely to use
these for educational development rather than just using technology
devices for games or other features that may block their educational
Images: https://festes.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/pdinfa.jpg

Music: None


Emotional Content
Title/Captions: none

Narration:As educators in the 21st century we must embrace

that changes that are occurring at a rapid pace. Students are
developing and learning in this time period and we need to use
what they understand to fully get the content and knowledge
being taught to the students. Students learn in various ways and
this is one that is growing. Learners in all grades are using this as
a teaching tactic to try to get through to the students in the


Music: None

Title/Captions: none

Narration: Starting our children young and using this as a

teaching aid allows educators to take advantage of what
students are already interested in to their benefit by enabling
our students to use technology as part of their education.
Once they are started at a young age they will be more prone
to pick up on other technology that is used in higher grades.
Students will start to build on other technology apps and
succeed through the rest of their grades. Integrating
technology in the classroom will greatly benefit our students
and educators should embrace this as a teaching strategy to
get on our students level at an early age.

Images: http://www.atrivu.com/wp-

Music: Undecided


Image 1: (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from http://agreatdayswork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/23185112_s.jpg

Image 2: (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from https://www.tibco.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/rsz_bigstock-desktop-and-
Image 3: (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from https://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/messages.jpg
Image 4: (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from https://images.cellphonerepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/consoles-repair.png
Image 5: (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/global-mobile-phone-apps-icons-splash-24083011.jpg
Video Clip 1: (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fKRhgnio2g
Image 6: (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://img.abcmouse.com/com/abc_3_0/home_page/abcmouse_popup_2.png
Image 7: (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from
Image 8: (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from http://is5.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple3/v4/1a/0c/aa/1a0caae5-e47e-a9a5-aacc-
Image 9 (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017 from https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oN-
Image 10 (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/547/kahoot.gif
Image 11 (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2017, from https://bcpsodl.pbworks.com/f/1477337269/plickers.png
Image 12(n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from https://festes.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/pdinfa.jpg
Image 13 (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from https://image.slidesharecdn.com/technologyinthe21stcenturyclassroomvodcast1-
Image 14 (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from http://www.atrivu.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/TechnologyLearning.gif

Credits Slide/Scene

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